
There is still a long way to go, Huo Qigang talked about Dong Yuhui, and using this title is the greatest recognition of him

author:Forces nouvelles horizons


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On the night of June 28, Huo Qigang set off a wave of enthusiasm on social media.

He described in detail the live webcast he and Dong Yuhui created together to focus on Hong Kong culture and art.

This live broadcast is not just an ordinary online event, it is more like a carnival of culture and art, which is eye-opening and heart-shattering.

In this live broadcast, Fok Qigang is full of praise for Hong Kong's cultural diversity, as if a poet is reciting his own poems, revealing a deep love for this land.

He also mentioned in particular Hong Kong's duty-free policy for the luggage of inbound resident passengers, which undoubtedly adds another touch of luster to Hong Kong's unique charm.

There is still a long way to go, Huo Qigang talked about Dong Yuhui, and using this title is the greatest recognition of him

Huo Qigang's words are full of love and recognition for the city, as if every inch of land and every wisp of wind carries his deep affection.

For Dong Yuhui, Huo Qigang is even more respectful of "teacher", which is not a casual title.

It not only represents Huo Qigang's recognition of Dong Yuhui's outstanding achievements in cultural promotion, but also a high respect for his professional ability.

Dong Yuhui, who not only promoted the development of e-commerce, but also shined in educating and inspiring the public, has now transformed from an e-commerce business to a messenger of cultural communication.

This transformation, which can not be described as "metamorphosis", is not an exaggeration, and it highlights the importance of Dong Yuhui in his new professional role, as well as his growing influence.

There is still a long way to go, Huo Qigang talked about Dong Yuhui, and using this title is the greatest recognition of him

Not long ago, in May, Dong Yuhui also visited Hainan to witness the magnificent launch of China's Chang'e-6 mission.

His in-depth exchanges with aerospace experts not only enhanced his personal career, but also broadened his horizons of cultural and technological integration.

This experience seems to have added a touch of color to his life picture.

During this trip to Hong Kong, the cooperation with Fok Qigang has pushed his cultural communication career to a new height.

After meeting with the top leaders of Hong Kong, he set foot in Luanping No. 1 Middle School in Hebei Province and delivered an exciting speech.

Huo Qigang responded very well to this speech, and even praised Dong Yuhui's performance on social platforms, once again calling him a "teacher".

There is still a long way to go, Huo Qigang talked about Dong Yuhui, and using this title is the greatest recognition of him

Today's Dong Yuhui, with his deep insight into life and rich literary background, has successfully attracted the attention of countless audiences in live broadcasts and short videos, the most popular communication media on the Internet.

His ideas and ideas are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people through these new ways of communication, and they also mark a new height in his career.

Huo Qigang's public praise and the enthusiastic response of the general public undoubtedly further confirmed Dong Yuhui's pivotal position and widespread popularity in the cultural field.

Looking back on Dong Yuhui's career, from the brilliance of the e-commerce platform to the persistent pursuit of cultural communication and education, every step of his life shows significant growth and transformation.

There is still a long way to go, Huo Qigang talked about Dong Yuhui, and using this title is the greatest recognition of him

His actions and achievements not only demonstrate his great potential as a key figure in the field of culture, but also indicate that he will achieve more brilliant achievements on this path.

Although there is still a long road ahead and many challenges, Dong Yuhui's influence and profound contribution to culture have already shown us his firm steps and brilliant future on this path.

There is still a long way to go, Huo Qigang talked about Dong Yuhui, and using this title is the greatest recognition of him

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