
The melon you asked in a private message

author:Isis emotion

xxx: Lailai, whether Di Lieba's object is in the circle or outside the circle, please be handsome

Answer: The most recent paragraph is an insider

The melon you asked in a private message

xxx: Lailai, recently chasing ink rain clouds like Wang Xingyue and Chen Xinhai very much, I want to be fans but I am afraid of thunder, can these two people rest assured that they are fans?

Answer: Having a romance is not a thunder to me

The melon you asked in a private message
The melon you asked in a private message

xxx: Lailai, Li Gengxi, Xiang Hanzhi, and Zhuang Dafei have a good relationship? I'm so annoyed that these capitalists have pushed them out, and when they see them, their eyes go dark. Especially a princess who catches and who binds up and fires cp, what the hell is the operation, can't you go home and gnaw your feet if you have money? The acting skills are rubbish, and he doesn't open his eyes to look at his popularity.

Answer: The three little princesses in the Beijing circle are not very compatible

The melon you asked in a private message
The melon you asked in a private message

xxx: Lailai Ha, may I ask Hou Minghao can rest assured that he is a fan, he has been obsessed with his dramas recently, how is his character?

Answer: The resources are okay, but there is no spark, people are more sincere, not very good at things, and they are not very favored in Hesong

The melon you asked in a private message
The melon you asked in a private message

xxx: Lailai, ask an unpopular CP, have Xue Zhiqian and Deng Ziqi ever been together?

Answer: No。。。。。。

The melon you asked in a private message
The melon you asked in a private message