
When dependence meets love: the light in a woman's heart, is it dependence or true love?

author:Music loves to share

Hello everyone, have you ever been willing to let go of all your defenses and become dependent and dependent on someone else? So, is it love?

When dependence meets love: the light in a woman's heart, is it dependence or true love?

In the vast sea of people, we will always meet such a person, who is like a lamp in the night, illuminating our way forward. As a result, we unconsciously get closer, begin to depend, and even misinterpret this dependence as love. But is a woman's dependence on a man really love?

Dependence is a kind of emotional sustenance, which allows us to find support when we are tired and find direction when we are confused. Love, on the other hand, is the collision of two hearts, the blending of emotions, which makes us more complete. However, when the sense of dependence is too strong, we may lose ourselves and even forget what love was like in the first place.

When dependence meets love: the light in a woman's heart, is it dependence or true love?

Let's take a look at a real case. Xiao Fang and her boyfriend Xiao Li met on a college campus, and Xiao Li's maturity and stability made Xiao Fang feel at ease. Gradually, Xiao Fang began to rely on Xiao Li, whether it was trivial matters in life or emotional confusion, she would talk to Xiao Li. However, as time goes on, Xiao Fang finds that she is becoming more and more inseparable from Xiao Li, and she begins to fear loss and even begins to question her love.

So, is a sense of dependence love? Perhaps, at some point, a sense of dependence can make us mistakenly think that we have found true love. But true love is a process of mutual growth and mutual support. When we rely too much on one person, we may lose ourselves and even forget our own values and pursuits.

When dependence meets love: the light in a woman's heart, is it dependence or true love?

So, women, when you feel dependent on a man, you might as well stop and ask yourself: Is this really love? Or is it just temporary sustenance? Let us stay independent and confident on the way to pursue love, and find happiness that truly belongs to us.

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