
was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

author:Dashing droplets

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In the women's 100-meter hurdles final of the National Track and Field Championships on June 30, Wu Yanni won the championship in 12.74 seconds, Lin Yuwei won the runner-up, and Xia Sining won the fourth place.

Wu Yanni got rid of the reputation of "Wu Lao Er", and her pre-game warm-up practice action sparked discussions, and was praised this time.

Yili left a message of congratulations, fans were excited to support, Wu Yanni helped the fallen cameraman to show love after sprinting, and confidently talked about achievements and future in the post-game interview.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

After the game, Wu Yanni did not forget those who were silently cheering behind the scenes.

She shared the moment of glory on social media, and the text was full of deep gratitude to her supporters.

The messages from the fans poured in like a tidal wave, and every sentence was like a cheer on the side of the field, warm and powerful.

Wu Yanni responded one by one, and the affinity seemed as if she was celebrating with everyone through the screen.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

The time before the game is always a little nervous and anticipating.

Wu Yanni and Xia Sining, the two "sisters", fought side by side on the training ground, and the interaction between them not only had the spark of competition, but also the warmth of mutual support.

In a pre-game vignette, Wu Yanni's impromptu performance caused Xia Sining to laugh, and this scene was captured and quickly fermented on the Internet.

What was once questioned and ridiculed has turned into praise and admiration at this moment.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

Netizens began to redefine Wu Yanni - an eclectic athlete with both strength and personality.

On the day of the competition, Wu Yanni's performance was textbook-level.

She was like an arrow off the string, speeding on the track, not only crossing the line with an absolute advantage, but also showing a "super long standby" sprint, running straight to the photographer and supporting him in time when he accidentally fell.

This move is not only a proof of her physical strength, but also the best interpretation of sportsmanship.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

In the interview session, Wu Yanni stood in front of the camera, and her calmness was difficult to ignore.

When she talks about her personal best, her face is not filled with pride, but with infinite hope for the future.

Hidden in her words is the persistence of every training session, every fall and restart, and the desire for a higher goal.

In addition to her sassy and heroic appearance on the field, some of Wu Yanni's "off-court skills" have also become hot topics.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

Her makeup, for example, always remains perfect in the heat of competition, as if she has some kind of special agreement with Wind Speed that does not allow any stray hair to spoil her "battlefield" image.

And her signature expression management is even more talked about by netizens, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a unique scenery on the field.

When Wu Yanni's name is mentioned, I have to mention her international influence.

Once, the British "Daily Star" used a full page to tell how this Chinese girl used her strength to fight back against the doubts of the outside world, watered her dreams with sweat, and finally appeared on the world stage in her own way.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

Her story has inspired countless young athletes, telling them that sometimes, the most powerful way to fight back is to speak with your performance.

As for the road to the Olympics, Wu Yanni's victory has undoubtedly added a strong touch to her journey.

Will she be able to continue to break into the Olympics and beyond with this momentum? Time will tell.

But what is certain is that no matter what kind of challenges lie ahead, Wu Yanni will move forward step by step with that unique confidence and tenacity.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

With Wu Yanni's amazing performance on the track and field again and again, she has not only become the pride of the Chinese people, but also gradually emerged in the international sports arena.

If she is a lightning-fast existence on the field, then off the field, she has built a bridge of communication with fans with sincerity and enthusiasm.

On social media, Wu Yanni often shares her training routine, those moments when the sweat soaks through the back of her clothes, and those clips of laughing and playing with her teammates, all of which make fans feel her cordiality and authenticity.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

She occasionally posts photos of her "non-professional" life, such as a kitchen adventure to try new recipes, or the beautiful scenery captured during her travels, these life-like sharing allows people to see the other side behind the aura of athletes - an ordinary girl who loves life and has the courage to try.

Wu Yanni's success is not accidental, behind her is hard training day after day, year after year.

In order to improve her explosiveness and speed, she often works with the coaching team to make countless adjustments and optimizations to the technical details.

The rhythm of each hurdle and the landing posture of each step are the result of countless repetitions.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

It is this unremitting effort that allows her to be comfortable in the field and win against strong opponents.

In addition to personal honors, Wu Yanni also attaches great importance to the power of teamwork.

In her opinion, the track team is a big family, and each member has their own role and importance.

She often encourages her teammates, especially young players like Xia Sining, to tell them that in the face of difficulties and challenges, staying optimistic and persevering is the most valuable asset.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

This positive influence makes the atmosphere of the whole team more positive and the cohesion is greatly enhanced.

In terms of social impact, Wu Yanni has gradually become a communicator of positive energy.

She participates in public welfare activities, using her influence to call for more people to pay attention to youth sports education, encourage children to actively participate in sports activities, and cultivate healthy living habits.

Wu Yanni believes that sports can not only build a strong body, but also hone the will, cultivate team spirit and sense of responsibility.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

As for her future, Wu Yanni did not stop at her current achievements.

She has an even bigger dream in her heart – to represent her country on the podium at the Olympics.

To this end, she continues to race against time, constantly improving herself and challenging the limits of human speed.

Her coach revealed that Wu Yanni's pursuit of technical perfection and mental fitness are constantly improving, and she knows how to stay calm under high pressure, which will be the key to her success in international competitions.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

Wu Yanni is also committed to enhancing the influence of Chinese athletics on the world stage.

She hopes that through her own efforts, more people will understand and pay attention to the development of Chinese track and field, and attract more international attention to China's track and field cause.

Her story, like a beam of light, illuminates a new chapter in Chinese sports and inspires those who come after her to keep moving forward.

Wu Yanni's story is not only about speed and victory, but also about growth, dreams and social responsibility.

was embarrassed, Wu Yanni won the first place, Yili left a message, and Xia Sining's smile became a clown

In this era of uncertainty, she uses her actions to illustrate what true sportsmanship is, that is, never give up, continue to improve, and use the best version of herself to influence and inspire others.

Wu Yanni's journey continues, and we have reason to believe that she will bring more surprises and brilliance in the future.

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