
From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

author:Zero Quarter Entertainment


Dreams, is it really just stars high above, out of reach?

In those seemingly ordinary lives, are there also thrilling dream journeys hidden?

Today, we will unveil the mystery of a film and television giant who has risen from the ordinary - Hou Tianlai, a gorgeous turn from a worker in Changchun Bicycle Factory to a national first-class actor, his story is enough to make us believe that every dream is worthy of being respected and pursued.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

Dreams set sail in the ordinary

In the dazzling film and television galaxy, the name Hou Tianlai may not be unfamiliar, especially in the drama "In the Name of the People", he played the role of Chen Qingquan, and the phrase "learning English" made him popular again and became a topic of conversation after dinner.

But did you know that this artist, who is comfortable in front of the camera, has such an ordinary starting point in life? Imagine how a worker in a bicycle factory walked step by step to the pinnacle of the temple of art.

Is the persistence and struggle behind this more exciting than any script?

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

Childhood exploration and the germination of dreams

When Hou Tianlai was a child, he was not the kind of child who sat obediently in the classroom and chewed on books.

He is lively, curious, and full of exploration of the world around him.

Such a character seems to run counter to the traditional sense of "good student", but it planted the seeds for his future career in performing arts.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

When he was in high school, he missed the perfect opportunity to enter the art academy because he was too indulgent, which was a regret, but it also became an important turning point in his life.

Subsequently, he walked into the Changchun Bicycle Factory and became an ordinary worker.

There, the hardships and hardships of life inspired him to have a stronger desire for art, and the spark of his dreams was quietly ignited in this seemingly ordinary post.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

The college entrance examination was restarted, and fate turned around

In the spring of 1978, when the good news of the country's resumption of the college entrance examination was like a warm spring breeze, gently blowing through every inch of land in China, it also quietly awakened the seeds of hope in Hou Tianlai's heart.

This is not only the spring of knowledge, but also a key moment in the fate of countless people, Hou Tianlai tightly grasped this key to open a new world.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

Although the road to preparing for the exam in front of us is full of thorns - the sweat of manual labor during the day has not yet dried, and at night I have to read at night, with the stars as my companion and dancing with the moonlight, this persistence seems to be a marathon against time and self-competition.

But Hou Tianlai has an unquenchable flame in his heart, he gritted his teeth, turned all the fatigue into a ladder to climb the peak of his dreams, and finally, with unremitting efforts, he successfully picked the olive branch of Jilin Academy of Arts and opened a new chapter in his life.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

In the fertile soil of Jilin Academy of Arts, Hou Tianlai's world is more colorful because of a "outspoken" to almost "sharp" class teacher.

A straightforward evaluation of "unpleasant appearance", at first hearing, was like a basin of cold water, which made Hou Tianlai's heart feel slightly cold, but soon, this coolness was transformed into a burning fighting spirit in his heart.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

He is deeply aware that in the colorful art circle, appearance may be able to open a door, but what can really make a person stand firm and win respect is only excellent acting skills and unremitting artistic pursuit.

So, Hou Tianlai secretly vowed to make his talent the most dazzling business card, and prove with his strength: On the stage of art, acting is the eternal protagonist, and he wants to become the leader who speaks with strength.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

The grinding and transformation of the drama stage

As soon as the end of his university life ended, Hou Tianlai stepped into the threshold of the Jilin Provincial Repertory Theatre with great longing, and embarked on a gorgeous transformation road from a young novice to a stage veteran.

Here, every time the stage lights jump, it is not only the beginning of the night, but also like a testing ground for the soul of his acting skills, and every time it shines is the quenching and forging of his artistic life.

He is like an actor with a thousand faces, shuttling through the kaleidoscope constructed by the script, whether it is a small person in the market or a historical figure, under the skin of each character, there is Hou Tianlai's endless exploration and pursuit of performing arts.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

And the wheel of fate turned again, leading him to the broader world of Changchun Film Studio.

This is not only a change in geographical location, but also a leap and upgrade in his acting career.

Just as the characters in the game unlock new maps, a bigger stage means more complex levels, a richer storyline, and, of course, exciting "hidden missions" – unexpected opportunities and challenges.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

The screen is blooming, and the villain becomes famous

In film and television dramas, Hou Tianlai chose a path rarely traveled - playing the role of a villain.

Starting from Director Wang in "Women Are No Longer Silent", he showed the complexity of the role vividly with his superb acting skills.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

Although the characters are sometimes accompanied by abuse and misunderstanding from the audience, Hou Tianlai has a tenacious heart to turn these negative emotions into the motivation to shape the characters.

He gradually accepted the label of "lewd demon", and through the in-depth excavation of the role, he showed the multi-faceted nature of human nature and won the recognition of the industry.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

"In the Name of the People" has reached new heights

In the drama "In the Name of the People", Chen Qingquan played by Hou Tianlai is undoubtedly another highlight moment in his acting career.

He used his delicate performance to make this role both hateful and pitiful, especially the scene of "learning English", which is still talked about today.

This is not only a deep understanding of the role, but also an explosion of his acting skills over the years.

Through this role, Hou Tianlai once again proved his infinite possibilities as an actor.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

Pay equal attention to family and career, and live a warm life in old age

In addition to his career, Hou Tianlai's attention and dedication to his family are equally admirable.

In his later years, he cherished the time he spent with his family even more and was grateful to his wife for her silent support over the years.

Regarding the future, Hou Tianlai has his own plan, maybe he will continue to be active on the screen, maybe he will try more diversified roles, what remains unchanged is the love and dedication to acting.

At the same time, he also does not forget to give back to the society, actively participate in public welfare activities, and convey positive energy with practical actions.

From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", the bed scene is eye-opening, but it is deeply loved by the audience?

Conclusion: The power of dreams and perseverance

Looking back on Hou Tianlai's life, the gorgeous turn from an ordinary worker to a national first-class actor is not only a history of a person's struggle, but also a victory of dreams and perseverance.

He told us from personal experience that no matter what the starting point is, as long as we have dreams and unremitting efforts, we will eventually reach the other side of our hearts.

Hou Tianlai's story is an inspiration and inspiration to every dreamer who is still on the road, making us understand that in the journey of chasing dreams, the support of family members and the tolerance of society are equally important, they are the sails of the boat of dreams, leading us to ride the wind and waves and move towards a bright future.

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