
People born in the 80s like to listen to classic songs with beautiful melodies and popularity

author:When will my spring breeze come?

I am a post-80s student, I like audio, I like music, I like to listen to songs, music is an auditory feast for me, a dose of spiritual food.

Music is as important as food, it is indispensable in life, without it, life would become boring and unremarkable.

When I listen to songs, I usually use power amplifiers to play, and I basically don't use headphones to listen to songs, because I am not used to using headphones.

People born in the 80s like to listen to classic songs with beautiful melodies and popularity

I listen to the style of the songs, and I find that there is a big difference between the style of listening to the songs and the way my niece listens to the songs, I like to listen to the classics that were popular in the 80s, 90s, or 2000s.

My niece, on the other hand, doesn't like to listen to classic old songs, she only likes to listen to current pop songs, babbling, I don't seem to understand much.

This shows that there are vastly different differences between the two generations on the aesthetics of music.

My niece was born in 2005 and is a 19-year-old girl, and I am now a greasy uncle in my 40s.

I listened to her babbling songs, gongs and drums, and the impact of various musical instruments, and I felt that there was no rhythm at all, as if I was listening to a book from heaven, I couldn't understand it at all, and I was distracted by it.

I once asked her, "Is this a good song?" ”

Without hesitation, she said, "It's super nice." I was speechless.

The style of the song depends entirely on herself, what kind of songs does she like to listen to? What kind of songs don't you like to listen to? This is her freedom, and I can't impose what I like on her, and forcibly erase what she likes.

I happened to be the opposite of her, every time I played a classic song in the room, I always listened to it intoxicated, when I forgot to listen, she always came to me and said: "Uncle, please turn down the voice, it's so ugly", every time I heard her say this, I was instantly confused.

Classic songs, with endless aftertaste, never tired of listening, and exciting, have become a kind of noise that cannot enter her eyes in the eyes of the next generation (niece).

People born in the 80s like to listen to classic songs with beautiful melodies and popularity

When my niece was playing a song on the computer in her room, I also asked her to turn down the sound of the song, because the more I listened, the more I was dazed, and the more I listened, the more irritated I became.

A touching song often has a starting point, a process, and a climax, and the mood of the listener will also be driven by the beautiful melody of the song, ups and downs, as if he is completely immersed in a grand auditory feast.

There is a huge difference between my two generations and my niece's love for songs, this is an example of me and my niece? Or is it a common phenomenon in real life?

Once, on the birthday of my friend's 16-year-old son, I was invited to a dinner party, and after we were full of wine and food, my friend and I took his son and his son's classmates to KTV to sing.

One night, it was my friend's son singing with his classmates, and I couldn't understand what they were singing. I couldn't fit in with these children, so my friends and I didn't sing a single song that we did all night.

So what classic old songs do I, a post-80s generation, like to listen to? , and what classic old songs do you like to sing?

People born in the 80s like to listen to classic songs with beautiful melodies and popularity

I'm interested, write down these classic songs one by one, so that you who are also born in the 80s can see, do you also like me, like these classic and popular songs?

There is a big basket of classic songs that I like, they are: "Valentine's Day Without a Valentine", "Red Dust Love Song", "Do I Really Have Nothing", "I Only Care About You", "Going Against the Current", "Love Story Part I", "Love Because of Love", "The Call of Love", "Will You Come Tonight", "Silence is Golden", "I Wait Until the Flowers Are Thanks", "My Future Is Not a Dream", "Later", "The Sea", "Glorious Years", "The Sea and the Sky", "A Game and a Dream", " Familiar Strangers", "Promise in the Wind", "Late Autumn", "Drifting Snow", "Come Back", "Rebellion", "Sleep with Your Name", "Love the Country and Love the Beauty More Much", "Childhood", "The Dawn of Late Autumn", "Lovelorn Front Alliance", "Butterfly Flying", "Love", "Every Day of My Life", "Clearly Confess My Heart", "The Earth", "Women Are Tigers", "Song of a Thousand Thousand Que", ......

There are so many classic songs that I can't remember for a while, but if I think back to them all, at least no less than 200.

As a post-80s generation? Do you also like the classic old songs I have listed above?

Of course, if you are a post-00 or post-10, you can gently swipe through, because we have a generation difference.
