
Laugh off the big teeth! Can you play a warrior with a mixed face? The casting of the male protagonist of "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" is really a failure!

author:Catboy Talking
Laugh off the big teeth! Can you play a warrior with a mixed face? The casting of the male protagonist of "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" is really a failure!

In recent years, with the popularity of spy war dramas, the audience's expectations for such dramas have increased day by day. The broadcast of "Lonely Lost City" failed to cause a climax as expected. In particular, the performance of the actor Huang Jingyu in the play has caused widespread controversy and criticism.

The audience has spoken out about his acting skills in the play, especially the lack of emotional expression and character identity.

Some netizens said on social media: "Huang Jingyu's acting skills in "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" feel like 'acting', which is not real at all. This perception reflects the audience's doubts about his expression of the character's inner drama. The complexity of the character Ou Xiaoan in the play requires the actor to dig deep into the inner fluctuations and emotional changes of the character, but Huang Jingyu's performance failed to fully hit the audience's psychological expectations.

Laugh off the big teeth! Can you play a warrior with a mixed face? The casting of the male protagonist of "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" is really a failure!

Other viewers commented: "Watching Huang Jingyu's performance in the play, I always feel a little 'out of the play', and I can't devote myself to his role at all." This view highlights the audience's doubts about whether the actor can achieve self-identity in terms of character identity, and believes that Huang Jingyu has not really integrated into the inner world of Ou Xiaoan's character.

In addition, there are many topics on social media discussing whether Huang Jingyu's image matches the image of an agent. Some netizens jokingly said: "Seeing Huang Jingyu's not-so-strong figure, I think how can he be an agent?" There is no 'agent style' at all. This perception points to the audience's concern about whether the actor's appearance and character are consistent.

Laugh off the big teeth! Can you play a warrior with a mixed face? The casting of the male protagonist of "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" is really a failure!

In addition to acting problems, Huang Jingyu's appearance and temperament are also not very consistent with the requirements of the agent's image. Viewers generally believe that his posture and appearance fail to show the demeanor and temperament of an agent who has undergone rigorous training and combat experience. Some netizens said in the discussion: "Watching Huang Jingyu in "Lonely Lost City", I feel that his image does not look like a specially trained agent at all, a bit like 'going to the wrong set'. ”

Compared with Huang Jingyu's image in other works, the audience is more inclined to agree with the difference in his image in different dramas. Some netizens commented: "In other dramas, Huang Jingyu's image always gives people the feeling of a literary youth, not like a fierce agent at all." This perception reveals the audience's perception that the actor's image does not match the character setting, and that Huang Jingyu's image in "Lonely and Lost City" seems more fragile and unnatural.

Laugh off the big teeth! Can you play a warrior with a mixed face? The casting of the male protagonist of "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" is really a failure!

In contrast, the performance of actors such as Zhang Yunlong and Ou Hao in similar themes is also controversial. The audience believes that they are often too exaggerated or inaccurate in the expression of their character images, and fail to fully interpret the demeanor and image that soldiers and agents should have.

Some netizens commented on social media: "Seeing Zhang Yunlong's performance in the spy drama, I always feel that his actions are a bit 'cinematic' and not real enough." This perception reflects the gap between the audience's expectations of the actor's portrayal in the role of a secret agent and reality.

Duan Yihong and Li Youbin, senior actors, are indeed speechless in their performance in similar spy war dramas. Their acting skills are skillful, and they are able to show the complex hearts of the characters to the fullest, making people feel that the characters are as real as living characters. For example, Duan Yihong in "Secret and Great", he portrays the image of an agent full of conflict and psychological struggle. Netizens said that Duan Yihong's performance was not acted, but really showed the contradictions and struggles of the characters vividly.

Laugh off the big teeth! Can you play a warrior with a mixed face? The casting of the male protagonist of "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" is really a failure!

Another example is Li Youbin, whose performance in "Latent" is also highly praised. He is able to show the intelligence and calmness of the agent to the fullest through subtle expressions and movements, making people feel that he is not just acting, but really becoming that character.

In contrast, Huang Jingyu's performance in "Lonely Lost City" really seems inadequate. His acting skills make people feel a little stiff and unnatural, especially in terms of emotional expression and character understanding. Netizens commented that Huang Jingyu may still need more character understanding and expression training to better interpret the complexity and inherent contradictions of the role.

On the whole, the requirements for actors in spy war dramas are really very high, there is no doubt about this. Huang Jingyu's performance in "Lonely and Lost City" not only affected the quality of the entire series, but also caused the audience to question the authenticity of the characters. When discussing this topic, netizens generally believe that in addition to having good appearance conditions, actors also need to interpret the inner complexity of the character, so as to make the character look more real.

Laugh off the big teeth! Can you play a warrior with a mixed face? The casting of the male protagonist of "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" is really a failure!

Some people say that Huang Jingyu's performance in the play is a bit blunt, not like an agent who has undergone rigorous training and combat experience, and is a bit unconvincing. But some people also mentioned that this may not be all about the actor's individual problems, and the script and the director's arrangement also have a lot to do with it, after all, the shaping of the character is an overall work.

In addition, some netizens believe that when actors take on similar roles in the future, they can put more effort into understanding the inner world of the characters, not only the presentation of the surface image, but also to make the characters look more flesh and blood, and more resonate and identify with the audience. After all, the audience's demand for the authenticity of the characters is getting higher and higher, especially in dramas of this genre.

I still remember that on December 19, 2016, at the charity night of the digital fashion festival, Huang Jingyu appeared as a guest of the film, which attracted a lot of attention and discussion. He not only participated in the activities of the grand ceremony, but also generously donated to the education project of poor and special children and children, which quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet.

Laugh off the big teeth! Can you play a warrior with a mixed face? The casting of the male protagonist of "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" is really a failure!

Some netizens said on social media: "Huang Jingyu's performance this time is really heartwarming, as a star, he can actively participate in public welfare activities, not only to show his face, but also to help people in need with actions." These words have been liked and forwarded by many people, who agree with his public welfare behavior.

Other netizens paid more attention to Huang Jingyu's public welfare choice: "Student aid projects have always been the focus of social attention, and it is really touching to see the stars being able to devote themselves to these projects." These remarks reflect the public's positive attitude and expectation of celebrities participating in charity activities.

There are also a few netizens who have different views on this, saying: "Celebrity public welfare behaviors also have their commercial considerations, and donations are not necessarily entirely out of kindness, and may also be a means to promote their image." This doubt has also sparked some discussion online, reflecting the public's concern about the authenticity of celebrities' public welfare actions.

Some of the more practical discussions revolved around the specific impact of the project: "The endowment program is not only a financial support, but also an encouragement and help for the children's future, which means a lot to them. These remarks reflect the public's concern about the practical effects of public welfare activities, and hope to see more substantive changes.

Overall, Huang Jingyu's public welfare behavior at the charity night of the digital fashion festival, no matter how it was commented, has aroused attention and discussion from all walks of life. His participation is not only to express himself, but also to influence and help more people in need through practical actions, and this positive energy has also been widely recognized and supported.

Laugh off the big teeth! Can you play a warrior with a mixed face? The casting of the male protagonist of "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" is really a failure!

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