
Don't shake your hands when you salute cigarettes, don't pinch your mouth when you hand cigarettes, it looks impolite

author:Jianke's ® heart

Etiquette is everywhere in our daily lives. A small gesture, a casual detail, can affect the impression that others have of us. Today, what I want to share with you is some little knowledge about smoking etiquette, that is, "don't shake your hands when you salute cigarettes, don't pinch your mouth when you hand cigarettes", let's take a look at why.

Don't shake your hands when you salute cigarettes, don't pinch your mouth when you hand cigarettes, it looks impolite

Let's talk about "Don't shake your hands at the cigarette". In the traditional culture of the mainland, tobacco worship is a way to express respect and friendship. However, if you shake your hand in the process of saluting the cigarette, it will not be sincere and polite enough. The act of shaking hands feels like a sloppy and disrespectful gesture, which is contrary to the original intention of the cigarette. Therefore, when saluting cigarettes, we should avoid shaking our hands, but should hand them to the other person with both hands to show our respect.

Let's talk about "hand out cigarettes, don't pinch your mouth". In daily life, handing cigarettes is a very common social behavior. However, if you pinch your mouth while handing out a cigarette, it will make people feel uncomfortable. On the one hand, the action of pinching your mouth may make people mistakenly think that you are disgusted by the smell of smoke, and on the other hand, it also seems less atmospheric and restrained. Therefore, when handing out cigarettes, we should try to relax and not pinch our mouths, so that the other party can feel our sincerity.

Don't shake your hands when you salute cigarettes, don't pinch your mouth when you hand cigarettes, it looks impolite

How can we better follow these smoking etiquettes in our daily lives?

We need to be mindful of our movements and expressions at all times. When saluting a cigarette, you should show respect by handing it to the other person with both hands. At the same time, during the process of handing out cigarettes, keep smiling and let the other party feel our friendliness.

We need to learn to observe the other person's reaction. In the process of smoking, pay attention to the posture and expression of the other person so that you can hand over the cigarette at the right time to avoid embarrassing the other person.

Don't shake your hands when you salute cigarettes, don't pinch your mouth when you hand cigarettes, it looks impolite

We need to be good at using polite language. When saluting cigarettes, you can say polite words such as "please smoke" and "sorry for causing you trouble" to let the other party feel our sincerity.

Smoking etiquette is an integral part of our daily lives. Following the principle of "don't shake your hand when you salute a cigarette, don't pinch your mouth when you hand a cigarette", it can not only make us appear more polite in the process of smoking, but also leave a good impression on the other party. Let's work together to inherit and promote these traditional cultures and make our lives better.

Don't shake your hands when you salute cigarettes, don't pinch your mouth when you hand cigarettes, it looks impolite

I would like to say that although smoking etiquette has a deep cultural heritage in the mainland, with the popularization of health awareness, more and more people have begun to pay attention to the harm of smoking to the body. Here, I would like to remind everyone to stay away from tobacco as much as possible, pay attention to your health, and live a happier life.
