
If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

author:Benny said the world

Lin Gengxin's childhood was unique in a family of military police in Liaoning, where his grandfather was a soldier and his father was a police officer. Despite this, this family background did not make Lin Gengxin conform to the rules, but instead stimulated his rebellious nature.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

When Lin Gengxin was a child, he liked to wear a skirt to school. In the face of the ridicule of his classmates, he resisted the pressure and chose to resist directly with his fists, showing his unique personality and quickly becoming the focus of the class.

It wasn't until his parents had to adopt a stick education that he reluctantly got rid of this "weird" habit.

During his studies, Lin Gengxin once again showed his independence and maverick. Against the wishes of his parents, he resolutely applied for the Shanghai Theater Academy. Although he did not receive systematic acting training, with a little talent and a lot of luck, he managed to make the leap into this school of his dreams.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

However, after entering the university, Lin Gengxin did not restrain his edge. Smoking and fighting became his daily routine, and he was almost expelled from school several times. Just when everyone thought that he might be doomed, fate gave him an unexpected turn.

Lin Gengxin has become a high-profile book model with his excellent appearance, and this opportunity not only enhanced his popularity, but also opened the door to the entertainment industry for him. Soon, he received invitations from some crews and signed a 10-year contract with Tang Film and Television.

In this way, the son of a restless military police embarked on the road of acting. Lin Gengxin's story is as dramatic as his character, and it is impossible not to look forward to his future development.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

After partnering with Tang Film and Television, Lin Gengxin seemed to be freed from his shackles and soared into the sky. His works "Step by Step" and "You at the Same Table" have been launched one after another, and he has successfully attracted the audience with his sunny and handsome appearance and unique temperament, and his popularity has gradually increased, and he has quickly become a first-line actor, and has won the reputation of "900 million girls' dreams".

However, fame comes not only with an aura, but also with the controversy that comes with it. Lin Gengxin's rich love history has become a topic that entertainment media is keen to report. He has been photographed going out with different girls many times, and photos of intimate behavior have been frequently exposed.

The act of quickly changing his girlfriend also made his image a little faded in the eyes of the public, which attracted a lot of criticism.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

However, these controversies do not seem to have hindered the development of Lin Renewal. In fact, his career is at its peak, and he has become friends with Wang Sicong, a bigwig-level figure.

The relationship between the two has brought rich resources and opportunities to Lin Gengxin, further consolidating his position in the entertainment industry.

In 2017, Lin Gengxin reached a new peak in his acting career - co-starring with Zhao Liying in "The Legend of Chu Qiao". The ratings of this drama have achieved remarkable results, and the on-screen CP combination of Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying also makes the audience love it.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

The foreshadowing sequel left in the play makes the audience look forward to the re-collaboration between the two.

However, time has slowly passed, and the development of Lin Gengxing's career seems to have entered a bottleneck period. After losing the strong support of capital, his works in recent years have not caused much repercussions, and even word of mouth has been affected.

The once high-spirited teenager seems to be facing a turning point in his career.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

However, the audience has not forgotten the surprise and emotion that Lin Gengxin has brought to them, and they are looking forward to him regaining his state and shining again in his new works.

This opportunity seems to be in the near future, "Walking with the Phoenix" is about to start, Lin Gengxin will cooperate with Zhao Liying again, whether he can reverse the decline has become the focus of everyone's attention.

In March 2024, the much-anticipated Xianxia drama "Walking with the Phoenix" was finally unveiled. This work, starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin, is regarded as the spiritual sequel to "The Legend of Chu Qiao", and the audience is full of expectations for it.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

At the beginning of the broadcast, "Walking with the Phoenix" showed amazing attraction, topping the popularity list of the whole network at the fastest speed in just two hours, and at the same time won the honor of double champion in ratings.

At the same time, Lin Gengxin's performance disappointed many viewers. used to be a refreshing and tough young man, but now he looks a little fat and greasy on the screen. His hunched posture is incompatible with the immortal characters in the play.

The audience couldn't help but sigh, how could this male god, who was once known as "the dream of 900 million girls", become like this now?

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

What makes it even more difficult for the audience to accept is that Lin Gengxin's fake eating scene in the play. In front of the camera, Lin Gengxin's performance bites the steamed bun lightly but does not swallow it, does not bend over to drink soup, and does not need to move chopsticks to eat.

When he was about to eat food, the camera switched just right, as if to deliberately prevent the audience from discovering that in one scene, he only took a bite of braised pork, but when the camera turned, there was no gap in the meat.

Zhao Liying's performance in this scene is more natural and smooth, and the way she picks up the braised pork and eats it in a big gulp looks like relish, which makes the audience in front of the screen salivate.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

There is no trace of borrowing and artificiality in her performance, which is in stark contrast to Lin Gengxin, and the performance level of the two seems to be one in the sky and the other in the ground.

This huge contrast has caused heated discussions, some people doubt whether Lin Gengxin still has enthusiasm for his acting career, and some people speculate that it is caused by the crew's insufficient preparation. But in any case, Lin Gengxin's performance did disappoint the audience.

In the face of such an embarrassing situation, people can't help but ask: Lin Gengxin, don't you feel blushing? This once beautiful male god is now acting so perfunctory in front of the camera, does it mean that his acting career is facing serious challenges? Originally, "Walking with the Phoenix" was supposed to be an opportunity for him to regain his strength, but due to various reasons, it failed to achieve the expected effect, which undoubtedly sounded the alarm for Lin Gengxin.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

Lin Gengxin in "Walking with the Phoenix" caused a heated discussion among the audience about the actors' eating performances because of fake eating. Eating drama may seem simple, but it is actually an important aspect of testing the acting skills of actors.

