
Parents put on a banquet for college promotion, and only a few people came to 34 tables, netizens: School banquet or wealth banquet?

author:Sugar chatter

Two days ago, another video rushed to the hot search, which sparked heated discussions among netizens.

This is a video taken by a parent in a hotel, only a few people sat in a huge hotel. The parents were still complaining: "My son's college banquet, there are so many people." ”

Parents put on a banquet for college promotion, and only a few people came to 34 tables, netizens: School banquet or wealth banquet?

Judging from the tone, this parent is still quite dissatisfied with the small number of people, and may have wanted to shoot this video to make those who were invited but did not come feel guilty, and also let netizens stand on their side and criticize those people, but I didn't expect that netizens were very sober!

Some netizens said: "My family is happy, my family will have a meal to congratulate and congratulate, and it has nothing to do with others how many scores and how good the child is." ”

Parents put on a banquet for college promotion, and only a few people came to 34 tables, netizens: School banquet or wealth banquet?

Some netizens said: "It's all about courtesy, and there must be a reason why no one came." ”

However, there are still netizens in the comment area who show off, "My daughter has done all the small classes to middle classes, spent 5,000 yuan, collected 25,000 yuan, and the kindergarten tuition is enough." ”

Netizens commented: "Is this a banquet for further education or a banquet for collecting money?" ”

I don't know when it started, the popular college banquet was popular, I still remember that when Ah Tang was admitted to the ideal university, it was just a big family having a meal together, happy and happy.

But I didn't think that today's college banquets can be held to this extent: young students can hold college banquets, small classes can be promoted to large classes, small school promotions, junior high school promotions, and high school promotions can be held at the university banquet, and the scale of the college banquet is getting bigger and bigger, from the family scale to the wedding scale!

Parents put on a banquet for college promotion, and only a few people came to 34 tables, netizens: School banquet or wealth banquet?

Just like in this video, for the sake of the child's college entrance banquet, I don't even know what kind of school it is, but 34 tables were ordered, 10 people per table, that is, 340 people! That's bigger than even some people's weddings!

The scale is truly shocking.

Moreover, as many netizens said, if your child does well in the exam, then you can just be happy and happy, others may not be happy because of this, and there are even many people who envy, envy and hate. If your child does not do well in the exam, then this school promotion banquet is purely a wealth banquet, not only the people who come are embarrassed, but the children are also embarrassed.

I have to say that the current college entrance banquet has changed its taste.

Some netizens shared their own college entrance banquet, they had just finished the exam, and they were pulled to their own college promotion banquet as soon as they came out of the examination room, not to mention the admission notice, and even the results were not announced, and they didn't know if they could go on to higher education smoothly, so they had already started their own college promotion banquet.

Some netizens shared their embarrassment at the college entrance banquet, he was obviously only admitted to a junior college, and he was very dissatisfied with his grades, but his parents also held a college promotion banquet for him with great fanfare, and invited relatives and friends from the whole village to participate.

Is it really worth holding such a college banquet? Is it really okay to ignore those gift money?

And things like gift money, are all courtesy, sophistication, if you live in an environment that has a tradition of holding a school banquet for children, and everyone gives each other gift money, then it is really understandable, after all, the money that goes out is also to be recovered;

But if you don't have this custom, then you don't have to set this precedent, which will be offensive.

Secondly, you should consider your usual behavior and sophistication with relatives and friends, if you don't do it well, then you can only end up in an embarrassing situation if you blindly hold a college banquet.

Finally, I want to say that I think that it is not necessary to have a big school banquet, and if the child has good grades, his family is the happiest, so why not have a meal together with his family easily and happily?

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