
Rush to the hot search! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, netizens: Can it be returned?

author:Lemon that loves to chatter

We have a recent incident here that can make people angry! The Audit Office recently revealed a big secret, it turns out that the governments of 66 counties actually used the meal allowance for rural children to pay off debts, and some used it to pay benefits! Nearly 2 billion funds are gone, this matter has to be talked about!

Rush to the hot search! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, netizens: Can it be returned?

Anyway, this matter didn't start in a day or two, there were rumors a few years ago, but no one took it seriously. It wasn't until someone from the Audit Commission checked that the details were revealed. Hey, we have to start at the beginning.

First of all, these meal subsidies were originally allocated by the state to improve the food of children in our rural areas. You think, these children have ordinary family conditions, how good it is to have such a hot lunch! However, the good things did not fall on the children, and the money was misappropriated.

Rush to the hot search! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, netizens: Can it be returned?

First of all, the biggest piece is to pay off debts. Some local governments are heavily indebted, so they set their eyes on these small amounts of money that are "readily available". Tell me, this debt is the business of adults, why should children carry it?

The second one, which is even more outrageous, even lowered the standard of meal supplements, and obviously could buy better ingredients, but as a result, they got some of the cheapest for the children, and the rest of the money also went into their pockets.

Rush to the hot search! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, netizens: Can it be returned?

Then it's time to give out benefits. Some units use the money to pay benefits to employees and engage in so-called "team building", as if the money is blowing in the wind.

There are also those who cut corners, and the contract originally stated what standard ingredients to be supplied, but the quality was very poor for the children. Some even directly designate suppliers, needless to say, they are all relatives and friends.

Rush to the hot search! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, netizens: Can it be returned?

Once these things are revealed, can you say that you can not be angry? It was originally used to take care of the next generation, but it turned out to be used as their own ATM by these people. The people on our side, especially in the countryside, are particularly sensitive to this kind of thing. The children's thing, that's the scale that moved us.

You see, as soon as this incident came out, the whole network exploded. Originally, many people didn't know that there was such a meal subsidy policy, let alone such a thing behind it. Parents in rural areas are even more distressed, their children are not easy in the first place, and even the most basic food has become a problem.

Rush to the hot search! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, netizens: Can it be returned?

As soon as this matter was reported, it was like setting off a lot of waves. Governments around the world are also starting to get nervous, after all, this is about the impact, and it is about the future flowers. On the Internet, there are various voices one after another, some accusatory, some sympathetic, and some calling for change.

This incident is not just a local problem, it reflects a larger systemic problem. Now that the money has been allocated, why can't it go straight to the children's mouths? The loopholes in the middle have to be plugged, and the responsibility has to be pursued, and this matter can't just be settled.