
Grandma in heaven, how are you doing? I regret now that I didn't give you the last ride

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Li Ming, I am Chinese New Year's Eve five years old, and my family lives in a small county town in Hunan. The family has his wife Xiaofang and two children, a six-year-old son and a three-year-old daughter. I work in a factory in the county seat, working as an ordinary skilled worker, and my daily life is busy and monotonous.

That night, I received a call from my mother, and my voice was a little choked. "Your grandmother is gone, you have to come back quickly." On the other end of the phone, my mother's choked voice made my heart tighten.

"Huh? Grandmother? When was this? "I was speechless for a moment, and I didn't know what to do. My mind flashed with my grandmother's kind smiling face and the fragrant dishes she cooked.

Grandma in heaven, how are you doing? I regret now that I didn't give you the last ride

"Last night, I walked very suddenly, and I couldn't see you for the last time......" Mom's voice choked even more.

Hanging up the phone, I froze where I was. Grandma has always been quite strong, how could she suddenly ...... I remember when I was a child, my grandmother was always busy in the kitchen and always kept the best things for me.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Fang came over and asked with concern when she saw that my face was wrong.

"Grandma is gone." My voice was low.

Grandma in heaven, how are you doing? I regret now that I didn't give you the last ride

"Then you should quickly ask for leave and go back, I will take care of the children here." Fang patted me on the shoulder.

Early the next morning, I packed some simple luggage and hurried to my hometown. Along the way, my heart was heavy, and the scenery outside the car window was rapidly receding, but my heart was like being pressed by something, and I couldn't breathe.

Grandma in heaven, how are you doing? I regret now that I didn't give you the last ride

When I got home, I saw my mother's red and swollen eyes and my grandmother's mourning hall, and I finally couldn't help it, and tears came out of my eyes. Grandma was lying in the cold coffin, and the face that was once familiar and warm now seemed so pale and unfamiliar.

"Xiao Ming, you're back." Cousin Li Ping is also there, she is also her grandmother's favorite granddaughter. She barely managed to squeeze out a smile when she saw me.

"Why did Grandma leave all of a sudden?" I asked, choked up.

"The doctor said it was a heart attack, and when he came, he was hopeless......" Li Ping's eyes were also filled with tears.

I stood in front of the mourning hall in a daze, looking at the portrait of my grandmother, remembering her kindness to me, and feeling indescribable remorse in my heart. My grandmother used to be so kind to me, but I was busy with work, and I rarely came home, and I didn't even see the last one.

Grandma in heaven, how are you doing? I regret now that I didn't give you the last ride

On the day of the funeral, relatives came, and the atmosphere was unusually solemn. The old people in the village were talking about how kind and helpful my grandmother was when she was alive.

"Li Ming, come over and help help the coffin." My cousin Li Qiang called me.

I walked over and, together with a few other relatives, carefully lifted the coffin. At that moment, my feelings were extremely complicated, both grief and guilt. How could I not be by my grandmother's side in her last days?

Grandma in heaven, how are you doing? I regret now that I didn't give you the last ride

"Grandma, you're going all the way." I whispered, tears blurring my eyes.

After the funeral, I stood alone in front of my grandmother's grave and refused to leave for a long time. Mom came over and patted me on the shoulder.

"Don't be too sad, Grandma is watching you from heaven." She reassured.

Grandma in heaven, how are you doing? I regret now that I didn't give you the last ride

"Mom, I regret why I didn't come back to see my grandmother earlier." My voice choked.

Mom sighed, "You also have your responsibilities and family, Grandma will understand." ”

When I got home, I couldn't calm down for a long time. In the evening, Xiaofang saw that I was sad and brought a bowl of hot soup.

"Don't think too much, people are gone, and those who are alive have to live a good life." She whispered.

Grandma in heaven, how are you doing? I regret now that I didn't give you the last ride

"I know, it's just...... I always feel that I owe a lot to my grandmother. I said helplessly.

Xiaofang held my hand, "Grandma is watching you from the sky, she will hope that you are doing well, you have to cheer up." ”

Grandma in heaven, how are you doing? I regret now that I didn't give you the last ride

Her words made me feel a little better. Yes, my grandmother in heaven must want us to live a good life, and she doesn't want to see me immersed in sadness all the time.

The days gradually returned to peace, but the figure of my grandmother always lingered in my mind. In the dead of night, I always think of my grandmother's kindness to me, and my heart is full of regret and remorse.

That night, I had a dream that my grandmother was busy in the kitchen and said to me with a smile, "Xiao Ming, come and eat." ”

I walked over and saw that the table was full of my grandmother's dishes, and my heart warmed. But when I reached for my chopsticks, everything suddenly became blurry. I woke up with a jolt and found myself in tears.

"Xiaofang, I dreamed of my grandmother." I whispered to my wife beside me.

