
Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG

Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG

Remnant game

2024-07-02 23:48Creators in the field of games

[Pay attention to the afterimage game, see the latest information of LOL, and take a look at this issue of the daily newspaper of the circle! ] 】


The JKL upgrade event has escalated, and a group of LPL players have supported it!

Before the start of the Oil Cup, JKL caused a small rhythm on its side, and at first, he only complained in the live broadcast that the Oil Cup only provides economy class, resulting in the club needing to upgrade at its own expense. And because the competition system is a single-elimination system, the participating teams have only one chance, if the first game is lost, then the oil cup will end in a "loss", not only the time of the players and other staff is wasted, but the additional consumption caused by the upgrade and the rest of the events will not be compensated by the bonus, to put it bluntly, it is to lose money to play the game.

Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG

However, such a trivial matter was sharply commented by Huang Xudong outside the circle, criticizing LOL players for not knowing how to endure hardship, and also took the older generation of e-sports people to come out in green skin to talk about things. For this sharp comment, many LPL players have come forward to be tough, breaking Huang Xudong's careful thinking about rubbing the popularity of LPL, and saying that the times have changed, and they should not blindly endure hardship. In addition, many insiders have responded, just like Tinker Bell, he said: The older generation of e-sports people can endure hardships, he must win the world championship, right?

Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG

Icon also supported it after seeing it, and complained: The two old Deng don't know what to comment on, can the things of more than ten years ago be compared with now? Bao Sang also didn't give the slightest face, and said bluntly: Those greasy men of the older generation would like to let the young people suffer for a lifetime. In fact, to put it bluntly, this is completely nosy on Huang Xudong's side, not talking about whether the contestants should suffer this hardship, the current situation is that everyone is paying for themselves, and they spend their own rice, where do they get the qualification evaluation? What's more, times have indeed changed, and it is really outrageous to compare the past with the present.

Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG


Uzi gesture proposes that the next Old Man Cup will be formed for 18 years RNG!

In the first Old Man's Cup, many retired players have found a trace of the feeling of being in service, even if it is a loss in a training match, it will make them red, in their eyes, what they lost is not just a game, but they have to admit that they are no longer what they were back then, which is the most unacceptable point for them. It is precisely the seriousness of the players that makes the popularity of the Old Man Cup not inferior to the LPL main event, therefore, a certain tooth will also hold the second Old Man Cup, and there may be a world championship in this event.

Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG

In the revelations of King Ning and his posture, the old man's cup will invite retired players from the LCK to participate, which is no different from the World Championship. And when Uzi was in harmony with the gesture, he also began to plan the lineup for the second Old Man Cup. Since Xiao Ming left RNG, he proposed that Xiao Ming also participate in the Old Man's Cup, try the strength of the Old Man's Cup, and don't always laugh at himself. Uzi also agreed, and said that he wanted to call those people over to form a team. Seeing this, he immediately formed a lineup, namely Letme, Xiangguo, Uzi, Xiao Ming and himself.

Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG

This lineup can actually be regarded as an 18-year RNG, therefore, Uzi also proposed to form an 18-year IG, and even the old WE and the old EDG can be formed. After hearing this, the audience also swiped the screen to support it, and predicted that the popularity of this lineup would be higher. But you must know that Uzi, Posture and Letme were originally divided into captains, and it is not easy to make them in the first team. No, the gesture directly began to think about recruitment, and bluntly said: Tell them directly, if you want us to participate, you have to get into a team. Let's look forward to it, it's nice to be able to compose it.

PS: 100% original article, manual typing is not easy, you can pay attention to a wave of friends who like it!

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  • Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG
  • Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG
  • Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG
  • Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG
  • Players strongly support JKL upgrades, and blind hardship is not advocated! Uzi proposes that the Old Man's Cup be formed for 18 years RNG

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