
Two core allies betray Israel? Not the United States, but no less expensive than losing it

author:Gentle Xinxin to glory

Two core allies betray Israel? Not the United States, but no less expensive than losing it

The Middle East, this ancient and mysterious land, has been a stage for the meeting, conflict and integration of major civilizations since ancient times. On this land, Israel, a young and resilient country, has always attracted the attention of the world with its unique status and complex international relations. However, in the seventies of the last century, a sudden war plunged Israel into an unprecedented crisis. What is even more shocking is that in this crisis, two once staunch allies have chosen to turn their backs on Israel, which is no less devastating than the loss of a superpower ally like the United States.

I. The Storm: Pre-War Tensions

In 1973, tensions in the Middle East intensified. Egypt and Syria, Israel's neighbors, have long been in a state of hostility with Israel. Under the conspiracy of the leaders of the two countries, a huge military plan quietly took shape. They planned to launch a surprise attack on Israel on Yom Kippur, a day of special significance for Israel.

Two core allies betray Israel? Not the United States, but no less expensive than losing it

Israel, a Jewish state, has faced hostility from neighboring Arab countries since its founding. However, with its strong military strength and tenacious national spirit, Israel has established itself in the Middle East and has become a military power in the region. However, this does not mean that Israel can rest easy. On the contrary, the military plans of Egypt and Syria have put Israel under pressure like never before.

2. Treachery: the sudden betrayal of an ally

Just as Israel was preparing for war in full swing, a shocking news came: Turkey and Iraq, which had previously maintained friendly relations with Israel, suddenly announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel and gave Egypt and Syria some military support. This news is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Israel.

Turkey and Iraq, as important allies of Israel in the Middle East, once had deep friendship and cooperation with Israel. However, at a critical moment, the two countries chose to turn their backs on Israel, which made Israel feel great disappointment and anger. They had expected the support and assistance of these two countries in the war, but reality dealt them a brutal blow.

Two core allies betray Israel? Not the United States, but no less expensive than losing it

III. Bloody Fighting: Israel's Stubborn Resistance

Faced with surprise attacks from Egypt and Syria and betrayal from Turkey and Iraq, the Israeli government reacted quickly by mobilizing troops to fight back. However, since the war took place on Yom Kippur, both the mobilization and deployment of the Israeli army were extremely limited. In the early days of the war, the Israeli army was locked in bitter fighting.

However, the people of Israel did not give up. With their tenacious fighting spirit and excellent military qualities, they fought to the death against the armies of Egypt and Syria. On the battlefield, they braved the rain of bullets and charged, using their flesh and blood to build a strong defensive line. After hard fighting, the Israeli army gradually turned the tide of the battle and finally succeeded in repelling the Egyptian and Syrian attacks.

4. After the storm: reflection and reconstruction

After the war, the people of Israel did not bask in the joy of victory. Instead, they began to reflect on the lessons that the war had taught them. They realize that in international politics, there are no eternal enemies and no permanent friends, only eternal interests. The betrayal of Turkey and Iraq made them realize this acutely.

Two core allies betray Israel? Not the United States, but no less expensive than losing it

At the same time, the war has also made the people of Israel more united and stronger. They realized that they could protect their homeland and national interests only by relying on their own strength. As a result, they began to work harder to develop their economic and military power in order to meet the challenges that may arise in the future.

5. Vivid narration: details of war and betrayal

In the smoke of war, every Israeli soldier became a national hero. They are not afraid of hardships and dangers, they are not afraid of sacrifice, and they interpret their loyalty and love for the country with their actions. However, in this war, they suffered betrayal from their allies. When Turkey and Iraq announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel, many Israeli soldiers were incredulous and angry. They once fought alongside the armies of these two countries, but now they are enemies. This huge psychological gap makes them feel extremely painful and disappointed.

However, even in the face of such betrayal and dilemma, the Israeli soldiers did not give up. With their tenacious fighting spirit and outstanding military qualities, they fought to the death against the enemy on the battlefield. They have proved by their actions the strength and courage of the Israeli people.

6. The response and impact of the international community

The Yom Kippur War and its aftermath not only shocked the Middle East region, but also attracted widespread attention from the international community. The United States and other Western countries have expressed their support for Israel and provided the necessary military assistance. However, some Arab countries have used their influence to justify the military actions in Egypt and Syria in the international community. This complex international situation makes Israel feel even more isolated.

However, it is precisely this isolation that has strengthened Israel's independent development path. They no longer rely too much on the support of external forces, but work harder to develop their economic and military power. This independent path of development has allowed Israel to emerge on the international stage as a country that has attracted much attention.

7. Far-reaching: Changing Israel's diplomatic strategy

The betrayal of Turkey and Iraq had a profound impact on Israel's foreign policy. Before the war, Israel had been trying to ease relations with its neighbors through diplomatic means and seeking to establish peaceful coexistence relations with them. However, the war and the betrayal of its allies have made Israel realize that diplomacy is not a panacea, and that sometimes it must rely on its own strength to defend its interests.

Therefore, after the war, Israel began to pay more attention to developing its military and economic power, as well as strengthening cooperation with Western countries. At the same time, they have begun to be more cautious in their relations with their neighbors to avoid falling into a similar predicament again. This change in diplomatic tactics has made Israel more assertive and determined to assert its interests in the international arena.

8. Summary

The Yom Kippur War and its aftermath were a heavy blow to Israel, but at the same time a valuable lesson. It has made Israel more aware of its international status and challenges, and has prompted them to embark on an independent path of development. At the same time, the war has also made the people of Israel more united and stronger, fully prepared for the challenges ahead. In the days to come, no matter what difficulties and challenges it faces, Israel will firmly walk on its own path and strive for the prosperity of the nation and the prosperity of the country.

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