"What did you dream about?" She asked, confused.

"I dreamed that she was cooking for me, just like when I was a child......" I sighed.

Xiaofang hugged me, "The dream is the opposite, grandma is telling you that she is doing well over there, don't blame yourself anymore." ”

Grandma in heaven, how are you doing? I regret now that I didn't give you the last ride

I nodded, but I still couldn't let go of it. So I decided to take my family to my grandmother's grave, put incense sticks on her, and let the children see their great-grandmother.

That day, I took Xiaofang and the children to my grandmother's grave. The son asked curiously, "Dad, who is here?" ”

"It's your great-grandmother, a very kind old man." I touched my son's head.

Grandma in heaven, how are you doing? I regret now that I didn't give you the last ride

Xiaofang and I lit incense and burned paper money in front of the grave. The daughter was innocently playing on the sidelines, not knowing what that meant. I looked at the children and felt a lot of emotion in my heart, this is how life is passed down from generation to generation, and the deceased will live forever in our memories.

"Xiao Ming, grandma will definitely bless you in heaven." Xiao Fang held my hand and comforted.

"yes, I know." I took a deep breath as if my grandmother was right next to me, looking at us kindly.

When I got home, I decided to go back with my family to see the elderly more often. Life is short, we should cherish the people in front of us and not let ourselves leave regrets.

"Xiaofang, in the future, we will take our children home to see their parents, they are old and need our company." I said to my wife seriously.

"Okay, I think I should go back and see more." Xiao Fang smiled in response.

Life continues to move forward, we learn to cherish the happiness in front of us, and we also understand the value of family affection. Although my grandmother is no longer there, her love will always be in our hearts. Whenever I think of her smiling face, I can feel her warmth and care.

Time slowly diluted the sadness, but the figure of my grandmother will always remain in my memory and become the warmest memory in my heart. She is in heaven and will definitely see that we are doing well and will definitely feel good for us.

So, I decided to cherish everything in front of me, give my family more love and companionship, and don't let myself have any regrets.

One night a few months later, I received a phone call from my cousin Li Jie from my hometown. His voice was hurried, "Brother, grandma fell and is now hospitalized, can you come back?" ”

"What? Grandma fell? "My heart tightened.

"The doctor said that the situation was not very optimistic, and someone had to be there to take care of it." Li Jie's voice was full of helplessness and anxiety.

"Okay, I'll take a leave of absence and go back immediately." After hanging up the phone, I quickly packed my luggage and said to Xiaofang, "Grandma fell down, I have to go back quickly." ”

"I'll stay with you, the children haven't seen their grandmother for a long time." Xiaofang said.

Our family rushed back to our hometown overnight. When I arrived at the hospital, I saw my grandmother lying on the hospital bed, pale and depressed. When she saw me, there was a twinkle in her eye.

"Xiao Ming, you're back......" Grandma said weakly.

"Grandma, how are you feeling?" I shook her hand and asked distressedly.

"It's okay, it's just that I'm old, and my bones don't fall." Grandma smiled wryly.

The doctor said that the grandmother had a broken leg and needed to be hospitalized for observation for a period of time. I decided to take a few days off work and take care of her in the hospital with Xiaofang. After Xiaofang and the children were busy beside them, Grandma looked at them with a slight smile on her face.

"Grandma, you must take good care of your injuries, we are all here with you." Xiao Fang said softly.

"With you here, I feel much more at ease." Grandma nodded.

Every day is dull, but it is also full of warmth. Xiaofang and I took turns taking care of my grandmother, and the children would also play in the ward, which made my grandmother feel better. Seeing my grandmother gradually getting better, I felt a little more relaxed.

"Brother, it's not a way for you to stay in the hospital like this, or my uncle and I will take turns to take care of grandma." Cousin Li Jie proposed.

"It's okay, Xiaofang and I can't stay in the hospital all the time, and the children still have to go to school." I nodded in agreement.

Before leaving, I told my grandmother to take care of her injuries and left her some living expenses. My grandmother held my hand, her eyes full of gratitude and reluctance.

"Xiao Ming, your family has to be fine, I don't have to worry about it here." Grandma said.

"Grandma, don't worry, we will come to see you often." I comforted her.

When I got home, my life gradually returned to peace. Xiaofang and I decided to take more time to go back to see grandma, which can be regarded as making up for the debt to our elders.

That night, Xiao Fang suddenly said to me, "Xiao Ming, I think we can consider moving back to our hometown in the future and being closer to the elders?" ”

I was stunned for a moment, "Moving back to my hometown?" But what about my job here? ”

"You can find out if there is a suitable job in my hometown, I can also find a job as a nurse in the hospital in my hometown, and the children can also go to school in my hometown, but it has a more family atmosphere." Xiao Fang said seriously.

