
Lugouqiao's "off the spectrum" of fees, the commercialization of patriotic education bases? It started in 2013

author:Shell knee 2464
Lugouqiao's "off the spectrum" of fees, the commercialization of patriotic education bases? It started in 2013

It is understandable to charge fees anywhere else, but the fees charged by patriotic education bases are chilling, and it is too big to pay fees to receive patriotic education.

Lugouqiao's "off the spectrum" of fees, the commercialization of patriotic education bases? It started in 2013

Recently, "Lugou Bridge has begun to charge" has sparked heated discussions on the Internet, 20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for students! To be honest, the fees are not high compared to the major scenic spots, but it feels weird and unmotivated. Some netizens revealed: "Once I wanted to go to the martyrs' cemetery to pay respects to the revolutionary martyrs, but I was told to buy tickets, I was very confused, and I gave up decisively." "This ...... I feel the sorrow of society! The place of patriotic education should not be charged, and the blood of the predecessors cannot be used to earn money.

Lugouqiao's "off the spectrum" of fees, the commercialization of patriotic education bases? It started in 2013

As we all know, Lugou Bridge is famous all over the world for the July Seven Incident, an ancient bridge, an unforgettable history, even charged, and the appearance is extremely ugly. Lost the face of the countrymen! Netizens ridiculed: It's good to charge early, so that the Japanese can't come at all, and there will be no 77 incident. It's a bit too late to charge now. The ironclad evidence of Japan's invasion of China, it is recommended to let the Japanese come and have a look, and then charge a high fee, and explain it truthfully!

Lugouqiao's "off the spectrum" of fees, the commercialization of patriotic education bases? It started in 2013

According to unreliable sources, the charge of 20 yuan per person is the first phase, and the second phase is to build a scenic gate two kilometers away, purchase a sightseeing car, and charge another 20 yuan per person for transportation, which is the standard of the scenic spot! Patriotic education should be vigorously propagated and encouraged to let the Chinese people, especially teenagers and children, take a look at it. It's okay to charge, but the key is who owns the money and where is it spent? The things left by the ancestors cannot be turned into a tool for some people to accumulate wealth.

Lugouqiao's "off the spectrum" of fees, the commercialization of patriotic education bases? It started in 2013

Every piece of land with scenery in China is a natural landscape and land gifted to people by heaven and earth, why is it always occupied by capital by various means as a source of benefits? This question is worth pondering!

Lugouqiao's "off the spectrum" of fees, the commercialization of patriotic education bases? It started in 2013

After a little understanding of Lugou Bridge, I found out that it was all misunderstood! In fact, the Lugou Bridge has not only recently started to be charged. Lugou Bridge has been charging tourists since August 3, 2013. The reason for the charge is implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the People's Government of Fengtai District, Beijing and the National Development and Reform Commission. As of the latest data, the fee for Lugou Bridge is 20 yuan per person per time, and 10 yuan for students. Persons with disabilities and retired personnel can be free of charge with relevant certificates. The museum is usually open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and ticket sales close at 16:30 and the museum is closed on Mondays. Since the introduction of the fee, the ticket price and opening hours of Lugou Bridge have basically remained stable, providing tourists with plenty of time to visit.

Lugouqiao's "off the spectrum" of fees, the commercialization of patriotic education bases? It started in 2013

As an ancient stone-built arch bridge in Beijing, Lugou Bridge is not only a national key cultural relics protection unit, but also a patriotic education base, and the implementation of its charging policy aims to better protect and manage this important cultural heritage. The implementation of the toll system may be to ensure that the daily maintenance, safety and protection of the Lugou Bridge and the transmission of cultural values are adequately financially supported. #卢沟桥收费##卢沟桥现在的样子##文化遗产保护##维护古建筑##爱国主义教育景点应不应该收费#

Lugouqiao's "off the spectrum" of fees, the commercialization of patriotic education bases? It started in 2013

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