
Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

author:A rose

Zhang Lan and her grandson traveled to Japan, and the time of family affection caused controversy: what is the boundary between live streaming and family fun?

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

In this scorching summer, the trip of Zhang Lan, a strong woman in the business world, and her grandchildren to Japan should have been a warm family time, but unexpectedly sparked a heated discussion about "traffic and family affection".

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

Recently, Zhang Lan shared clips of a happy reunion with her grandchildren in Japan on social media, but in these live videos, Zhang Lan recorded the heartwarming moments of family reunion. But he slapped his grandchildren wildly.

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

Then the video was uploaded to the Internet, which made many netizens feel uncomfortable and questioned whether she was using the opportunity of the family gathering to "rub traffic". After all, the mother of the two children, Da S, once said that for the safety of the children, she did not want the children to be exposed to the public eye too early.

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic
Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

But Zhang Lan seems to turn a deaf ear, although in the video, Zhang Lan seems to be shooting at the backs of the two children, but there are still several perspectives, even a few seconds, exposing the sides and even fronts of the two children.

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

On the surface, it seems that Zhang Lan is very loving and has daily interactions with her grandchildren, but the side and face of the child that are inadvertently exposed are puzzling. This practice quickly caused an uproar on the Internet!


Some netizens commented: "It's obviously a gathering of grandparents and grandchildren who haven't seen each other for many years, how did it become a tool for bouquets?" What's more, he pointed out that Zhang Lan "looked ugly" and questioned whether she really focused on emotional communication with her grandchildren.

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

even questioned the real purpose of Zhang Lan's reunion with her grandchildren! In the face of controversy on the Internet, some fans also defended Zhang Lan, believing that Zhang Lan, as a career-oriented woman, does not forget to earn traffic all the time even if she is on vacation, which reflects her professionalism.

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

At the same time, some people pointed out that Zhang Lan may not have malicious intent in sharing joy with fans in this way, after all, live streaming has become a part of her life. But in any case, this kind of behavior of integrating commercial activities into intimate moments at home has undoubtedly touched the public's sensitive nerves about "family privacy" and "commercial boundaries".

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

It is worth noting that Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei have a rare opportunity to get together with their grandchildren due to divorce agreements and other reasons. Four years of separation make this reunion all the more precious.

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

Therefore, netizens expressed their puzzlement that Zhang Lan still chose to live broadcast in such a precious time, and thought that she should enjoy pure family time more than as a means to increase exposure.

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

The turmoil has once again sparked public thinking about how celebrities can balance their personal lives with their public image, and how they can express their authentic selves on social media and maintain the boundaries of personal privacy.

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren were on vacation in Japan, and they slapped at the children, and were questioned about using the children to earn traffic

In the era when traffic is king, celebrities' every move will be magnified and scrutinized, and how to maintain the feelings of family members and maintain the purity and privacy of the family while maintaining their personal brand is undoubtedly a profound knowledge. For Zhang Lan, how to find the best balance in the controversy may be the next question she needs to think about.


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