
My son's classmate lost her parents, and I provided for her to go to college for 4 years, and now, she is more diligent than my son when she goes home

author:Yo yo fawn

Text: Yo Yo Xiaolu, Material: Li Chunxiang

"Statement: The material of the article comes from life, the storyline is purely fictional, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, it is smooth for the majority of netizens to read, narrated in the first person, please read rationally"

My name is Li Chunxiang, because I was born in the spring when birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, so my parents at home gave me the vulgar name "Chunxiang".

I have six siblings in my family, and I am the eldest in the family, and in the countryside, the eldest is often the one who is the most responsible, not only taking care of the younger siblings, but also helping my parents with farm work.

Because of my family's poverty, I dropped out of junior high school and stayed at home to become the "patriarch" of my younger siblings.

It wasn't until I married my honest husband when I was 24 years old that I completed my mission in my mother's family, and my heart was transferred to our small family.

A year after my husband and I got married, our son fell to the ground.

When my son was three years old, I started planning for him.

I suffered from being uneducated, so I didn't want my son to repeat my mistakes.

So, I discussed with my husband and said, "Lao Li, we have no education, we can only do some hard work every day, these days are hard, do you want your son to be the same as us?" ”

My husband was silent for a while, then took my hand and said, "Haruka, whatever you have planned, I will listen to you."

When I went on a blind date with my husband, his family was so poor, even poorer than mine, and my parents were not optimistic about our marriage.

But I took a fancy to my husband's honesty and honesty, he said, "Chunxiang, I believe in you, you can call the shots in the future."

At that time, my husband's eyes were sincere and warm, so I started a family with him without hesitation.

He is diligent in his work, has a good temper, is a good hand at home and abroad, puts me first in everything, and I know that I am not married to the wrong person.

I believe that this time, my husband will definitely agree with my idea.

I said word by word, "Lao Li, I want us to take our son to the county for development, and let my son go to school in the county in the future."

The educational resources in the village are limited, and I want my son to receive a good education so that he can get a good university entrance examination and live a good life in the future.

As I expected, my husband still supported me as always, he said, "Chunxiang, you're right, you can't let your son lose at the starting line, we have to let him go to the county to get a better education"

My husband and I are both people with strong mobility, and it took two days to deal with the affairs of the family, and then we set off with our son to the county seat.

My son's classmate lost her parents, and I provided for her to go to college for 4 years, and now, she is more diligent than my son when she goes home

The picture comes from the Internet

The county seat is more than an hour's drive from our village, far more prosperous than the town, with a lot of traffic and a dazzling array of goods.

Because I asked my relatives in the county to rent a house for us in advance, which also saved me a lot of time, after the family settled down, I sent my son to a nearby kindergarten.

My husband soon found a job in a nearby brickyard, and I had to find some odd jobs to fill the family because I had to take my children to and from school.

Fortunately, my son is very sensible and obedient, and his grades have been among the best since he entered elementary school, and he has played very steadily in every exam.

When he was in junior high school, he entered the best experimental high school in the county with the first place in his class.

At that time, some relatives ridiculed my husband and I for not being able to do our best, obviously from the countryside, and they still wanted to change their fate and become city people.

They said, I graduated from junior high school and my husband graduated from elementary school, how can I train a college student?

But the son did not disappoint us and slapped them in the face with his strength.

After the college entrance examination, his son was admitted to a 985 college in the north with the fifth place in the school.

My son can be said to be the first child in our village to be admitted to 985, and his wife and I have a long face.

On that day, after receiving the admission letter, my husband and I specially bought a lot of vegetables for our son to celebrate.

Originally, it was a big happy event, which should be celebrated by the whole family, but the son was not very interested, and he was always worried.

I asked my son, "Xiaoyang, is something happening, why are you sad?"

The son has always been optimistic, and rarely sees him sullen.

He was silent for a while before he slowly spoke, "Mom, I used to think that I was very happy, thinking that everyone in the world was the same as me, but after knowing one thing today, I feel that there are many things that happen beyond my cognition, which is enough to destroy a person's happiness."

It turned out that my son had a female classmate named Yanyan, whose parents died in an accident the day before she received the admission letter, and she was admitted to a second-class college, but she had to give up because she had no money.

Yanyan is also a hard-working child, her mother is an adopted daughter, she was not valued by her adoptive parents, and naturally she will not help her continue to go to school, and her grandmother is also a patriarchal old man, and she is not good to Yanyan, and she also said that she would let Yanyan go out to work.

Looking at my son's sad appearance, I felt distressed, and I felt that it was indeed a cruel thing to give up a good future because of money.

So I made the decision and said, "Son, if your classmates are willing, our family will pay for her tuition and living expenses."

As soon as I finished speaking, my son immediately asked happily, "Mom, are you serious?" Are you and Dad really willing to help Yeon-yeon? ”

I glanced at my husband, and he gave me a look that listens to you, and then I said with satisfaction, "When did mom lie to you?"

