
Wolves raid, loyal cattle savior: The old man of Qinling has been helped by cattle for his good deeds, and the legend of repaying his kindness has come true

author:Cat Secret

In the depths of the Qinling Mountains, there lived an old man over seventy years old, named Uncle Li. Uncle Li lost his father since he was a child, and relied on his mother's hard work and his own hard-working hands to support the whole family. Even in his old age, he still did not stop working, waking up early and returning late every day to take care of his family's small farmland and a few domestic animals.

Uncle Li's family has a loyal and honest buffalo named Rhubarb. This cow was bought from the market by Uncle Li when he was young, and it has been with him for twenty years. Rhubarb not only helps Uncle Li plough the fields and pull the cart, but also often guards his home at the door of his home. Uncle Li is very fond of rhubarb and often chooses the best forage for it to feed.

Wolves raid, loyal cattle savior: The old man of Qinling has been helped by cattle for his good deeds, and the legend of repaying his kindness has come true

On this day, as soon as the sky was bright, Uncle Li got up as usual and prepared to go to the mountain to chop some firewood and come back. At this time, he felt that the weather was a little unusual, the sky was full of dark clouds, and the wind was much stronger than usual. Uncle Li was faintly uneasy in his heart, but he still decided to set off because the firewood at home was running out.

Uncle Li took the rhubarb and walked cautiously along the way. They passed through a dense forest, and suddenly, a cold wind blew, and Uncle Li suddenly felt a chill to his bones. He stopped, looked around, and saw that there was silence all around, and even the birds could not be heard.

Just then, a low roar came from deep in the woods. Uncle Li was shocked in his heart, and immediately realized that this might be the voice of the wolves. He looked at Rhubarb beside him, who also looked very nervous, pricked up his ears, and his eyes were fixed on the front.

Wolves raid, loyal cattle savior: The old man of Qinling has been helped by cattle for his good deeds, and the legend of repaying his kindness has come true

"Oh no, maybe we've run into wolves." Uncle Li thought to himself. He knew that if the wolves found them, it would be a fierce battle. Uncle Li decided to take a risk, because he knew the habits of the wolves, and most of them came out at night to forage for food, and it was not too dangerous now.

However, things did not go as Uncle Li wished. A pack of hungry wolves suddenly rushed out of the woods and surrounded Uncle Li and Rhubarb. The wolves had a fierce look in their eyes and saliva dripping from their mouths, and they had obviously been aiming at them for a long time.

Seeing this, Rhubarb immediately stood in front of Uncle Li, stamped his hooves hard, and let out a low roar, trying to scare off the wolves. Seeing this, instead of flinching, the wolves pounced even more ferociously. A life-and-death struggle is inevitable.

Uncle Li hurriedly pulled out a thick wooden stick from the firewood and prepared to fight the wolves to the death. At this time, Rhubarb had already started a fierce battle with the wolves.

With its sharp horns and strong hooves, it constantly attacked the wolves that pounced, and one wolf was caught by the horns of the rhubarb, and fell heavily to the ground, never to get up again.

Wolves raid, loyal cattle savior: The old man of Qinling has been helped by cattle for his good deeds, and the legend of repaying his kindness has come true

However, the wolves' attacks were even more frenzied, and they seemed determined to tear Uncle Li and Rhubarb to shreds. Rhubarb had been injured in many places, but it still did not flinch and struggled to protect Uncle Li. Uncle Li looked at Rhubarb and couldn't help but burst into tears. He knew that the cow was repaying him with his life for his kindness over the years.

Just when the battle was at its most intense, a wolf suddenly pounced on Uncle Li from the side. Rhubarb's feet were quick, and he leaped to his feet, blocking the fatal blow with his body. The wolf's claws pierced deep into Rhubarb's hind legs, and Rhubarb roared in pain, but it did not fall and still stood tenaciously in front of Uncle Li.

Uncle Li looked at the injured rhubarb, and his heart was like a knife. He knew that if he didn't take action, they could both die. So, with all his might, he swung the stick in his hand and smashed it into the wolves that pounced. One wolf after another was repelled by him, and eventually, the wolves, seeing the stubborn resistance of the two, gradually retreated and disappeared into the depths of the woods.

Wolves raid, loyal cattle savior: The old man of Qinling has been helped by cattle for his good deeds, and the legend of repaying his kindness has come true

The battle was over, and Uncle Li was covered in blood and collapsed to the ground. Rhubarb was also exhausted, the wounds on his hind legs were deep to the bone, and blood was flowing incessantly. Uncle Li barely supported his body, walked to Rhubarb's side, gently stroked its head, and tears couldn't stop flowing.

"Rhubarb, rhubarb, you saved my life." Uncle Li choked up and said. He knew that the cow had exhausted its last strength.

Rhubarb looked at Uncle Li quietly, his eyes were full of affection and attachment to his master. Uncle Li used his last strength to put the rhubarb on the rope and dragged it home step by step.

When he returned home, Uncle Li immediately treated Rhubarb's wound and applied herbs to its wound. Despite this, Rhubarb's hind leg was eventually disabled due to the severity of the injury. It can no longer help Uncle Li work as before, but it is still loyal to its duty and guarding this family.