
What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

author:A cold white-skinned beauty

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In Taiwan, the marriage between Big S (Xu Xiyuan) and Gu Junye is like a stunning firework, which has caused a lot of waves in the entertainment industry.

From the exposure of their relationship to the wedding feast, their love story has not only become a hot topic on social media, but also aroused widespread attention and discussion among Taiwanese netizens.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Some people lament that love can cross borders, some people are full of expectations for cultural integration, and some people type out enthusiastic and imaginative messages in the comment area, each of which has resonated like a spark.

What role does this transnational marriage play in the hearts of Taiwanese netizens?

Let's demystify this discussion together.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

The marriage of Big S (Xu Xiyuan) and Gu Junye has set off a huge wave in the entertainment industry, and their union has not only attracted widespread attention, but also become the focus of heated public discussion.

As two artists with important influence in the Asian entertainment industry, their romance and married life have attracted much attention.

Da S is a well-known Taiwanese artist, while Gu Junye is a Korean artist, and the union of this multinational couple symbolizes a kind of cultural integration and exchange.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

In the early days of their relationship, the relationship between Da S (Xu Xiyuan) and Gu Junye attracted great interest and attention from the media and the public like a firework.

When their relationship was exposed, major media outlets rushed to report it, and every action and remark made headlines at the time.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

On social media, netizens also quickly ignited a wave of discussion, and for a while, Da S and Gu Junye became the focus of everyone's mouth.

There are many people who have expressed their sincere wishes and concern for the love story of the new couple.

They are seen as a model of transnational marriage, symbolizing that love can transcend borders and cultural differences.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

This kind of marriage and love across two Asian countries is not only a private affair between two people, but also a symbol of cultural exchange and understanding.

In today's globalization and informatization, such marriages are no longer rare, but each couple is like a cultural collision, making people feel the diversity and richness of the world.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Some people also expressed concerns and doubts about the cultural differences between Da S and Gu Junye.

After all, Taiwan and South Korea have different languages, foods, customs, and social backgrounds, and these differences can bring challenges and friction in everyday life.

But it is in these challenges that Da S and Gu Junye show their tolerance and understanding, and interpret the possibility of cross-cultural marriage with their actions.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

As a well-known artist in Taiwan, Da S's every choice and decision touches the hearts of many fans.

And Gu Junye, as a star in South Korea, also carries the public's high attention and expectations for him.

The two showed their sincerity and determination in front of the public, fearless of doubts and pressure from the outside world.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

This courage and perseverance is not only for their own happiness, but also to send a positive message to the world: love knows no borders, as long as the heart is in touch, and cultural differences are just an opportunity to enrich and learn from each other.

The two finally entered the palace of marriage.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

The wedding was not only a great event in their personal lives, but also a cultural feast.

Da S and Gu Junye blended the wedding customs of China and South Korea in their wedding, demonstrating their respect and understanding of each other's cultures.

This wedding not only symbolizes the crystallization of their love, but also symbolizes the exchange and integration of the two cultures.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

The public's attention is not limited to the wedding itself.

After getting married, every public appearance and interaction between Da S and Gu Junye has become a topic of conversation among the media and netizens.

Their married life has been widely reported and discussed, from the bits and pieces of daily life to the handling of major events, it has become the focus of attention.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

In this context, netizens in different regions have different opinions about their marriage.

Taiwanese netizens are generally supportive of the marriage of Da S and Gu Junye, believing that their union is a brave expression of love.

Some netizens also affirmed the victory of Da S's ex-husband Wang Xiaofei in the second trial, which to a certain extent enhanced their trust in the fairness of Taiwan's law.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Netizens in other regions also expressed their opinions.

Some netizens in Liaoning expressed their disappointment with Ai Fukuhara's cheating behavior, believing that it had a bad impact on her public image.

Some netizens showed strong national sentiments about a painting that Big S was fighting for, believing that if the painting was brought to South Korea, it would be a humiliation to China.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

In addition to the discussion of the marriage of Da S and Gu Junye, netizens also expressed their opinions on the personal problems of other stars.

For example, Cecilia Cheung was thought to have ruined herself by some netizens because of her many words.

Wu Qingfeng and the Green Troupe Band have been understood and supported by niche band lovers.

Netizens believe that it is almost impossible for people in the entertainment industry not to care about fame and fortune, because this is human nature.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

While discussing celebrities, netizens also expressed different views on musician Luo Dayou.

Some argue that Luo's music and political stance raise questions of cognition, while others argue that his music is imbued with profound social significance.

Some netizens pointed out that having certain innate abilities is both painful and happy, and believe that common hobbies often require financial support.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

In the face of such a diversity of public opinion, I believe that there are several aspects that need to be analyzed in depth.

For the pursuit of fame and fortune, we should understand that it is a basic human need.

In the entertainment industry, there is nothing wrong with celebrities gaining fame and wealth through their own efforts.

What matters is how to maintain inner balance and personal happiness while pursuing fame and fortune.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Fame and fortune are not the whole of life, true happiness comes from inner satisfaction and love of life.

Transnational marriage, as a form of cultural exchange, has a positive significance.

The marriage of Da S and Gu Junye is not only the combination of two people, but also the collision and integration of two cultures.

By respecting each other's cultural differences, they found a common language and way of getting along.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

This is a revelation for us, in today's globalized world, transnational marriages and cross-cultural exchanges are becoming more and more common, and we should face and understand this phenomenon with tolerance and openness.

The media plays an important role in public opinion.

Media reports not only influence public perception, but also guide the direction of public opinion to a certain extent.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

When reporting on celebrities' marriages and personal lives, the media should remain objective and impartial, not exaggerate the facts, and not create gimmicks.

We also call on the public to remain rational in the face of online speech, avoid being swayed by emotions, and form a rational and inclusive public opinion environment.

From the life of celebrities, we can draw a lot of positive energy.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Da S and Gu Junye use their actions to prove the power of love and the possibility of cultural integration.

They have shown great courage and wisdom in the face of life's challenges and in dealing with personal problems.

This positive attitude and lifestyle is worth learning from.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

The marriage between Da S and Gu Junye not only had a profound impact on the entertainment industry, but also triggered extensive discussions and thoughts in society.

We should look at the lives of celebrities with tolerance and understanding, absorb the positive energy in them, and improve our quality of life and happiness.

What do Taiwanese people think of Big S and Gu Junye? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

We also hope that the media can report more objectively and fairly, and promote social progress and cultural exchanges.

We look forward to more cross-cultural communication and integration, and to a more open and inclusive world.

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