
Several dogs raised by the dog owner always bite other people's chickens to death, and people come to the door, but he doesn't think so

author:When will my spring breeze come?

In rural life in the countryside, there will always be a little friction between villagers and villagers, or between neighbors and neighbors.

Even if the local chicken is raised by one's own family and is bitten to death by someone else's dog, it will lead to such a fierce theory between the two sides.

A family surnamed Liu in the village has seven or eight dogs at home, and all of them are in a free-range state.

These dogs are in groups on weekdays, no matter where they go? They are all mighty and powerful, and when the villagers meet them, they generally have to retreat and avoid their edge. #头条首发大赛#

Several dogs raised by the dog owner always bite other people's chickens to death, and people come to the door, but he doesn't think so

It's just that the owner of the dogs, who doesn't care about this group of dogs on weekdays, feeds less food, and this group of dogs has no way, so they have to forage for food everywhere to maintain their physical strength.

As a result, a group of dogs often roamed the village, foraging for whatever they saw, whether it was living or dead.

The owner of the dog is the kind of Madaha-like character, and belongs to the kind of person who is not in a hurry when the old lady dies at home.

He only likes to drink all day long, and is indifferent to the housework at home, and his wife often looks down on his lazy behavior, and as long as the old husband and wife open their mouths, they are constantly arguing.

It is because of this character that he always ignores his dogs, and only his dogs in the village have become a group of semi-domesticated, semi-free-range "stray dogs".

It is also he who raised so many dogs, many villagers did not dare to go to his house to play, if you have something and want to go to the dog owner, before the person arrives at his door, you will hear the barking of dogs coming towards you from afar, and people are so frightened that they immediately flee.

This group of half-hungry and half-fed dogs, in order to maintain their physical strength, they have a hateful bad habit, they see that there are local chickens in the village, they will rush up, surround the chickens layer by layer, and then surround and annihilate the local chickens that can't run in time (share and eat)!

Over time, this group of dogs became a group of rats crossing the street, and they became a thorn in the side of the villagers.

On many occasions, the villagers saw the dogs and killed other villagers' chickens.

Several dogs raised by the dog owner always bite other people's chickens to death, and people come to the door, but he doesn't think so

But when the chicken owner found the dog owner's theory, the dog owner pretended to be stupid and stunned, looking disapproving, and he did not take the initiative to offer compensation, nor did he put forward the idea of restraining his dog, and the dog still went his own way.

I have also passed by his door twice, and when I passed by his house, I saw his dogs from a distance, eating dead local chickens with relish.

I have also witnessed several times that a villager came to his house to theorize that his local chicken was bitten to death by his dog, but every time he pretended to be stupid, always greeted with a smile, did not argue with the owner of the chicken, did not take the initiative to compensate others, nor did he restrain his own dogs, he always tried to cool down everything that happened through thick skin and cold treatment.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, but the same rice has raised a hundred kinds of people, his skin is really thick, thicker than the city wall, this kind of person, I have also seen it for the first time in my life.

This morning, while I was still sleeping, I was woken up by a commotion, and I listened carefully in the direction from which the sound came, and it was about the dog biting the chicken to death.

The dog's owner's house lives next door to my house, and he's my neighbor!

Therefore, every time someone comes to his house to "ask the teacher for sin", as long as I am at home, I can hear it clearly.

This time, it was an old couple who came to his house to "ask for guilt", they were the family surnamed Qin who went to the house, and it was my cousin and aunt.

Several of the dog's dogs were wandering at the door of the house, and the cousin and aunt did not dare to approach the dog and enter his house.

His cousin was at the door of his house and asked him loudly: "Your dog has just killed a rooster in my house, why don't you lock the dog up?" Always let them come out and suck other people's chickens? ”

The dog owner continued to pretend to be stupid at home and said: "Don't say it, the last time someone came to my house to make a noise, I wanted to take a chain and tie up all the dogs, but when I pulled the dog, I was bitten by the dog several times, no, I just came back from the rabies vaccine for two days?" As he spoke, he deliberately raised his hand and began to sell miserably.

My cousin and aunt were speechless for a while, who knows if what he said was true or false? Both of them know that he is a thick-skinned person who has no downline for his purpose.

The dog owner is such a person, no matter who comes to his house to "ask the teacher to ask for guilt", he will pretend to be stupid, a kind of attitude that has nothing to do with himself, try to prevaricate, can not conflict, can not compensate as much as possible, in the face of countless such questions, he has long been unaccustomed, and he is also familiar with the road when he flickers people, a full old fritters.

So many times, so many people, all because of his dog, bit someone's chicken, came to him to theorize, but not once, I saw him compensate for other people's losses.

Uncle Cousin was stunned and continued: "Your dog, bite my local chickens to death no less than ten, I haven't said you many times, I really can't swallow this breath today, what are you going to do with your dog?" Is it locked up? Or sell? ”

The dog owner didn't speak, he smiled, the dog owner at the moment, it was a repeat of the old trick, in his subconscious, that's how he felt: There is a way to reach out and not hit the smiling person, I see what you do with me?

Uncle Cousin looked at him coldly, stopped talking, and his face showed anger.

If eyes can kill, the dog owner at this moment may have been killed 10,000 times!

Seeing that the dog owner stopped talking, my cousin just blindly pretended to be stupid, and my cousin saw that there was no point in talking any further, so she pulled my cousin and left.

My cousin said as she walked, "I hate you dogs very much. The anger in my heart could not be overcome.

It's no wonder that many times, people come to the door to ask for explanations, and they don't get cheap, and they don't get compensation. Do not engage in head-on conflict with others; Two. Always greet each other with a smile; Three. sell miserably and obediently win the sympathy of the other party; Four. Don't participate in the discussion of compensation matters, I will listen to what you like, what do you like!

Thick-skinned and thicker than the city walls, this kind of person will always control your mental activities to the core, and he will bet that you will never do anything to him.

The seven or eight dogs he raised have long become a thorn in the eyes of the villagers, a thorn in the flesh, and the behavior of the dog owner has long been distressing in the village, and everyone is angry. He is the only one who is still stupidly thinking that he alone is the smartest in the world.

There is nothing wrong with having dogs, but you have to treat them well, and feeding them with a full and hungry meal is tantamount to abusing them.

Several dogs raised by the dog owner always bite other people's chickens to death, and people come to the door, but he doesn't think so

At the same time, you should also restrain your own dogs, you can lock them up, or chain them, don't let them hurt small animals, and don't let them scare children.

Dogs should be treated well, and at the same time, they should be restrained so as not to affect the normal life of others.