
The United States used the food crisis to knock the Soviet Union down, why didn't the same routine against China work?

author:Morning ink

The United States used the food crisis to knock the Soviet Union down, why didn't the same routine against China work?

In the grain war with a strong enemy, the mainland took decisive and wise countermeasures and successfully defended the country's food security, which is a glorious chapter worthy of going down in history.

From the tragic experience of the food crisis in the Soviet Union in the 70s of the last century, we have seen the insidious means of the United States to use the strategic weapon of "food weapons" to subvert other countries. In order to safeguard national sovereignty and the well-being of the people, the government and people of the mainland have gone through an extremely difficult war to defend their food.

The United States used the food crisis to knock the Soviet Union down, why didn't the same routine against China work?

Since the beginning of reform and opening up, the mainland's vigorous investment in agricultural development has promoted breakthrough progress in grain production technology and made the mainland the world's largest grain producer. At the same time, the mainland has also adopted a series of effective measures, such as protecting cultivated land and stockpiling grain, to ensure national food security.

In 2006, in the face of the frenzied purchases and price hikes by the four major grain merchants in the United States, the mainland's grain reserve institutions reacted quickly and released grain on a large scale, stabilizing market prices and thoroughly thwarting the enemy's conspiracy. This campaign not only defended the country's food sovereignty, but also demonstrated the tremendous efforts made by the mainland to achieve food self-sufficiency since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The United States used the food crisis to knock the Soviet Union down, why didn't the same routine against China work?

As a result of this campaign, the US "grain weapon" has completely lost its deterrent effect on the mainland, and the mainland's food security has thus been effectively guaranteed. In the following decade or so, the mainland's grain output increased year by year, and a better life for the people was realized.

The United States used the food crisis to knock the Soviet Union down, why didn't the same routine against China work?

Today, China has become the world's largest producer and consumer of grain. Not only have we achieved self-sufficiency, but we have also made a significant contribution to global food security. These hard-won achievements are the result of the painstaking efforts and sweat of several generations, and embody the Chinese nation's spirit of being indomitable and self-reliant.

The United States used the food crisis to knock the Soviet Union down, why didn't the same routine against China work?

History has taught us heavy lessons and valuable lessons. We must always remain vigilant and unswervingly follow the path of agricultural modernization to ensure national food security. Only in this way can we firmly grasp our "rice bowl," safeguard national sovereignty, and pave the way for national rejuvenation.

The United States used the food crisis to knock the Soviet Union down, why didn't the same routine against China work?

The smoke of the war to defend food security has dissipated, and a new chapter has been opened in the mainland's grain industry. The state has further increased its investment in agricultural development, vigorously promoted innovation in agricultural science and technology, guided farmers to adopt advanced planting technology, and continuously increased grain yields. At the same time, the government has also actively improved the grain reserve system to ensure that the country's grain reserves are sufficient, and is fully prepared to deal with possible food crises in the future.

The United States used the food crisis to knock the Soviet Union down, why didn't the same routine against China work?

On this basis, the mainland has also actively explored the international market and increased grain import and export trade. On the one hand, through grain import and export cooperation with neighboring countries, the domestic grain supply structure has been optimized; On the other hand, we should make use of the mainland's influence in the international grain market to actively participate in global food governance and promote the establishment of a fairer and more reasonable international food price system. These measures have not only strengthened the mainland's food security strength, but also enhanced the mainland's voice in the international food landscape.

The United States used the food crisis to knock the Soviet Union down, why didn't the same routine against China work?

At the same time, the mainland has also actively fulfilled its responsibilities as a major country and provided food aid to developing countries to help them solve the problem of food shortage. This not only demonstrates the mainland's responsibility as a major country, but also makes an important contribution to global food security. Led by the mainland, the food production capacity of many developing countries has also been greatly improved, injecting strong impetus into the realization of the "zero hunger" goal of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The United States used the food crisis to knock the Soviet Union down, why didn't the same routine against China work?

It is worth mentioning that the experience accumulated by the mainland in the battle to defend food security has also provided valuable reference for other countries. The mainland's grain reserve system, price regulation and control mechanism, and agricultural science and technology innovation have become the objects of study and imitation by many countries. The mainland has not only successfully safeguarded its own food security, but also become a promoter and leader in the cause of global food security.

The United States used the food crisis to knock the Soviet Union down, why didn't the same routine against China work?

At present, the world economic situation is complex, geopolitical conflicts are frequent, and the issue of food security has once again become the focus of attention. The mainland must continue to maintain a high degree of vigilance, further consolidate the foundation of food security, and lay a solid foundation for the country's long-term stable development. Only in this way can we ensure national food security, safeguard the fundamental interests of the people, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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