
In the 1984 Sino-Vietnamese "7.12" artillery battle, 3,400 tons of artillery shells were instantly exhausted, and since then

author:Funny mixed bean porridge

The 1984 "7.12" artillery battle between China and Vietnam: national dignity and border tranquility under artillery fire

In 1984, the sky on the Sino-Vietnamese border seemed to be covered with heavy dark clouds, and the shadow of war quietly spread between the two countries. This was the year when Vietnam's ambitions and provocations reached its peak, and China, faced with a serious challenge to national sovereignty and territorial integrity, chose to respond with artillery fire. On July 12, artillery fire broke out on the Sino-Vietnamese border, and an artillery battle called "7.12" became a turning point in history.

1. Border storms, provocation and patience

Since the late 70s, Vietnam's expansion in the Indochina Peninsula has become increasingly rampant, ignoring China's warnings, frequently violating China's borders, and even openly provoking the Chinese military. After many fruitless solemn representations, the Chinese government had no choice but to make a decision to fight back in the face of Vietnam's arrogance.

The soldiers on the border held their positions day and night, and they looked at the Vietnamese positions opposite, their hearts full of vigilance and anger. They know that this is a battle for national dignity and territorial integrity, and they cannot back down or lose.

Second, the artillery fire suddenly broke out, and the heroic counterattack

In the 1984 Sino-Vietnamese "7.12" artillery battle, 3,400 tons of artillery shells were instantly exhausted, and since then

In the early morning of July 12, 1984, with the first cannon shot, the artillery battle on the Sino-Vietnamese border officially began. The Vietnamese army, by virtue of its geographical superiority and superiority in troops, launched a fierce artillery attack on the Chinese border positions. Artillery fire poured down like a torrential rain, and the border line was filled with gunsmoke and flames.

However, the Chinese army was not intimidated. They quickly adjusted their tactics and used their artillery superiority to launch a counterattack on the Vietnamese positions. The artillery fighters calmly operated the artillery, and one shell after another flew accurately towards the Vietnamese positions. Under their precision strikes, the offensive of the Vietnamese army gradually weakened.

During the fighting, the artillery units of the Chinese army played a key role. With superb shooting skills and strong fire support, they successfully destroyed a number of important targets of the Vietnamese army. At the same time, infantry and armored units worked closely together to launch a full-scale counterattack on Vietnamese positions.

3. Climaxes, heroic and fearless

As the battle progressed, the "7.12" artillery battle gradually entered a climax. Chinese troops, supported by fire, launched more intense attacks on Vietnamese positions. Artillery fire weaves into a sea of fire along the border, and every shell seems to tell the heroism and fearlessness of the soldiers.

In the 1984 Sino-Vietnamese "7.12" artillery battle, 3,400 tons of artillery shells were instantly exhausted, and since then

In this artillery battle, the fighters of the Chinese army showed amazing courage and firm faith. They braved artillery fire and rushed into the enemy position, building a strong defensive line with their own flesh and blood. They are not afraid of life and death, they are not afraid of sacrifice, just to defend the dignity and territorial integrity of the country.

In battle, many brave and fearless warriors emerged. They have demonstrated with their actions what loyalty and courage are. Among them, there was a warrior named Zhang Qiang, who performed well in battle. He successively destroyed several artillery positions of the Vietnamese army, and made great achievements for the victory of the battle. However, during a charge, he was shot and died. He wrote a magnificent chapter with his life and became an eternal hero.

Fourth, the baptism of artillery fire, the dawn of victory

After several days of fierce fighting, the "7.12" artillery battle finally ushered in the dawn of victory. In the face of the powerful firepower of the Chinese army, the offensive of the Vietnamese army gradually collapsed. They could not withstand the fierce counterattack of the Chinese army and had to retreat in a hurry.

In this artillery battle, the Chinese army fired a total of 3,400 tons of artillery shells, and the stocks were depleted in an instant. These shells rained down on the Vietnamese positions, inflicting huge losses on the Vietnamese army. The Vietnamese army, having suffered heavy losses, had to abandon its offensive plan and admit defeat.

In the 1984 Sino-Vietnamese "7.12" artillery battle, 3,400 tons of artillery shells were instantly exhausted, and since then

The dawn of victory illuminated the border sky, as well as the tired and determined faces of the fighters. They knew that victory in this battle was not only a heavy blow to the Vietnamese army, but also a powerful deterrent to the Vietnamese government's expansionist ambitions. They exchanged their bravery and sacrifice for the dignity of the country and the tranquility of the borders.

Fifth, the border tranquility has far-reaching implications

The victory in the "12 July" artillery battle not only changed the military pattern of the Sino-Vietnamese border, but also had a far-reaching impact on the relations between China and Vietnam. After suffering a heavy blow, the Vietnamese government began to realize that the cost of confronting China was too great, and began to adjust its China policy. Relations between the two countries have gradually eased, and border conflicts have been effectively controlled.

At the same time, the "7.12" artillery battle also demonstrated the strong strength and firm determination of the Chinese army. This battle has shown the international community the firm belief and strong ability of the Chinese military in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. This has also laid the foundation for China's international status and influence to be enhanced.

6. Heroic soldiers, forever in the annals of history

In the "7.12" artillery battle, countless brave and fearless soldiers wrote a magnificent chapter with their lives and blood. They have interpreted what loyalty and bravery are with their actions, and their deeds will forever be remembered on the monuments of history.

In the 1984 Sino-Vietnamese "7.12" artillery battle, 3,400 tons of artillery shells were instantly exhausted, and since then

These fighters come from all over the world, some of them are veterans and some are new recruits. But no matter how different their ages and experiences, they all share the same conviction and determination: to fight for the dignity and territorial integrity of their country. Their actions have proved the heroic and indomitable spirit of the Chinese people.

VII. Conclusion


In the 1984 Sino-Vietnamese "7.12" artillery battle, 3,400 tons of artillery shells were instantly exhausted, and since then