
After reading the original book, I was sweating, no wonder Tang Seng didn't help the old turtle ask about lifespan, you see what the consequences of doing this are

author:Coffee History C

Tang monk and apprentice after hardships, finally arrived at Lingshan to learn the scriptures, thought that the task was successfully completed, but unexpectedly, an old turtle of the Tongtian River suddenly obstructed, and actually threw the master and apprentice into the river with all the luggage! It turned out that Tang Seng had promised to help the old turtle ask the Buddha when he would be able to get out of his shell and cultivate his human body, but he had no choice but to shake the master, and he lost his words at the last moment.

After reading the original book, I was sweating, no wonder Tang Seng didn't help the old turtle ask about lifespan, you see what the consequences of doing this are

This farce is really incredible, Tang Seng was at fault first but was poisoned, the good teacher encountered this catastrophe, how can the road to learn the scriptures be smooth? Let's look at the old turtle doing this, how Tang Seng cleaned up the mess!

After reading the original book, I was sweating, no wonder Tang Seng didn't help the old turtle ask about lifespan, you see what the consequences of doing this are

On that day, looking at the figure of Tang Seng and his apprentices flying back to Dongtu from Lingshan, who would have expected that they would be stopped by a demon turtle and fall down? It's all to blame Tang Seng for a moment in the Tongtian River, promising the old turtle to ask the Buddha for him to get out of the shell, but the road to learn the scriptures was very difficult, to Lingshan and was reprimanded by the Buddha, such an important task was overwhelming, Tang Seng actually put the little things of the old turtle behind.

The old turtle didn't expect Tang Seng to break his promise and get fat, and immediately went crazy and threw people and horses into the river, it was a bad story. Fortunately, Wukong was alert and hurriedly cast a spell to rescue everyone, otherwise he was afraid that he would be injured on the spot. Seeing Tang Seng being humiliated by this, Wukong was very annoyed, and he rushed forward to knock the old turtle unconscious, after all, this demon turtle almost murdered them back then.

After reading the original book, I was sweating, no wonder Tang Seng didn't help the old turtle ask about lifespan, you see what the consequences of doing this are

"Wait, Wukong, don't be impulsive!" Tang Seng hurriedly stopped Wukong, "I promised the old turtle back then, but I really forgot it. It is also reasonable for the old turtle to be angry, and we will listen to it. "

Seeing this, the old turtle became even more twisted, and said to the masters and apprentices: "I have been practicing for more than a thousand years, and I hope to get out of my shell as soon as possible, but unfortunately I have never fulfilled this wish. At that time, when Elder Tang went to the West Heaven to learn scriptures, I asked the Venerable Master to ask the Buddha about it, but I didn't want you to be half-hearted and didn't ask once. "

"In the final analysis, the little turtle is incompetent and does not become a human body. Now that Elder Tang has successfully learned the scriptures, can you help the little turtle open this mouth again?"

After reading the original book, I was sweating, no wonder Tang Seng didn't help the old turtle ask about lifespan, you see what the consequences of doing this are

After hearing this, everyone laughed dumbly. It turned out that after all the twists and turns, it was for an old turtle to want to cultivate a human body? In order to achieve his goal, the old turtle wantonly harmed the people who learned the scriptures, which is really the so-called "small unbearable and chaotic scheme".

Tang Seng was also a little embarrassed, what he promised to the old turtle was indeed negligent. But the battle is a big national event, how can you be distracted and ask about the life of the old turtle? Besides, in this way, wouldn't you treat the Buddha as a god and tell the hexagram? Besides, what if the old turtle is an adult? As we all know, monsters are easy to fall into adulthood, and if they harm the world again in the future, it will be too unworthy.

After reading the original book, I was sweating, no wonder Tang Seng didn't help the old turtle ask about lifespan, you see what the consequences of doing this are

For a while, the master and apprentice fell into deep thought. The old turtle did not relent, chattering about his grievances, and it seemed that he was determined to force Tang Seng into a corner. Bajie couldn't look at it from the side, and couldn't help but sneer: "You are really a dead turtle, even if you succeed in learning the scriptures, you have to pester and ask about this, I don't know what to do, right?"

"Bajie, don't talk about it!" Tang Seng frowned, and thought for a long time before he slowly spoke, "Although the old turtle did something wrong, I did have a promise back then, and I can't turn a blind eye." Later, when we go back to Datang, I personally go to the incense and pray for the Buddha's guidance to see if the old turtle has cause and effect to support the human body. "

After reading the original book, I was sweating, no wonder Tang Seng didn't help the old turtle ask about lifespan, you see what the consequences of doing this are

"However, even if you give birth to a human body, it still depends on whether the old turtle has a wisdom root in the future, and continuing to practice is the right way. We are all Dharmakaya, so how can we manipulate the life and death of others? It's all up to the old turtle himself. "

Hearing this, the old turtle looked a little lost. It seems that there is not much hope for adulthood, and it is difficult to be reincarnated. However, he also knew that Tang Seng was now a Fruit Arhat, and he was able to talk directly with the Buddha, which was much stronger than before.

After reading the original book, I was sweating, no wonder Tang Seng didn't help the old turtle ask about lifespan, you see what the consequences of doing this are

Seeing that Tang Seng was so sincere, the old turtle couldn't obstruct it anymore, so he had to give up. Several people cast spells and flew to the east, planning to return to Chang'an first, waiting for Tang Seng to ask the Buddha for instructions. There was nothing to say all the way, only the sound of the wind howling......

After reading the original book, I was sweating, no wonder Tang Seng didn't help the old turtle ask about lifespan, you see what the consequences of doing this are

This experience can be described as the most unexpected episode on Tang Seng's westward journey. Who would have expected that Tang Seng would return successfully after learning the scriptures, but he would be unreasonably entangled by an old turtle? But there is nothing more precious in the world than a pious heart. Although Tang Seng missed his promise, he was still sincere in his way to the survival of the old turtle at the last moment, which shows his compassion.

After reading the original book, I was sweating, no wonder Tang Seng didn't help the old turtle ask about lifespan, you see what the consequences of doing this are

The old turtle made chaos for a while, but it was not unreasonable to survive, but the means were a little excessive. However, after this battle, the old turtle must also have a deep understanding that only pious cultivation is the right way, and if he does evil again, he will be punished. It can be seen that Buddhism is boundless but nothing more than that, and as long as people in the world have a pure heart, they can eventually attain enlightenment. #头条首发大赛#