
In a failed family, the hostess is likely to have the following 4 "poor habits"

author:Brew tea and talk about it

Family is the cell of society and the warmest harbor for everyone. In this harbor, the hostess plays a pivotal role. As George Bernard Shaw said, "Man loves habit, because he is the one who makes it." ”

A family's living habits, atmosphere and culture are often closely related to the hostess's personality and habits. However, some hostesses may have invisibly affected the harmony and development of the family because of some "poor habits".

In a failed family, the hostess is likely to have the following 4 "poor habits"

Some hostesses have a habit of "listening to everyone else's everything".

They lack assertiveness and always go with the flow, saying that good is good and bad is bad. This habit is especially evident when shopping, such as buying a bunch of things that don't suit you after listening to a recommendation from a girlfriend, or making impulsive purchases because of a few compliments from a salesperson.

Such behavior not only creates a waste of resources, but can also put financial pressure on families due to irrational consumption. In fact, everyone has their own needs and aesthetics, and it is wise to learn to listen to their inner voice and buy on demand.

In a failed family, the hostess is likely to have the following 4 "poor habits"

Another "poor habit" is "getting used to men for everything".

Some hostesses are too industrious and capable, and they take care of all the affairs of the house, while the men become the "hands-off shopkeeper". Over time, men will become lazier and less responsible. Women, on the other hand, are exhausted by taking on too many family responsibilities. Keigo Higashino's "White Night Walking" depicts an extreme family relationship, and although the plot of the novel is more special, it also reflects the problems that can be caused by the imbalance of responsibilities in the family. In real life, husband and wife should share family responsibilities and support each other in order to create a warm and harmonious family environment together.

In a failed family, the hostess is likely to have the following 4 "poor habits"

"Taking care of everything for your mother's family" is also a "poor habit" of some hostesses.

They always put the needs of their mother's family first, ignoring the actual situation of their own small family. For example, some hostesses will help their siblings at all costs, and even use their own small family savings. Although such behavior reflects the importance of family affection, excessive favoritism in the mother's family is likely to lead to conflicts and conflicts between husband and wife. A happy family needs to be managed and maintained by both husband and wife, and only on the basis of taking care of their own small family can they better help others.

In a failed family, the hostess is likely to have the following 4 "poor habits"

The last "poor habit" is to "compare everything with outsiders".

This kind of comparison psychology will not only make a woman's mentality unbalanced, but also may cause unnecessary pressure on the family. There are hostesses who are always envious of other people's living conditions, children's grades, etc., and then make excessive demands on their own families. Such unrealistic expectations often lead to family conflicts and destroy the family atmosphere.

As the saying goes, "People are more angry than people." "Everyone has their own way of life and pace, and blindly comparing will only lead to endless troubles. Learning to cherish the present and be grateful for life is the right path to happiness.

The happiness of a family is closely related to the character and habits of the hostess. For the sake of family harmony and development, the mistress should strive to overcome these "poor habits" and develop an active and healthy lifestyle. Only in this way can we be a good helper of the family and work together with my husband to create a better future.

As Romain Rolland said: "In marriage, everyone has to pay the price, and at the same time take back something, this is the law of supply and demand." "Only by working together and supporting each other can husband and wife reap a happy family.

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