Now I feel that money is really a good thing, if it weren't for the fact that my husband and I began to learn to contract greenhouses to grow vegetables and save some money a few years ago, otherwise I wouldn't dare to open this mouth, but if money can help a person change her life, I think it's still worth it.

My son's classmate lost her parents, and I provided for her to go to college for 4 years, and now, she is more diligent than my son when she goes home

The picture comes from the Internet

After the funeral of Yeon-yeon's parents, her son brought her to the house.

Although she is not tall, but her facial features are very delicate, just entered the door, she affectionately called me aunt, her voice is gentle and soft, it sounds particularly pleasant, she also prepared a gift for me and my husband, handmade, it is so heartfelt.

This first impression, I gave her full marks.

When I was cooking, she was not idle, she accompanied me to pick vegetables, chatted, and showed me her specialty dishes, I really looked at her more and more pleasing to the eye, and the more I looked at it, the more I liked it.

My husband and I sighed, "This child is strange and pitiful, I will spoil her as a daughter in the future"

My husband didn't forget to pat himself on the back and say, "It's also her blessing that this child can meet a good person like my wife."

Haha, don't look at my husband's honesty, flattering me is also a set, but it makes me very useful.

That summer vacation, I felt sorry for the child who was lonely at home, so I asked my son to ask Yanyan to live at home, anyway, there were more pairs of chopsticks.

After Yanyan came, the change in her son was also obvious, driven by Yanyan, her son, who has always disliked housework, would also help cook, sweep the floor, wash dishes and the like together.

Moreover, one day, Yeon-yeon suddenly found a part-time job distributing flyers, and I thought that my son was reluctant to go out to bask in the sun, but he immediately agreed.

The two of them walked the streets and alleys every day to hand out leaflets, and they worked for a month, and they got tanned.

I was so distressed that when Yeon-yeon handed me a beautifully packaged box, I was really moved to tears.

My husband said that this child is really real, I said it's not, it's really sensible and distressing.

My son's classmate lost her parents, and I provided for her to go to college for 4 years, and now, she is more diligent than my son when she goes home

The picture comes from the Internet

Yeon-yeon and her son's school are in the same city, not far away, and the two often make appointments to go out on weekends to work part-time.

Now I am also relieved, after all, this is the first time that the children have left home to go to school so far away, and now the two are also companions together, and they can also go out together to earn money to reduce the burden on the family.

After this incident, I feel that Yeon-yeon is a treasure girl, because of her, my son will become better and better.

In Yeon-yeon's sophomore year, her grandmother died.

I think she is strange and pitiful, and her mother's love is overflowing, so she directly let Yanyan come to live at home.

The surrounding neighbors are envious of me for having a daughter, I said no, this girl is sensible and diligent, kind and considerate, but she is really a little padded jacket that is not changed.

In the third year of their graduation, I was admitted to the hospital with a blood clot, when my son was sent by the company on a business trip, and he couldn't ask for leave for a while.

Unexpectedly, I was admitted to the hospital in the morning, and Yanyan rushed back from other places in the afternoon.

Yanyan said, "Auntie, you can recuperate with peace of mind, I will take care of you"

I was both surprised and worried, "Son, what's wrong with your job?" ”

Yanyan and I complained before, saying that her female boss is very difficult to get along with, likes to wear small shoes for the employees under her, and often asks them to work overtime, Yanyan works overtime most of the time, once I called her at nine o'clock in the evening, she is still in the company to catch up on a project.

I was distressed and comforted Yeon-yeon and said, "Child, if you are too tired, just quit your job and come back home to find a stable job."

But Yeon-yeon shook her head, "Auntie, I like this job, although my boss is not friendly, I feel very fulfilled to do this job"

It can be seen that she really likes this job very much, and now she runs back without saying a word because of me, what if she is made difficult by her boss later?

More seriously, what if she loses the job she loves?

I was anxious and asked Yeon-yeon to hurry back to work.

She held my hand and comforted, "Auntie, it's okay, your health is the most important thing, and I have the confidence that it's okay to work, so I'll change jobs if it's a big deal."

"But it's your favorite job," I said anxiously.

"Auntie, my work is far less important than your health"

"You kid, don't come back and talk to us," I pretended to complain.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, all I was thinking about at the time was you, and after I heard that you were admitted to the hospital, I couldn't wait to ask for leave and rush back"

Hey, I'd rather this kid be selfish.

I was hospitalized for half a month, and I underwent two surgeries in between, and Yeon-yeon was waiting for me.

The people in the same ward were envious of me and said, "Oh, people with daughters are really blessed, unlike my two sons, who are busy working every day, so I found a nurse to perfunctory me."

I smiled and didn't speak, they were right, I was a blessed man.

Although Yanyan said that she was not my own, she took care of me meticulously, and I had to hang a lot of water every day, Yanyan always said, "Auntie, you should rest quickly, I am staring at the drip bottle"

I moved a little at night, and Yanyan woke up immediately, "Auntie, is there something uncomfortable?"

