
Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

author:Spicy turkey noodles
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Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Text: Spicy turkey noodles

Spicy turkey noodles

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

"I'd rather farm than go back to that land of right and wrong." This is what Cao Jiarui said. She has several "nicknames" on her back, leaving behind the once smash hit star status.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

She returned to the countryside of her hometown alone and lived a simple life of husband and children, working all day long. This proud girl who was known as the "popular fried chicken" and was competed for by several brokerage companies will eventually choose to stay away from the coveted entertainment industry.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

was excavated by a famous teacher and embarked on the road of acting

With her sweet and beautiful appearance and lively and lovely personality, Cao Jiarui stood out in a "Smile Ambassador" competition and finally won the "Best Smile Award". Zhao Benshan happened to take a fancy to this rural girl, and recruited her into his command without saying a word.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Zhao Benshan is filming a Chinese New Year TV series and urgently needs a newcomer to play one of the important roles. Cao Jiarui became an instant hit, and with his wonderful interpretation of this role, he immediately received countless attention and praise.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Many people are excited about her future, thinking that she will definitely become the next "savage girlfriend". Sure enough, after the show was broadcast later, the response was enthusiastic, and Cao Jiarui became famous overnight.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

The audience was all impressed by her innocent and sweet appearance and excellent acting skills. Zhao Benshan personally went into battle to support her, and even tailored a person's image for her, with a bright future.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

When his career was in full swing, Cao Jiarui suddenly disappeared from the world, and there was no news. It wasn't until many years later that she "reappeared", but she had stayed away from the entertainment industry and returned to the countryside of her hometown alone, living a simple life of farming and accepting farmers.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Questions followed, and the truth emerged

What is the reason for a popular little flower to make such a decision? Regarding this matter, all kinds of speculation and rumors are rampant, and there is even a saying that it is "unspoken rules". But it wasn't until many years later that Cao Jiarui publicly disclosed the real reason for that year for the first time.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

It turned out that not long before she left the entertainment industry, a well-known advertising agency invited her to shoot a set of commercials. As an endorsement fee, the other party offered a sky-high price, which is enough to make ordinary people envious.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

But just when Cao Jiarui was happy, the boss of that company put forward an "extra request": he had to have a meal alone with her. "At that time, the agent teacher also persuaded me to go, saying that it was not a big deal."

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Cao Jiarui recalled, "But I just couldn't accept this kind of thing, I felt it was too much." In order to assert her principles and dignity, she categorically rejected this "request".

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

It didn't take long for all sorts of troubles to ensue: the original ad was "canceled for no reason", and the new script was put on hold indefinitely... In the end, she was completely "hidden". Seeing that it was declining, Cao Jiarui also had to leave the entertainment industry and bet all his hopes on the fields of his hometown.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

"The entertainment industry is complicated, and everyone has it. I'm just a country girl, and I can't bear those intrigues. Cao Jiarui said. In a more straightforward way, she was forced out of the showbiz by "unspoken rules". While sticking to the bottom line, it also loses everything.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Return to self-consistent life

After returning to his hometown, Cao Jiarui soon married a hard-working farmer and started a new life. In the countryside, she doesn't have to deal with those complicated interpersonal relationships, she just needs to live the simplest and most down-to-earth life quietly.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

"It's a bit cheesy, but I think it's good." Cao Jiarui said. In addition to working hard in her family's fields, she also teaches at a nearby middle school and becomes a favorite music teacher for her students.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Unpretentious but satisfied, this is the portrayal of Cao Jiarui's life now. She used practical actions to explain what it means to insist on oneself and be a principled person. Not only that, but her experience also reflects the dark side of the entertainment industry.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Whether there are "unspoken rules" and corrupt customs has been a controversial topic for many years. Some people believe that this is purely a villain's trick and cannot exist in the life circle of celebrities.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

But more people firmly believe that in this environment full of power and money, there are not a few people who take risks for their own selfish interests. The scene that Cao Jiarui encountered can almost be regarded as a microcosm of the "unspoken rules".

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

React to dark reality

Once there is no strong "backer" to rely on, it is tantamount to being in a wolf pack and may be devoured at any time. This is also an important reason why she finally chose to stay away from the entertainment industry.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

The reason why Cao Jiarui was able to achieve this peace today is because she insisted on her principles and dignity, although she paid a certain price for it. She had high hopes and almost became the next "savage girlfriend".

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

But in the end, she gave up all this, preferring to live a simple rural life rather than get involved in those disputes about right and wrong. Such a choice may be ordinary, but it reflects the true meaning of being a human being.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Tranquility, simplicity, and keeping the bottom line are her most important life pursuits. In an era that values "money ability", Cao Jiarui uses his life choices to convey a unique value. It is precisely this kind of values that has freed her from the shackles of the entertainment industry.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Cao Jiarui's experience reflects some of the unspoken rules and dark sides of the entertainment industry, triggering people's reflection on this circle. In an environment of material supremacy and intense pressure, many people have to make compromises and concessions that are contrary to their principles.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Although Cao Jiarui paid the price for this, she adhered to the bottom line of being a person and defended her dignity with her actions, which is admirable. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, her choice seems "backward" and "simple".

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

But in fact, it is the pursuit of a nobler and more meaningful life. Peace of mind and happiness are more important than fame and fortune. She used the first half of her life to interpret this.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm


Looking at the whole incident, it is not difficult for us to find that the development of the entertainment industry is facing a severe environmental test. If there is a lack of effective supervision and restraint mechanism, it is very likely to breed more and more "unspoken rules" and harm the ecology and image of the industry.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

Therefore, it is necessary for us to cohesion for the healthy development of this industry and create a sunny and positive environment. Only in this way can we avoid more encounters like Cao Jiarui, and we will not let those young people with dreams be forced to give up their pursuits.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

This is not only about the ethos of an industry, but also about the ethics of society. Let's work together to inject new positive energy into the entertainment industry!

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

I also hope that Cao Jiarui can simply live a stable and ordinary life in her future life, harvest her own happiness, and there are no more invisible rules in her own life. She is free to do what she likes.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden in the snow, and finally ended up returning to the countryside to farm

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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