
A new chapter in the life of a 47-year-old actress

author:Official nationwide traffic card

Hong Kong media broke the news that actress Chen Yanxing, who has faded out of the showbiz for several years, has secretly given birth to a daughter, the child is now three years old, studying in Hong Kong's well-known Victoria International Kindergarten, the news has aroused heated discussions among the public, the star who was once active in front of the screen, now chooses to return to the family, live a life of husband and children, what kind of story has he experienced?

A new chapter in the life of a 47-year-old actress

Chen Yanxing's life has changed

When it comes to Chen Yanxing, many viewers will think of the classic roles she created in TVB dramas, whether it is the cameo role with Stephen Chow in "Lucky Dragon", or the spicy and straightforward "Jin Ri" in "Everyone is Happy", they have left a deep impression on the audience, especially with the role of "Jin Ri", she was nominated for "My Favorite Actress of the Year" in TVB that year, and her acting career can be described as bright

A new chapter in the life of a 47-year-old actress

Chen Yanxing did not stop there, she was not satisfied with just playing a supporting role, in order to seek a breakthrough, after the TVB contract expired in 2006, she resolutely went to Beijing Film Academy for further study, during the development of the mainland, she also suffered a lot of setbacks, and was even deceived by her agent, almost encountered unspoken rules, this experience may also become a reason why she later faded out of the showbiz

A new chapter in the life of a 47-year-old actress

After 2017, Chen Yanxing gradually faded out of the public eye and rarely appeared in public, and now, she was revealed to be the mother of a three-year-old child, and the focus of her life has shifted from her acting career to her family

All kinds of speculation around Chen Yanxing

In addition to the news that Chen Yanxing was upgraded to a mother, the media also broke the news about some of her financial situation, it is alleged that Chen Yanxing and his mother were deceived into insurance of more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars, and finally under the pressure of the media were able to recover their losses, it is speculated that Chen Yanxing's family assets should be quite rich, and she also said that her financial situation is not rich, with a monthly salary of only 30,000 Hong Kong dollars and not much savings

A new chapter in the life of a 47-year-old actress

In the early years, she was in love with a delivery driver, but eventually broke up because of her boyfriend's infidelity, perhaps as a celebrity, so that she encountered more obstacles in her relationship, she also revealed that she hoped to find a veterinarian as a partner, now, 47-year-old Chen Yanxing has become a mother, but the identity of the child's father is still a mystery

A new chapter in the life of a 47-year-old actress

The choice of celebrities and the diversity of life

Chen Yanxing's story is actually the epitome of many stars, they shine in the spotlight when they are young, bringing joy to the audience, but as time goes by, they will also yearn to return to their ordinary lives and feel the warmth of their families, celebrities are also ordinary people, they will also get married and have children, and they will also face challenges in life

A new chapter in the life of a 47-year-old actress

For Chen Yanxing, choosing to return to the family may be her deliberate decision, from a popular actress to an ordinary mother today, the change of identity also means that life has entered a new stage, and we wish her to be able to enjoy the happiness of the family and live the life she wants in the future

A new chapter in the life of a 47-year-old actress

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