
Ovarian function declines, no hormones, a magic prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, to help raise "golden" ovaries

author:Zhang Jijin, director of the Department of Gynecology of Hastelloy

Ovarian function declines, menstrual flow is small, and hormones are not used, this recipe to make the ovaries young is given to women all over the world.

Talking to a patient today, she has been having very little menstrual flow this year, in the past two years, before and after, twice in three months, and now she has.

I asked her why she didn't get treatment earlier, and she said, "At first, I thought that the children were so old that it didn't matter if their menstruation came or not, and it would be easy to get rid of them if they didn't come." ”

Ovarian function declines, no hormones, a magic prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, to help raise "golden" ovaries

When asked why she wanted treatment again, she said, "It's so uncomfortable, it's uncomfortable." And it's aging too fast, half a year ago, people said that my daughter and I were like sisters, although it was a joke, but it sounded comfortable. Now, all my old acquaintances ask me if I'm sick. Why are you so emaciated? Alas, this old one is too fast. ”

The ovaries are a woman's second face

But no, the ovaries are a woman's second face, and the ovaries fail before menopause, and the person will collapse. I don't mean a simple skin problem, but the whole person's spirit is broken.

According to the time rhythm of the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing", if you don't add it in time, you will have wrinkles at the age of 35, your hair will turn gray at the age of 42, and you will stop menstruating at the age of 52. If there is an excessive lack of sperm and blood, this aging process will be faster.

Ovarian function declines, no hormones, a magic prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, to help raise "golden" ovaries

Therefore, I keep emphasizing that raising ovaries is not only to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth, but also an important embodiment of the body's "qi and blood level". Today I would like to introduce you to a warm nest recipe with six flavor medicines,

A small recipe for raising ovaries

Small square: purple quartz, keel, oysters, dodder seeds, rehman, wolfberry

Purple quartz is put in the first place, and the reason is simple, because it is the tone of Fangzi". If you want to let the qi and blood run smoothly and let the menstrual blood circulate normally, you must warm the kidneys and warm the uterus.

Cuscuta and wolfberry are two flavored medicines, the liver and kidney are homologous, and the essence and blood are homologous, as long as the liver and kidney are strong, the human body's qi and blood will be smooth and sufficient. Cuscuta seeds replenish yang, wolfberry supplements yin, and can also nourish the liver and kidneys, but the yin and yang are in the same tone, and the effect is better.

Ovarian function declines, no hormones, a magic prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, to help raise "golden" ovaries

Rehmannia can also be used to relieve symptoms such as bone steaming hot flashes, soreness in the waist and knees, night sweats, dizziness, and tinnitus. Finally, keels and oysters can be calming the nerves and symptoms.

The basic party needs to add and subtract dialectically

This recipe will check and fill the gaps in the human body, not only can replenish qi and blood, nourish the liver and kidneys, but also alleviate the symptoms of premature aging in menopause.

Of course, this is only a basic prescription, because there are various types of premature ovarian failure, which can be described as thousands of people, and cannot be generalized, so when symptoms appear, it is better to consult professional Chinese medicine practitioners to find the most suitable method. Don't drag it off, time waits for no one.

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