
How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

Today's topic: How terrible is it to be a poor and conspicuous person? The circle of friends is about to be blown up by these people!

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Edited by Simplified Books

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast


This article is long and is based on the personal experience of netizens, so I can't understand their brain circuits very well!!!

You've probably seen some people around you who show off, and these things are harmless!

can understand, what can't be understood is that a thing is sent 800 times a day, what is this doing?

There is also a kind of person in the circle of friends, who has no money to pretend and show off everything!


The experience of netizens is really empathetic, and some people really show off too much!

No wonder you became an ex-husband, this mother looks down on you.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

If people can show off, it proves that they are not afraid at all!

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

I can't understand, what are the people who show off at the funeral doing?

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

No wonder everyone likes to show off, it's so cool to show off!

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

Later, the editor bought a big gold bracelet and sent it to Moments!

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

It's easy to drink six catties of liquor, and she can still drive, why can't she go to heaven?

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

Look at how well people can talk, and they can bring back the circle if they brag about it.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

What do people who have to ask their husbands for gifts even think on Qingming Festival?

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

The fare of 1800 yuan is not allowed to be taken out for drying!

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast
How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

People have thrown this kind of thought in your face!

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

Good guys, fresh dinosaur eggs, dinosaurs know?

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

This is the way to subdue those who love to post videos.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

This kind of thing can also be warmed up in advance in the circle of friends.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

This is what a father-in-law can say!

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

I didn't expect this old security man to be really a capable person.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

Do Yunnan people like to watch such a circle of friends?

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

This is a normal circle of friends for sales.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

People really can't show off, and if you're not careful, you will become a prophecy!

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

It's too exaggerated, but you really have to post a circle of friends when you go abroad.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

Now it's okay, others don't know that you have money, but the thief knows!

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

Isn't the pet dead? Why do you still put your own beauty photos.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

The people down there are a little bit of a loner.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

Good guy, I posted almost 200 moments on the day of my marriage, which is comparable to a live broadcast.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

You can send it for the first time, but people who send hundreds of messages a day really can't empathize.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

Isn't that happiness? My husband is such a powerful person at a young age!

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

I don't understand very well, what kind of psychology is this kind of person?

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

I hope that there is such a person in the editor's circle of friends, because the editor has never been on a plane.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

You are pure jealousy, other people's children are excellent, you can't get used to it!

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast
How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Netizen: I got married and sent almost 200 circles of friends, which is comparable to a live broadcast

There are some things that should not be taken out and shown, maybe the person who is not right-minded will be worried!

The above are all the life experiences of netizens, not all of them are true, please discern carefully.

How terrible is it to be a poor showman? Come and talk to the editor!