
614 points girl refuses 985 to choose double non! In order to realize the dream of flying, her choice made the whole village boil

author:Listen to Sister Cat's story

In the tide of the college entrance examination in 2021, a girl from Sichuan, Zhang Shiyu (pseudonym), stood out with an excellent score of 614 points.

614 points girl refuses 985 to choose double non! In order to realize the dream of flying, her choice made the whole village boil

However, what is unexpected is that she did not choose the 985 and 211 schools that many candidates dream of, but resolutely applied for a "double non" college.

This unexpected choice not only caused a stir locally, but also sparked a lively discussion across the country about educational choices and personal dreams.

From small-town girl to prospective pilot

Zhang Shiyu was born in a small town in Sichuan, and her personality has been different from ordinary people since she was a child. She always likes to look up at the sky, her eyes sparkling with longing for the blue sky, while the other children are still cheering for the candy.

614 points girl refuses 985 to choose double non! In order to realize the dream of flying, her choice made the whole village boil

I still vividly remember that it was the summer when I was five years old. The parade was on TV, and when the warplanes were whizzing by, I thought to myself that one day I would be able to fly the planes.

Zhang Shiyu planted a seed in her heart, and as she grew older, this dream was not erased, but became clearer.

The arduous journey of flying against the wind and sticking to your dreams

But the road to dreams is never easy. In this society that attaches great importance to academic qualifications, Zhang Shiyu's choice is undoubtedly against the current.

614 points girl refuses 985 to choose double non! In order to realize the dream of flying, her choice made the whole village boil

"When I first said I wanted to be a pilot, many people thought I was whimsical," Zhang Shiyu said with a smile, "and even my parents thought that I was watching too many TV dramas on a whim."

Zhang Shiyu did not lose heart, but actively collected information about pilots, in-depth understanding of the necessary conditions to become a pilot, and what made her even happier was that there were even girls who had the opportunity to become pilots, which made her dream fire more and more vigorous.

Zhang Shiyu chased her dreams and made a lot of efforts. She wakes up at 5 a.m. every morning for a morning jog and keeps a strict diet to stay in optimal shape. In her spare time, she also studied English and physics. "I know that to become a good pilot, you need not only good physical fitness, but also solid theoretical knowledge." Zhang Shiyu said.

614 points girl refuses 985 to choose double non! In order to realize the dream of flying, her choice made the whole village boil

The results of the college entrance examination were an unexpected surprise

In the 2021 college entrance examination, Zhang Shiyu proved himself with a score of 614, and when the results were announced, the whole family was so excited that they burst into tears.

To be honest, I'm quite happy with this result. It was a little better than I expected. But I care more about whether this score can help me achieve my dream of flying than the score.

Unexpected choice

But when Zhang Shiyu announced her choice, everyone was shocked. She gave up the olive branches of many 985211 and other famous universities, and instead threw herself into a "double non" college - Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force Aviation University.

614 points girl refuses 985 to choose double non! In order to realize the dream of flying, her choice made the whole village boil

"A lot of people think I'm in the water." Zhang Shiyu recalled, "Some people asked me if I had been deceived, and others said that I was wasting my scores, but only I knew that this was the place I wanted to go the most."

Rational thinking is the decision behind it

Zhang Shiyu's choice was deliberate, she studied the schools, professional characteristics and employment prospects, and found the most suitable direction for herself.

I understand that in the eyes of many people, the name of "211" university is very eye-catching," Zhang Shiyu said frankly, "but for me, whether I can chase my dream is the most important thing." Although the Air Force Aviation University is not "985" or "211", it is the best choice for training pilots. ”

The pride of the whole village

To Zhang Shiyu's surprise, after the public choice, she became the pride of the whole village. The villagers praised his heart for chasing his roots.

614 points girl refuses 985 to choose double non! In order to realize the dream of flying, her choice made the whole village boil

"Our village hasn't had a pilot for a long time," the village elder Li said with a smile, "Shiyu, this girl has ambition, and our village will be famous in the future."

The social response is mixed

Her decision caused an uproar, and Zhang Shiyu's story quickly became popular on the Internet and sparked heated discussions. Some people praise her bravery, believing that her choice reflects the unremitting pursuit of personal ideals; There are also those who are skeptical of her decision, believing that she may regret it.

Let's see what other people have to say, and the comments say that I think Zhang Shiyu's choice is particularly cool. "In this era when everyone wants to pursue the halo of a prestigious school, it is really amazing to have the courage to follow your heart.

Let's see what others have to say, saying that he understands her thoughts about chasing her dreams, but that giving up the opportunity to 985211 is riskier, and he hopes she won't regret her decision.

614 points girl refuses 985 to choose double non! In order to realize the dream of flying, her choice made the whole village boil

Data support is not unique

In fact, choices like Ms. Zhang's are not unique. Data and authoritative data show that according to the data of the Ministry of Education, high-scoring candidates who choose to study in non-985 and 211 colleges and universities have shown an upward trend in recent years. In 2020, more than 5,000 candidates with a score of 600 or above across the country chose non-985 and 211 universities.

Experts believe that when choosing a university, students pay more attention to their personal interests and career plans than to school rankings. Finding the right university for you is the key.

614 points girl refuses 985 to choose double non! In order to realize the dream of flying, her choice made the whole village boil

Implications and prospects

Zhang Shiyu's story really inspired us! When faced with life's important decisions, we really shouldn't be imprisoned by worldly opinions, but should be brave enough to listen to our inner voice.

At this time, this story also provokes us to think about the education system. Perhaps it's time to revisit our educational evaluation system and give students more choice.

Zhang Shiyu said that there is still a long road ahead, full of challenges, but as long as we are firm in our dreams, we will definitely be able to fly higher.

We firmly believe that Zhang Shiyu's future will drive a war eagle and soar into the blue sky, and her story will definitely inspire more young people to bravely pursue their dreams and soar freely in the sky!