In the entertainment industry, Lin Gengxin is not the only actor who has caused controversy because of fake eating.

Liu Shishi's performance in "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" disappointed the audience again. Many people think that her acting skills have not improved, and even the most basic eating scenes seem deliberately fake. This made many fans who were looking forward to her return to costume dramas feel very disappointed.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

Yang Ying's fake eating performance in a costume drama can be called a classic case. After taking a sip of the food, she commented on the ingredients without any sense of disobedience, and clearly stated all the ingredients contained in the food, which made the audience cry and laugh, and became a widely circulated slot on the Internet.

The performance of the new generation of actor Shen Yue in "New Meteor Garden" has not escaped criticism from the audience. She pulled at the empty bowl in front of the camera, her mouth closed without chewing or swallowing, this embarrassing performance, known as "textbook level", is still talked about by the audience today.

However, really good actors can perform the eating drama to the fullest. As early as 2015's "Flower Thousand Bone", Zhao Liying showed superb non-physical performance skills, and her performance can make the audience mistakenly think that she really ate delicious food even in the face of the "5 cents" prop bun that is obviously made by special effects.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

From puffing out your cheeks to speaking after swallowing, the whole process is smooth and flawless.

Charmaine Sheh's performance in "The Queen of News" is truly a masterpiece. The scenes where she drinks water many times in the play are skillfully played by her, making the "fake drink" become "real drink". Immediately after drinking water, the conversation with the subordinates is connected, and the whole process is natural and smooth, like a common action in daily life, seamlessly integrating life and performance.

The performance of these outstanding actors is undoubtedly a benchmark for fake scenes, and their acting skills not only show professionalism, but also reflect respect for the role and responsibility to the audience.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

In contrast, Lin Gengxin's fake eating performance in "Walking with the Phoenix" seems very pale and weak.

This fake food controversy is not only a question of the actor's personal ability, but also a deep torture of the professionalism of the entire film and television industry. It reminds us that even the smallest details are enough to measure an actor's level of engagement and acting skills.

In the career of actors, it is a huge challenge to eat real scenes, which not only tests their acting skills, but also directly reflects their professionalism. Excellent actors can always show extraordinary professionalism in such seemingly ordinary scenes.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

Wang Chuanjun showed his superb acting skills in the movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine". In order to perform the eating scene perfectly in a short period of time, he ate nearly 50 steamed buns and 5 bowls of noodles in one go on the set.

Even though he vomited many times during the shooting, he persevered in order to bring out the best results, and his dedication and professionalism to art made people awe-inspired.

Mr. Yau Benchang is a 90-year-old artist, and what is even more admirable is his dedication and professionalism to his work. During the filming of "Jigong", due to the hot weather, the food purchased by the crew spoiled, and the stench permeated the entire crew.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

However, Mr. You Benchang did not back down because of this, he picked up the almost rotten meat and tasted it with the consciousness and ability that an actor should have, and interpreted the image of Jigong vividly, and his professionalism not only won the admiration of the audience, but also established the professional ethics that an actor should have.

These real eating scenes not only require the physical endurance of the actors, but also a huge test of their psychological quality. After many reshoots, the actor can still remain natural and calm, and he can still show relish in the face of stinky food, which is a direct reflection of the actor's strength.

Compared with the outstanding performance of other outstanding actors, Lin Gengxin's fake eating scene in "Walking with the Phoenix" is particularly pale and weak. This begs us to think: does the level of engagement of actors directly affect their performance on screen? The art of real food is not only a display of acting skills, but also a respect for the profession and a responsibility for the audience.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

In the highly competitive entertainment industry, only those actors who can devote themselves to their roles and are not afraid of challenges can win the recognition and respect of the audience. The art of real food may be an important criterion to distinguish excellent actors from mediocre people.

In recent years, Lin Gengxin's acting career seems to have fallen into a bottleneck. After losing the strong support of capital, most of his works failed to arouse enthusiastic responses, and even word of mouth was affected.

What was once a high-spirited teenager is now facing a turning point in his career.

If you can't act, don't be embarrassed! Lin Gengxin, who pretended to eat in "Walking with the Phoenix", didn't he blush in the face of Zhao Liying?

"Walking with the Phoenix" should have been an excellent opportunity for Lin Gengxin to regain his strength, however, for various reasons, this work did not achieve the expected effect, but caused more doubts and controversies. This fact undoubtedly sounded the alarm bell for Lin Gengxin, reminding him to re-examine his career.

Despite this, the audience is still looking forward to Lin's update. After all, he has portrayed many impressive characters and has had a variety of brilliant performances. People expect to see him make a breakthrough in acting, reshape his image, and find the once eye-catching Lin Gengxin again.

In the highly competitive environment of the entertainment industry, only by maintaining self-discipline and continuous efforts can we win the recognition and respect of the audience. Lin's story shows us that not only does an actor need to have talent, but also a lot of hard-working hard work and professionalism are crucial.

Perhaps in the near future, we can see a new Lin Gengxin, who will conquer the audience with his superb acting skills and regain the reputation of "the dream of 900 million girls". In the acting career, there will never be a real end, only continuous growth and breakthroughs, and we look forward to him in the future.

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