
Outburst! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

author:Jiuxia Wei-hsien


In today's society, we have to face the "package distribution" system again, a policy that once caused huge waves, and now has new changes and challenges.

From university graduates to state-owned enterprises to the rural education sector, everyone is affected to a greater or lesser extent.

So, is this system a blessing or a curse, and how does it affect our lives and futures?

Outburst! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

The history of the rise and fall of the "package distribution" system

In the past, as a solid arm of the country's macroeconomic regulation and control, the "package distribution" system once closely linked the youth dreams of thousands of students with the blueprint of national construction with an iron fist, and built a common memory and destiny trajectory of a generation.

During that time, it was like an invisible net, fine and tenacious, ensuring that every young person who walked out of school could find a place to belong and work silently for the country's industrial development and urban construction.

When the spring breeze of reform blows across the earth and the face of society changes with each passing day, the limitations of "package distribution" are like ice cubes in winter, which are gradually revealed.

Outburst! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

In the wave of market economy, state-owned enterprises urgently need to break free from the shackles and deepen internal reforms, but the "package distribution" has become a shackle to a certain extent, limiting the flexibility and innovation of enterprises.

This system has also led to the obstruction of the flow of human resources in the market, and it is difficult for outstanding talents to flow to the fields where they are needed more, and the efficiency of resource allocation is low, which has become a bottleneck restricting social and economic development.

The development of rural education has been slow due to the uneven distribution of resources, and the gap between urban and rural education has further widened, which highlights the unfairness and imbalance in the distribution of educational resources under the "package distribution" system.

The real dilemma of state-owned enterprises: the problem of talent matching

Outburst! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

In the past, the country outlined the future with a grand blueprint and unified policy for the distribution of college students, the original intention was like the first ray of sunshine in the morning light, warm and full of hope - the purpose was to ensure that every student can apply what they have learned through precise regulation and control, and contribute to the construction of the country.

The reality is like a sudden storm, washing this beautiful vision to pieces.

Many enterprises, like a lonely boat wrapped in the torrent of the times, although they have great ambitions, it is difficult to control the sudden "talent gift package".

They are not hungry, but in the face of a large influx of undergraduates, it is difficult to find a suitable position.

Outburst! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

These talented young people, who should have shined in their respective fields, unfortunately became "misplaced pearls" and were put on hold in unsuitable positions, like swords in sheaths, and it was difficult to show their edge.

This mismatch between talent and demand not only burdens enterprises and limits the pace of innovation and development, but also makes those young people who are full of passion and dreams lose their fighting spirit and dim the light in their eyes in the trivial work day after day.

Their enthusiasm for work is like yellow leaves swept away by the autumn wind, withering one by one; Creativity is also obscured by heavy clouds, making it difficult to penetrate many obstacles and illuminate the way forward.

Problems and helplessness in rural education

Outburst! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

In the field of rural education, the barren resources of teachers are like dry land, longing for the nourishment of a rain.

It was envisioned that the revival of the ancient ritual of "bag distribution" would bring a spring of fresh water to the land, allowing high-quality talents to spring up like mushrooms after a rain, and lighting a beacon of knowledge for the children of the countryside.

This beautiful vision was met with a cold response from reality.

In this vast land, the appeal of rural education seems to have been overshadowed by the dust of time, and it has lost its luster of the past.

Outburst! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

Even native-born locals shy away from the teaching profession, let alone college graduates with dreams and aspirations to make a career in the big city.

They are like the brightest stars in the night sky, but it is difficult to find their place in this dim starry sky.

The helplessness of this reality is like an invisible wall separating higher education from rural education.

The light of higher education cannot penetrate this barrier and illuminate every corner of rural education.

Outburst! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

The predicament of rural education has also weakened the attractiveness and influence of higher education in rural areas.

In the long run, the value of the entire education system may be questioned and devalued in this silent contest.

The call for talent autonomy

With the revival of the "package distribution" system, all walks of life seem to be awakened by a powerful force, and they have raised the banner of independent recruitment, vowing to fight for their own rights in this battle related to the flow of talents.

Outburst! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

The surging tide of the market economy calls for every enterprise to become a free-sailing ship, flexibly adjust the course according to its own weather vane - actual needs and strategic planning, and capture those elite talents who can help enterprises move forward through the waves.

Talents, as the first resource for social development, should be held high and respected and cherished by the whole society.

This is not only a respect for personal dreams and pursuits, but also a deep insight into the potential for social progress and development.

When every talent can shine in the field they love, and when every enterprise can accurately match talent resources according to market demand, the whole society will undoubtedly glow with unprecedented vitality and vitality, and jointly promote the giant wheel of the times to roll forward.

Outburst! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!


The re-emergence of the "package allocation" system has aroused widespread attention and deep thinking.

On the road of exploring future development, we need more rational thinking and in-depth exploration to ensure that talents can choose the future path according to their own wishes and abilities.

Outburst! College Students: Strongly Demanding a Return to the Assigned Work System? Don't break the hearts of the people!

Respecting and protecting the autonomy of talents is the key to promoting the sustainable development and progress of society.

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