
People who don't contact each other, the feelings will slowly fade (big truth)


If you don't get in touch, you will slowly fade the relationship,

People are far away, hearts are far away,

The distance between each other is far away.

When you get in touch again,

You're still you, I'm still me,

But it feels like

But it is much stranger.

People who don't contact each other, the feelings will slowly fade (big truth)

If you don't contact you, you'll become a stranger after a long time,

Don't take the initiative, don't speak,

There is a gap between them.

On the occasion of reunion,

Insincere greetings,

The sparkle in the eyes,

It's hard to illuminate each other's hearts anymore.

People who don't contact each other, the feelings will slowly fade (big truth)

In the time when there is no communication,

We each searched on our journey,

You have your story,

I added my mark.

The bitterness in my heart turns into a whisper in my wind,

But I can't find a resonant confidant.

The unspoken words sink in the bottom of my heart;

The distance between the hearts is quietly narrowed.

People who don't contact each other, the feelings will slowly fade (big truth)

The end of not communicating,

It is often the trajectory of two parallel lines.

If there is less intersection, there will be less understanding;

The torrent of life makes us each change.

You know, it was me from the past,

I'm familiar with you in the past.

Between us now,

Ignorant of each other,

We missed each other's growth,

At the same time, they also lost each other.

People who don't contact each other, the feelings will slowly fade (big truth)

In fact, it is simple, but it is often overlooked,

But I just can't spare a chance to say hello.

Time is not the cause of the problem, it's just an excuse piled up,

The real regret is that I didn't cherish it.

People who don't contact each other, the feelings will slowly fade (big truth)

If you know how to grasp it,

Where do you sigh with regret after many years?

Where did the alienation and estrangement come from when we reunited?

The price that is not cherished,

It's watching the good pass away.

A former best friend who talked about everything,

Now it has become the brightest star in memories.

No contact,

Feelings really change,

People's hearts will really be far away

People who don't contact each other, the feelings will slowly fade (big truth)

The crowd is surging, and it is not easy to meet,

After meeting, it takes more effort to get to know each other.

May you and me, as adults,

can still retain the innocence of childhood friendship,

It is necessary to know how to keep in touch and maintain a good relationship.

Two people,

The more connected, the closer;


The more you cherish it, the happier you will be!