
Huahong Automobile Group sends off Secretary Wang Yuqi

author:Isis emotion

▎ The green mountains are not old, and the years are like songs, and the friendship is long. On the afternoon of June 29, Huahong Automobile Group held a farewell party to thank Comrade Wang Yuqi, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group, for his hard work in the past 8 years and for making positive contributions to the development of Huahong Automobile Group. Dai Hua, chairman of the group, Zhang Haoping, Liao Xun, vice president of the board of directors, heads of various functional departments and representatives of party members attended the farewell party. Zhu Hui, deputy secretary of the party committee and assistant to the president, presided over the meeting.

Huahong Automobile Group sends off Secretary Wang Yuqi

Secretary Wang Yuqi sighed at the farewell party: "The past few years of working in Huahong Automobile Group are very meaningful and valuable. I have witnessed, witnessed and participated in the extraordinary journey of Huahong Automobile Group to become a leading enterprise in the automobile service industry in Jiangxi Province, with annual sales exceeding 10 billion yuan and ranking 44th among the top 100 automobile dealers in China. It has witnessed that Chairman Dai Hua led all Huahong people to break through, overcome difficulties, and overcome difficulties and challenges one after another, and created a good corporate reputation of "buying a good car to go to Huahong, repairing a car to find Huahong". Thanks to the support and companionship of my colleagues, my work and life in the past few years have been full of vigor and vitality. I wish Huahong Automobile Group a prosperous performance and make greater contributions to Chinese modernization! ”

Huahong Automobile Group sends off Secretary Wang Yuqi

On behalf of the board of directors of the group and nearly 3,000 business partners, Chairman Dai Hua expressed his most sincere gratitude to Secretary Wang. He said that Secretary Wang is an elder we respect, and he is also a wise man with high prestige, and his morality, talent, knowledge, and fighting spirit are worthy of our admiration and learning. Thanks to Secretary Wang for his hard work, contributions to Huahong and the precious spiritual wealth he left behind. I wish Secretary Wang good health, sweet life, and all the best in the future!

Huahong Automobile Group sends off Secretary Wang Yuqi
Huahong Automobile Group sends off Secretary Wang Yuqi
Huahong Automobile Group sends off Secretary Wang Yuqi

The participants sent their blessings, and the farewell party ended successfully in a warm and pleasant atmosphere.

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