
This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, it has not been encountered in 60 years, what is the sign of rain? Know early, know early

author:Rural flowers

Introduction: This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, it has not been encountered in 60 years, what is the sign of rain? Know early, know early

From mid-June to early and mid-July every year, there will be a period of continuous rainy weather in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, at this time it is the time when the plums in the south of the Yangtze River are ripe, so it is called "plum rain", "yellow plum rain", because of the long-term rainy weather, clothes and articles are easy to get wet, so it is also called "mildew rain". The first day of the rainy season is called "Izume", and the day when the rainy season ends is also called "Izume".

This year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, the old people in the countryside say "not met in 60 years", why is this? Let's find out.

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, it has not been encountered in 60 years, what is the sign of rain? Know early, know early

Why is this year's "Izumei" not ordinary?

In general, when the Meiyu front and the main rain belt move out of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River significantly during the Meiyu period, the rainy days in the area within 5 days are less than 2 days, the maximum temperature of each station in the area rises significantly to more than 30°C, and the surface southerly wind speed increases significantly.

But in ancient times, the day of the plum is calculated according to the 24 solar terms and the stems of the earth, the old saying "the summer is not out of the plum", which means that the first of the summer solar terms in the small summer "the day" is the day of the plum, and now the summer solstice has entered the third season, and the small summer solar term is getting closer and closer to us.

This year's Xiaoxia solar term is on July 6, the first day of the sixth lunar month, from the perspective of the sexagenary branch, the day of Xiaoxia is also a "Xinwei Day", which happens to be the day of the plum, so this year's plum day and the Xiaoxiao Festival happen to meet, which shows that it is indeed not ordinary.

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, it has not been encountered in 60 years, what is the sign of rain? Know early, know early

Moreover, the day after the summer heat every year is the day of the plum blossom, and this year's plum is just on the day of the handover of the first day of June, it is obvious that this year's plum is relatively early, and it is also an "early plum", plus the first day of June is also the "new day" of each lunar month, and the three important days are on the same day, which can be said to be a 60-year encounter.

According to the data of the Continental Meteorological Bureau, the average date of the annual plum season is July 9, but it will fluctuate due to a variety of climatic factors. Taking 2023 as an example, many places have announced the time of the plum season. For example, Zhejiang Province rose on July 11, 3 days later than usual; Some areas of Jiangsu Province also had plum blossoms around July 11; In Shanghai, plum blossoms began on July 11, one day later than usual.

Therefore, although this year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, and it falls on the same day as the summer heat, everyone still has to judge the time of the plum according to the actual local weather trend.

In ancient times, there was no weather forecast, and the ancients would speculate on the future weather trend by observing the weather, so as to better carry out agricultural production. Let's take a look at the agricultural proverb, and know it early.

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, it has not been encountered in 60 years, what is the sign of rain? Know early, know early

1, out of Meilong to visit his mother, Huangmei went back again

"Long Tanmu" refers to the rain, this agricultural proverb is to say, if it rains again on the day of the plum blossom, then the weather will be mainly rainy, like in the yellow plum season, hot and humid, which is also the phenomenon of "pouring yellow plum".

Poured yellow plum, also known as "dragon turned back", refers to the plum after ushering in several days of continuous rainfall, but the "poured yellow plum" will not last too long, as short as five or six days, as long as half a month.

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, it has not been encountered in 60 years, what is the sign of rain? Know early, know early

2. Out of the plum thunder sound, 45 days of rain

If there is thunder and rain on the day of the plum blossom, then according to the experience of the ancients, it indicates that there will be a long period of rain in the future. 、

"Forty-five days" does not refer to the exact time, but to a period of time. This year, the plum season is in the summer day, the weather is hot in the summer heat, if there is continuous rainfall is not a bad thing, this can bring cool weather to the dog days after the summer heat, but it should be noted that long-term rainfall will bring heavy waterlogging, which will cause crops to be flooded, unable to photosynthesize, growth will be hindered, so as to affect the harvest of the autumn harvest, so if there is no major flooding, long-term rainfall is a good thing for the hot summer.

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, it has not been encountered in 60 years, what is the sign of rain? Know early, know early

3. If you are not afraid of the rainy season, you are afraid of the plum break

This agricultural proverb says, if you are not afraid of rain, you are afraid that it will not rain. The rain on the day of the plum blossom, as mentioned above, indicates that there will be more rain after that, which can not only bring cool weather, but also provide the necessary water for summer crops, after all, the summer is hot, the water evaporation of the field is faster, the most important thing for crops is sufficient water, and farmers do not have to worry about the lack of water for crops after a long period of rainfall.

If it does not rain in the plum, then the rainfall may be less, in the hot summer, the lack of rainfall is prone to drought, which is not conducive to the growth of crops, after all, the main nutrients of crops come from water, the premise of photosynthesis is to have a humid environment, if the summer is dry, farmers can only water their own farmland, in the rainy weather, the heat is inevitable, farmers can only water the farmland under the scorching sun, so think about it.

This year's "plum blossom" is not ordinary, it has not been encountered in 60 years, what is the sign of rain? Know early, know early

In short, from the perspective of the agricultural proverb, if it rains on the day of the plum blossom, it indicates that there will be more rain afterwards, which will not only bring enough moisture to the summer crops, but also make the dog days after the summer heat cooler. What are your thoughts on this?