
Liu Siqi died in 22, Li Ne and Li Min could not go to the scene, and the four children came to see them off for the last time

author:Dexterous Beach GHz

Liu Siqi was admitted to the hospital for acute appendicitis, and the sudden illness broke the original rhythm of life. And this day is the wedding anniversary with Mao Anying. For every couple, a wedding anniversary is a day to celebrate, especially in a special situation where one partner is in the hospital and the other is far away at work.

As an important cadre of the country, Mao Anying shoulders a great responsibility and mission. His work is busy and intense, and he often needs to work overtime and even go on business trips, which makes his time with Liu Siqi particularly precious. However, in the face of this special situation, although he could not be by Liu Siqi's side in person, the love and apology in his heart could not be concealed. He knew Liu Siqi's empathy and support for him, so although he was at the post, his heart had already flown to the hospital.

Although Liu Siqi was unwell, she knew the importance of Mao Anying's work and his helplessness. She didn't complain or blame Mao Anying for this, but comforted him and said, "You don't have to worry about me, I'll take care of myself." Work matters, you can do your thing with peace of mind. It's great to have you by your side, but it's okay if you can't. We can wait until you're well and make up for it together. ”

Mao Anying heard that Liu Siqi understood him and supported him so much, and her heart was full of gratitude and guilt. He knew that he was lucky to have such a wife. So, he decided to take time out to visit Liu Siqi in the hospital no matter what. Even if it's just a brief get-together, it can add a special memory to their relationship.

Liu Siqi died in 22, Li Ne and Li Min could not go to the scene, and the four children came to see them off for the last time

On this special day, although Liu Siqi did not receive flowers and gifts, nor did she have a gorgeous candlelight dinner, she felt the most sincere care and love from Mao Anying. This feeling does not need words to express, only two hearts that understand and support each other are enough.

For Mao Anying, this experience also made him more deeply appreciate the importance of family and Liu Siqi's irreplaceable value to him. He secretly determined that no matter what difficulties and challenges he encountered in the future, he would strive to balance the relationship between work and family, and give Liu Siqi more due companionship and care.

Mao Anying, this young warrior, was given a major mission by fate. He was assigned to the Korean battlefield, a front line filled with gunsmoke and life and death. Here, he not only has to face the brutal war, but also has to endure the great pain of being separated from his family. However, he resolutely accepted this task and embarked on this journey with a deep love for the country and its people.

On the battlefield, Mao Anying held the important positions of confidential secretary and staff officer. His wisdom and courage contributed to the victory of the war. Whenever night fell and the stars were thinning, he would sit in the dim light, carefully study the enemy's tactics, and make a careful plan for the victory of our side. His figure seemed so determined and lonely in the night, but it never showed the slightest hint of flinching.

Liu Siqi died in 22, Li Ne and Li Min could not go to the scene, and the four children came to see them off for the last time

However, fate is so unfair. In a bombing by enemy aircraft, Mao Anying and his comrades were unfortunately sacrificed. At that moment, the sky was dyed red with firelight, and the explosion was deafening. At the last moment, he did not choose to escape by himself, but stuck to his post and sacrificed his life to protect more comrades-in-arms and the interests of the country.

When this news reached China and Chairman Mao's ears, his heart was full of grief. This great leader, although he remains calm and strong on the surface, the pain in his heart is unspeakable. He knew that what he had lost was an excellent son, a brave warrior. However, he also understood that such sacrifices were inevitable for the sake of the liberation of the country and the nation.

Chairman Mao's grief did not last long. He knew that there were many more people who needed him to lead and comfort. So, he quickly adjusted his mood and returned to his busy work. Under his leadership, our people continue to forge ahead and strive for a better future for our country and nation.

Mao Anying's heroic deeds will always be remembered in the long river of history. His name has become a monument in the hearts of countless people, inspiring generation after generation to strive for the prosperity and strength of the motherland.

Liu Siqi died in 22, Li Ne and Li Min could not go to the scene, and the four children came to see them off for the last time

Liu Siqi's heart gradually became anxious during the long wait. The letters and telegrams in her hands were piled up, but she never waited for the familiar handwriting - Mao Anying. Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and every second was as long as torment. Her mind kept recalling the scene when Mao Anying was leaving, when he was in high spirits and vowed to make greater contributions to the country and the people. However, now that there is no news, how can she not worry?

She tries to find something for herself to do, trying to distract herself. But when night falls, when she is alone in an empty room, those pent-up thoughts and fears come like a flood of beasts, leaving her with nowhere to run. She often sits in front of the window, looking into the distance, silently praying in her heart that Mao Anying can return safely.

The end of the Korean War did not bring much comfort to Mr. Liu. Because in that cruel war, she realized more deeply the fragility and impermanence of life. She was afraid that her worries would eventually come true, and she was afraid that she would never be able to wait for Mao Anying's response any longer.

So, on a sunny day, Liu Siqi mustered up the courage and embarked on the journey to Chairman Mao's residence. She knew that only by finding Chairman Mao could she know Mao Anying's exact whereabouts. Even if it could be an outcome she couldn't afford, she had to face it.

