
From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

author:Eat melons for the audience


In this colorful entertainment circle, there is a group of special existences, who have been stepping on their parents' Avenue of Fame since they were children, and have been focused by countless eyes, including the "second generation of well-known stars" who have sprouted the hearts of countless aunts - Tiantian.

However, as the years go by, when the former cutie gradually fades away, he is greeted by waves of "capitalist ugly boys" public opinion, which makes people sigh that the story behind this is more tortuous than the TV series.

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

Once a glorious beginning

Recalling "Where Are You Going, Dad", Tian Tian is undoubtedly the most dazzling little star.

Under the camera, he and Sen Die's "Good Couple Tiancheng" CP is simply the best spokesperson for innocence.

remembers that scene, his little appearance of stomping his feet and sulking, coupled with the sentence "I'm not happy", simply turned everyone in front of the screen, and people couldn't help but want to pinch his little face.

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

And his catwalk debut is even more eye-catching, at a young age, the typhoon is steady, as if he was born to be the darling of the stage.

Not to mention that the height of 1.9 meters at the age of 15 is simply inherited from the supermodel gene of his father Zhang Liang, which makes people full of infinite reverie about his future.

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

The controversy caused by appearance and positioning

Time is a magician, and it quietly changes the appearance of the sky.

From a round and lovely toddler to an angular teenager, the changes in appearance every day make the people who eat melons talk about it.

"Oh, how did this kid grow so fast, with single eyelids, big head and narrow shoulders, and that slightly mature face, at first glance I thought it was a young white-collar worker from a company!" Such comments have come and gone on the Internet.

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

As for career planning, Tiantian seems to be moving forward in exploration, from a short attempt by e-sports players, to a short stop in the modeling industry, and finally announced that he wants to enter the entertainment industry, every step is accompanied by incomprehension and doubts from the outside world.

People can't help but ask, why get involved in such a competitive field if you don't go down the road of modeling?

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

The rebellious turmoil of adolescence

If the previous controversy is just an appetizer, then the 14-year-old early love turmoil is simply a hot main dish.

In the photos exposed by the media, the intimate behavior with his girlfriend every day made many fans call "youth comes too early".

This turmoil not only damaged Tiantian's image, but also caused Zhang Liang, a super dad, to fall into a controversy over education methods.

"Zhang Liang, Zhang Liang, your son has been educated, is he too free?" Such voices are heard on the Internet.

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

Zhang Liang's late-night long article, the anxiety and helplessness revealed between the lines, make people see the difficulty of a father, and also make people think, is family education under the halo of stars really so easy?

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

Reflection on education and the environment in which it was raised

The growth environment every day is simply a realistic version of "The Growth of Star Baby", which spreads out the educational troubles behind those glamorous things in front of our eyes.

Imagine that international school, high-end and high-grade, with a foreign concept that seems to have crossed directly from the future, free, inclusive, and unstoppable.

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

But then again, this is much more free, isn't it like the box of colorful chocolates in the child's hand, eating and eating, forgetting what moderation is, the sense of boundaries is this thing, and if you are not careful, you will be blown away by the "free" wind?

Speaking of Zhang Liang, a busy father, the itinerary is faster than the high-speed rail, and the time that can be squeezed out is estimated to be calculated in seconds.

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

This thing, just like the WiFi signal at home, far away from the router (dad), the signal will naturally be weak, every day on the road of growth, there is less of that stable "network speed" - father's personal guidance and warm love, it is inevitable that you will be a little confused, right?

These problems, which are faced every day, are actually "compulsory courses" for many children of star families.

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

Just like different constellations under the same starry sky, each second generation of stars is solving the puzzle of growth in their own way, sometimes dazzlingly, sometimes secretly pondering.

As a melon-eating crowd, looking at these stories, we may also be able to find a little bit of inspiration in the education of our own children, after all, celebrities are also ordinary people, and on the road of parenting, who hasn't stumbled?

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

Public opinion pressure and self-redemption

Every day, just like the song sings, "Life is not only about the past, but also about poetry and distant fields."

In the face of the "unfriendly barrage" flying from all directions, he did not waver, and the boat in his heart was jolting as if he was driving a bumper car conference.

But think about it, which hero didn't come up from Xiao Shrimp leveling and fighting monsters? No matter how strong the wind and rain are, there will always be a sunny day, and maybe you can get a "Fresh Achievement Award After the Rain".

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

At the end of the day, this trip is like playing an upgraded version of "Super Mario", not only to jump over those vitriolic turtle shells, but also to avoid the pit of self-doubt.

The key is that he has to find his "super mushroom", the secret weapon that can make him grow taller and stronger overnight - inner strength.

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

Whether to continue to walk out of the steps of six relatives on the catwalk, or to perform in the entertainment industry to make the audience cry and snot together, or simply change the game map and open up a new world that no one dares to think of, you have to choose every day.

Most importantly, you have to learn to shout in the mirror every day: "Hey, bro, you are you, the one and only!" Don't care what others say, you're not a post-it note on the wall, tear it and change it, you're the limited-edition book with your own signature on the cover. ”

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

Tell the world with practical actions: "I, every day, don't live in other people's scripts, I direct myself, act by myself, and applaud myself." ”

Therefore, our every day is like a rocket preparing for a second launch, the fuel is fully filled, and the target is locked - although the stars are far away, dreams are not just for chasing! No matter how rugged the road ahead is, as long as there is light in the heart, the wind will naturally arise under the feet.

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?

No, every day is ready to jump out of his own rhythm on the stage of life and sing the title song that only belongs to him.

From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly child of capitalists", what has he experienced?


From the "second generation of well-known stars" to the "ugly children of capitalists", Tiantian's story is like a youth drama with ups and downs, and each scene reflects the complex interweaving of society, family, and personal choices.

We look forward to finding our own way every day in this journey of growth, redefining ourselves, and winning true respect and love.

After all, every child is unique, and their growth trajectory should not be defined by simple labels.

In this story, we are both spectators and participants, so we might as well have more understanding and tolerance to witness the blooming of every life.