I replied embarrassedly, "It's okay, it's just that my stomach is a little swollen and I want to go to the toilet."

In the silence of the night, I heard Yeon-yeon breathe a sigh of relief.

After I was discharged from the hospital, Yeon-yeon stayed at home with me for five days, and after making sure I was okay, she rushed back to work.

Fortunately, this time it didn't affect Yanyan's work, otherwise I wouldn't be happy.

My son's classmate lost her parents, and I provided for her to go to college for 4 years, and now, she is more diligent than my son when she goes home

The picture comes from the Internet

After two years, some relatives and friends said that they wanted to introduce their son to a partner, and I thought that my son was not young, and he was at the age of talking about marriage.

So, I tested my son's idea, but I didn't expect him to refuse, "Mom, I make my own decisions about my marriage, so don't worry"

I didn't come up in a breath, and when I thought of Yeon-yeon, I asked that relative to help Yeon-yeon find a partner.

There is really a good boy, who is a civil servant in the county, he is the only child in the family, his parents are also in the system, his grandparents are retired teachers, and his family conditions are quite good, and their family does not dislike Yanyan's family.

The two of us hit it off, and I told Yeon-yeon about it that night.

I thought it would take a little more to talk about it, but Yanyan agreed to come down and said that she would come back with leave.

What is beautiful in my heart is that my daughter is loved, and she is a worry-free child.

After a week, Yanyan came back in a hurry, and before the two could go on a blind date, her son ran back on the hind feet.

The two children had different expressions, and I thought it was a little strange, so I hurriedly asked, "Son, what are you doing here?" ”

I'm not narcissistic enough to think that he took a leave of absence to come back to see us.

The son replied angrily, "Mom, don't introduce someone to Yanyan, they don't deserve her, didn't you push her into the fire pit?" ”

I shuddered at my son's forehead, "You child, I treat Yanyan as if I was my daughter, how can I hurt her, the man's parents are all knowledgeable, I think it's not bad, Yanyan won't suffer a loss when she marries, and I will prepare some dowry when the time comes, and give Yanyan a long face."

"Mom, then I think you can prepare a copy of the bride price and dowry."

I looked at my son, then at Yeon-yeon, and suddenly I reacted.

It seems that this blind date is a farce, but I think it's not without benefits, at least it's also a touchstone for the relationship between my son and Yeonyan.

It turned out that Yanyan had feelings for her son after she went to college, but her son was an elm head, and for so many years, the iron tree just didn't bloom, and Yanyan had no choice, so she wanted to beat her son on a blind date, and sure enough, her son began to panic.

But I know Yanyan's child well, and I am absolutely satisfied with being my daughter-in-law.

Watching the two of them talk about things, sweet and sweet, I am also happy for them.

My son's classmate lost her parents, and I provided for her to go to college for 4 years, and now, she is more diligent than my son when she goes home

When my son was 27 years old, our family was lively and welcomed Yanyan into the house.

At the wedding, relatives and friends said that I had a vision and picked up a daughter-in-law for nothing.

I am overjoyed, and I am also glad that I was kind many years ago and brought a good daughter-in-law to my son.

The wedding was approaching the climax, and Yanyan's words made me can't help but burst into tears.

Yanyan said, "At the most important crossroads of my life, my parents are gone, I thought I was a very unfortunate person, my whole life may be like this, it is my uncle and aunt, they sponsored me to go to college, cared for me, loved me, and gave me the possibility to change my fate, I thank them, they are my lifelong benefactors, and now I am very fortunate that I officially entered this family as a daughter-in-law, and I should also abide by my duty and honor my father-in-law and mother-in-law in the future."

On such a good day, I didn't want to cry, but hearing such heartwarming words, I couldn't help but burst into tears.

On my 55th birthday, my daughter-in-law prepared a surprise for me.

When she handed me a bunch of keys, I was moved to tears.

It turned out that my son and daughter-in-law took into account the pension problems of my wife and me, so they bought a small house near the community where they lived.

The daughter-in-law said, "Mom, you and Dad are getting older, and they live closer to us, so it is convenient for us to take care of you."

This is our third year in our new home, and our home is 10 minutes away from our son's house.

Since my wife and I moved in, my daughter-in-law has been more diligent than my son.

She bought vegetables and delivered them to her home in three days, and took her son and children to come to the house early in the morning on weekends to cook and chat with our old couple, and the family of five was happy.

My wife and I basically bought the daily necessities from the Internet and sent them to our home.

My wife and I had a headache and brain fever, and my daughter-in-law took us to the hospital to see a doctor.

Watching her shuttle through the crowd, busy and busy, I felt both distressed and happy.

How to say, sometimes the fate between people may be predestined.

A kind act of mine many years ago brought a good marriage to my son and a good daughter-in-law for our family, which is both blessing and luck.

I am grateful for all the encounters, and I also wish the young couple eternal happiness and harmony, and the peace and happiness of the family of three.

At the same time, I also hope that our old couple will fight for their bodies and give them less trouble in the future.