Liu Siqi died in 22, Li Ne and Li Min could not go to the scene, and the four children came to see them off for the last time

When Liu Siqi stood in front of Chairman Mao, her heart beat so hard that she could barely speak. Chairman Mao, on the other hand, looked at her with a deep and compassionate gaze, as if he had already guessed her intentions. After a long silence, Chairman Mao finally spoke slowly and said the news that made Liu Siqi like a lightning strike: "Mao Anying sacrificed." ”

This news hit Liu Siqi's heart like a thunderbolt from the blue. Tears welled up in her eyes and ran silently down her cheeks. She felt her body tremble violently, unable to accept this cruel truth. She even had a feeling that the sky was falling, and that her life had lost its meaning.

However, despite his grief, Liu Siqi still held back tears and tried to keep himself calm. She knew she had to be strong now and think about herself and her family. It's just that the pain in her heart will be with her for the rest of her life.

In 1959, Liu Siqi embarked on a journey to North Korea. Her heart is full of complex emotions, including admiration for the martyrs who died bravely in that land, and deep longing for her late husband Mao Anying. The sky in North Korea is still blue, but the traces of war are everywhere, and every place reminds her of the price Mao Anying once paid for peace.

After arriving in North Korea, Liu Siqi first came to Mao Anying's tomb. She stared at the familiar name on the tombstone, and an indescribable grief welled up in her heart. She gently stroked the tombstone, as if she could feel Mao Anying's breath from it. She whispered her thoughts and memories, tears streaming down her face. At that moment, she seemed to be connected with Mao Anying's heart again, reminiscing about the good times they had spent together.

Liu Siqi died in 22, Li Ne and Li Min could not go to the scene, and the four children came to see them off for the last time

After leaving the cemetery, Liu Siqi visited many war sites and memorials during her few days in North Korea, and learned more about the deeds of Mao Anying and other martyrs. These experiences have strengthened her yearning for and cherishing peace.

After returning to China, Chairman Mao learned about Liu Siqi's visit to North Korea. He knows Liu Siqi's deep affection for Mao Anying, and he also understands the grief and struggle in her heart. So, Chairman Mao encouraged Liu Siqi to re-establish a family and start a new life.

Under Chairman Mao's care and encouragement, Liu Siqi gradually walked out of the shadow of losing Mao Anying. She meets Yang Maozhi, an instructor at the Air Force Academy, a kind, talented young man. They admired each other, supported each other, and gradually came together. In 1962, Liu Siqi and Yang Maozhi held a wedding and started a new life.

After remarrying, Liu Siqi lived a happy life, and she and Yang Maozhi cared for each other and loved each other. They face the joys and sorrows of life together and create a beautiful family together. However, despite the happiness and contentment of his new life, Liu Siqi still remembers Mao Anying from time to time. She often thinks of the time she spent with Mao Anying in the dead of night, and thinks of his smile and gentleness. Although these memories hurt her heart, they also became the most precious treasure in her heart.

Liu Siqi died in 22, Li Ne and Li Min could not go to the scene, and the four children came to see them off for the last time

In the long river of years, Liu Siqi commemorated Mao Anying in his own way. She kept him in her heart forever and turned their love into eternal strength. At the same time, she also cherishes the happy life in front of her and creates a better future with Yang Maozhi.

In her later years, Liu Siqi seemed to be dragged by an invisible force, which made her cross thousands of mountains and rivers many times, just to go to the land that she could never part with in her heart - where Mao Anying's grave is located. Whenever she stood in front of that quiet and solemn tomb, she always stared silently, her eyes flashing with endless longing and affection.

She recalled the years she spent with Mao Anying, those sweetness, those laughter, and those times when she pursued ideals together, as if it was just yesterday. However, the passage of time has left everything out of reach, leaving only endless thoughts and memories. She gently stroked the tombstone, as if she could feel Mao Anying's presence, and the deep attachment made her unable to extricate herself.

In 2013, at the age of 83, Liu Siqi embarked on another journey to North Korea. She knew that she was getting old and her body was gradually weakening, and she might not be able to come here to visit Mao Anying again in the future. Therefore, she cherishes this opportunity and hopes to express her thoughts and respect for Mao Anying again in her lifetime.

Liu Siqi died in 22, Li Ne and Li Min could not go to the scene, and the four children came to see them off for the last time

In front of the tomb, she stood for a long time, gazing affectionately at the tombstone. She told her recent situation and shared the bits and pieces of her life, as if Mao Anying was by her side, listening to her voice. She also brought flowers and gifts and placed them in front of the tomb to express her respect and remembrance of Mao Anying.

Before leaving North Korea, Liu Siqi looked back at the tombstone again, full of reluctance and nostalgia. She knew it might be the last time she was here. But she also believes that Mao Anying's spirit will always live in her heart and inspire her to continue to move forward.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Liu Siqi has passed away. On January 7, 2022, this affectionate and resilient woman passed away due to illness at the age of 92. Throughout her life, Mao Anying has always been one of the most important people in her heart. She expressed her thoughts and respect for Mao Anying in her own way, and also left us a touching story.

We are deeply saddened and saddened by the passing of Liu Siqi, but the spiritual legacy she left us will always inspire us to move forward. She uses her actions to tell us: love is eternal, and longing is endless. Let us always remember the story of Liu Siqi and Mao Anying and inherit their spiritual strength.

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