
It's serious, I advise everyone to save money to the limit, starting in July!

author:The summer エル of the plum grapefruit
I'm Li Yuzi, click above to follow, and I'll be with you until the end.
It's serious, I advise everyone to save money to the limit, starting in July!

A few days ago, I thought to my teammates that I hadn't been to the restaurant for a long time, so let's go out and have a barbecue. Ordered a meal for two and drank some beer, which cost more than 200 in total.

I don't know when it started, none of the meals for two people when I went out to eat were lower than three digits, and some were not even enough to eat.

The rice outside is heavy on oil and salt, and the stomach is fragile and easy to have diarrhea. Eat at home, save money and be healthy.

The economy is down, the general environment is getting more and more difficult, we need to be prepared for a rainy day, and save more money when we can!

It's serious, I advise everyone to save money to the limit, starting in July!

01. Eliminate poor information and wool

When eating and buying milk tea bread, you may have a look at a certain group and a certain sound, maybe it will be cheaper than offline, and the group purchase price of the two software may also be different.

When you scan the code on your mobile phone to pay, you can scan a red envelope first, five cents a piece, although it is not much, but at least it is saved.

Buy groceries and medicine online, and also see if there is any wool to pick, last time I bought a box of band-aids and iodophor online, and it only cost half the price with the newcomer coupon.

The province should be saved, the money should be spent, and for those who want to save money, it is a little bit to be able to save a little.

02. Engrave your own tape into your DNA

When I used to go to work, I always ordered takeout at noon, and it cost about 20 for a meal, not to mention how much I spent, and I didn't know what to eat after a long time.

Later, when I got pregnant, the takeout was too heavy, so I brought my own food every day, and occasionally I ordered takeout once when I was greedy, and brought my own lunch, and my body became better.

Now when you go out, you must have water bottles, power banks, wipes and paper towels in your bag, and you will never spend more money on these small things again.

It's not that you can't afford it, and it's more cost-effective.

03. Forced savings

The economy is down, and it is becoming more and more difficult to make money, so you must develop a sense of saving money.

As soon as the monthly salary arrives, a part of the money is transferred to a special card, and the money is not used until it is absolutely necessary. It adds up to a lot of money in a year.

I used to save Yu Moubao, and I earned a tea egg every day, although it is not much, but I will have unexpected happiness when I look at it every few months.

It's serious, I advise everyone to save money to the limit, starting in July!

04. Not brainwashed by consumerism

Yesterday, I wanted to buy enlightenment English for my child to read, and I watched the live broadcast for a while, and it cost more than 200.

In this era of advanced information, we are easily brainwashed and consumed by various advertisements and major anchors, resulting in more and more money being spent.

We must have our own subjective consciousness, know what we want and what we don't need, and don't be easily brainwashed by consumerism.

05. Reasonable consumption downgrade

Consumption downgrading doesn't make you pick and search for nothing, but some things don't have a big impact on you.

Some people pursue material things, buy everything they see, buy it back and put it at home and can't use it, and they still fall into ashes when they take up space.

It's better to give yourself a break, clean up useless things and clothes you don't wear, make your home clean and tidy, buy less things and save more money.

06. Go to free places

I live in a coastal city, and I like to take my children to the beach the most, where I can catch the sea, play in the sand, and bask in the sun. Sometimes I go camping, I go hiking, I go to museums, science museums.

There are a lot of places and activities that don't cost money, so don't always feel that you can only go to playgrounds and shopping malls when you go out.

The pleasure of spending money is only temporary, and the pain of getting flattened wallets will last for a long time.

It's serious, I advise everyone to save money to the limit, starting in July!

If you're still worried about not being able to save money and frustrated that you don't have money, follow these steps.

From the second half of the year, from July, from now on!

About the Author:

Li Yuzi, a person who began to streamline his life at the age of 30 and worked hard to save money, wants to live freely in the way he likes.