I began to think seriously about this proposal. The family affection and the pressure of life in my hometown are indeed difficult to achieve both. Perhaps moving back to your hometown is a good choice to take care of your elders and allow your children to grow up in a closer environment.

"I'll think about it, and if there's a suitable job, we'll move back." I said to Xiaofang.

A few days later, I started looking online for job opportunities in my hometown. Finally, I found a technical position in a factory in my hometown, and the pay was good. After a few interviews, I was able to get the job.

"Xiaofang, I have found a job, we can move back to our hometown." I said to her excitedly.

"Great, so that we can always be with our elders." Xiaofang was also very happy.

We began to prepare for the move, and although the children were reluctant to make friends here, they were also full of expectations for life in their hometown. Although the process of moving was hectic, the thought of being able to be with my elders made me feel very relieved.

A new life began, I quickly adapted to my new job, and Xiaofang also found a suitable job in the hospital in her hometown. Every weekend, we would take the kids to visit grandma, chat with her, and help her with household chores.

Grandma saw that our family was doing well, and a smile appeared on her face that she had not seen for a long time. She said, "With you here, I don't feel alone." ”

This sentence warmed my heart. Family affection is the most precious wealth, we must cherish every moment in front of us, and do not let ourselves leave regrets.

However, life doesn't always go the way people want it to. One night, I suddenly received a call from my mother, her voice was urgent, "Xiao Ming, your father had an accident on the construction site, and now he is in the hospital, you hurry up." ”

When I heard this, my heart suddenly became nervous, "What's wrong with Dad?" Is it serious? ”

"The doctor said the situation is not good, you should come quickly." Mom's voice was full of helplessness and anxiety.

I hurried to the hospital with Xiaofang and saw my father lying on the hospital bed, his face pale, his body full of various tubes, and my mother with red eyes on the side.

"The doctor said your dad had a head injury and needed emergency surgery, but the situation was not optimistic." Mom choked up.

When I heard this, I felt like the sky was going to fall. Dad has always been the pillar of the family, how could something suddenly happen? I held my father's hand tightly and silently prayed in my heart that he would get through it.

The operation lasted for a few hours, and the doctor came out and shook his head, "The injury is too serious, we tried our best." ”

I felt like all my strength was drained in an instant, and I sat down on the ground. Mom threw herself over and hugged her father, crying bitterly. I also burst into tears, my heart full of pain and helplessness.

Dad's departure was a huge blow to our family, and Grandma wiped tears after learning the news. The whole family was in grief, and I could only endure the grief and deal with my father's funeral.

"Xiao Ming, you have to be strong, you are now the pillar of the family." Mom said to me.

I nodded, and silently vowed in my heart that I must take good care of my family and not let my father down.

Life goes on, and we slowly come out of our grief. Xiaofang and I worked harder, and the children became much more sensible. Every weekend, we still go to see grandma, talk to her, and help her with housework.

One day, my grandmother said to me, "Xiao Ming, your father is gone, but you have to be strong, and life has to go on." ”

I nodded, "Grandma, I'll take care of this family." ”

My grandmother held my hand, her eyes full of kindness and expectation. She said, "I'm relieved to have you." ”

This sentence warmed my heart. Family affection is the most precious wealth, we must cherish every moment in front of us, and do not let ourselves leave regrets.

As the days passed, Xiaofang and I found a balance in our busy lives. Although life is not easy, as long as the family is together, there is hope and strength.

Time flies, and it's another year in the blink of an eye. Grandma's health is gradually improving, and the children are also adjusting well in the school in their hometown. Xiaofang's work and I have gradually stabilized, and although the days are dull, they are full of warmth.

One night, Xiaofang and I were chatting on the balcony about our future plans. She said, "Xiao Ming, we haven't traveled for so long, why don't we take the children out for a walk this year and relax." ”

I nodded, "Okay, where are you going?" ”

Xiaofang smiled and said, "The children have always wanted to go to the beach to play, so let's go to Sanya." ”

We started planning this family trip, and the kids jumped for joy when they learned about it. I looked at their smiling faces and was filled with anticipation.

The day of travel finally arrived, and our family embarked on a journey to Sanya. The scenery by the sea is stunning, and the children are running and playing on the beach, laughing constantly. Xiaofang and I sat on the beach chairs, watching all this, feeling the relaxation and pleasure that we had not felt for a long time.

"Xiao Ming, this trip is really good, let's take the children out to play once a year in the future." Xiao Fang proposed.

"Okay, this will also enhance the relationship of the family." I replied with a smile.

At the end of the trip, we returned home with a lot of memories. Life goes on, but our hearts are filled with hope and longing for the future.

One day, my grandmother suddenly said to me, "Xiao Ming, I had a dream, I dreamed of your grandmother, she was doing well over there, and said that you should live a good life." ”