
National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu

author:Splendid Piano 7723
National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu

In every corner of the Chengdu National Table Tennis Base, there is a tense and orderly atmosphere. This is the cradle of national table tennis and the holy place for them to prepare for the Olympic Games. With the Paris Olympics approaching, every member of the team is tense and devoting themselves to the training in full swing. For national table tennis, this is not only a sports competition, but also a defense of national honor.

Recently, the training life of national table tennis has become the focus of attention from the outside world. Different from those opponents who are rushing on the international stage, the main players of national table tennis are receiving the most rigorous and systematic training here. From Zhang Yining to Deng Yaping, to Wang Nan, Ding Ning and Liu Shiwen, these Grand Slam celebrities have appeared on the training ground to guide the younger generation. Their arrival has undoubtedly added more weight and expectation to the preparation of national table tennis.

National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu

The men's team is also not to be underestimated. Wang Liqin, Xu Xin, Liu Guozheng, Chen Xi and other former famous generals also had a long-term sparring in Chengdu. Such a lineup undoubtedly makes the preparation of national table tennis more huge and powerful. They not only brought rich competition experience, but also set an example for young players, conveying the spirit and belief of national table tennis.

However, in addition to the intense preparations, the players of the national table tennis also have their own relaxed moments. Recently, the dynamics of several main players have attracted widespread attention from the outside world.

National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu

Sun Yingsha, a female player known as a rising star of national table tennis, recently appeared in a cheongsam, which made people shine. The short red suit matched the long white skirt, showing her heroic posture to the fullest. In the photo, she poses with her hands up, as if to greet all the fans and spectators. This outfit not only shows her fashion taste, but also highlights her confidence and style as a member of the national table tennis team.

Wang Chuqin, on the other hand, appeared relatively calm. As the main force of men's singles and mixed doubles in national table tennis, the burden on his shoulders is not light. However, in the face of such heavy pressure, he appeared to be full of confidence. During a recent break, he also invited a few friends out to eat and taste Sichuan's authentic hot pot. This move undoubtedly let the outside world see his relaxed and enjoyable side.

National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu

Chen Meng and Wang Manyu are the other two key figures in the national table tennis women's team. Chen Meng made it clear in an interview that he really didn't expect to get a singles quota for the Olympics. She repeatedly said that she was very lucky, although this remark made some people feel a little embarrassed, but it is undeniable that she did say her true feelings. Recently, Chen Meng is in a very happy mood, and the appearance he shows is also very cute.

In contrast, Wang Manyu's defeat made many fans feel unconvinced. However, she responds to all of this in a surprising way. In a series of recent recreational activities for the team, she has been very thorough. She seems to have really figured out what she has to do – and that's to let go of her baggage and give it her all for the rest of the game. The arrival of many seniors made her feel the strength and warmth of the team. They hope that in the next competition, everyone can put aside their personal gains and losses and work together for the team's goals.

National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu

In such an atmosphere, the training life of national table tennis seems to be both tense and fun. Every day, the team members are sweating for their dreams and the honor of the country. They know that every point they put in will be rewarded in the future on the field.

However, in this seemingly peaceful training life, there are also some unknown conflicts and challenges. As the Olympics approached, the competition between the team members became more intense. Everyone is eager to show their strength on the field and win glory for the country. Although this competition is fierce, it also stimulates their greater potential and fighting spirit.

In such an environment, the coaches of national table tennis are also facing tremendous pressure. They need to develop the most appropriate tactics and strategies according to the form and performance of the players. Every detail cannot be missed, and every possible problem needs to be anticipated and solved in advance. They have only one goal, that is, to make the national table tennis shine again at the Paris Olympics.

National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu

With the passage of time, the training life of national table tennis has gradually come to an end. The opening day of the Paris Olympics is getting closer and closer, and the feelings of the team members are becoming more and more complicated. They are looking forward to being able to show what they are capable of on the field, but they are also worried that they will not be able to perform at their best. This conflict and anxiety weave through their hearts and make them feel stressed.

However, at this critical moment, the players of the national table tennis showed their tenacity and perseverance. They know that no matter how difficult and challenging they may be, they cannot give up on their dreams and beliefs. They encourage and support each other as they face the challenges that lie ahead.

Finally, on the last day of the training camp, the members of the national table tennis team conducted a mock Olympic competition. They gave it their all, as if they were really in the Olympics. Everyone's heart is full of passion and fighting spirit, and they write their own legend with their sweat and hard work.

National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu

After the game, although some people were happy and some were worried, the players of the national table tennis team hugged each other tightly. They know that no matter what the outcome, they are each other's strongest support. They have experienced ups and downs together, faced challenges together, and shared joys and tears together. At this moment, they are no longer simple teammates or opponents, but family members in the real sense.

With the end of the training camp, the players of the national table tennis team are about to embark on the journey to Paris. They know that the real challenge has just begun. In the coming days, they will face more fierce competition and more severe challenges. However, they also believe that as long as they unite and work together, they will be able to create the glory of national table tennis again in the Paris Olympic Games.

National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu

At the moment when they were about to leave Chengdu, the players of the national table tennis team looked back at this land that was once sprinkled with sweat and tears. They know that this is not just a training base, but also a place where their dreams begin. With a nostalgia for the land and a vision for the future, they set out on a journey to Paris.

In the coming days, the players of the national table tennis team will face countless challenges and tests. However, they also believe that as long as they maintain their dedication to their dreams and firm beliefs, they will be able to shine their own light at the Paris Olympics. Their stories will continue to write the legend and glory of national table tennis......

National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu

As the national table tennis players embarked on the journey to Paris, domestic fans also sent their blessings and support to them. They know that this team not only represents the honor and image of the country, but also carries the dreams and hopes of countless people. In the days to come, no matter what challenges and difficulties the national table tennis players face, they will be the most solid backing and the warmest harbor.

National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu

And the players of the national table tennis also know this. With the blessings and support of their domestic fans, they embarked on the journey to Paris. They know that they are fighting not only for personal honor, but also for the dignity and image of the country. In the future, they will go all out, fight to the end, and repay the love and support of domestic fans with practical actions.

The Paris Olympics is about to kick off, and the players of the national table tennis team are also fully prepared. They will meet the challenge of this sports feast with the fullest mental state and the best level of competition. They believe that in the coming days, they will be able to create the glory and legend of national table tennis again at the Paris Olympics. And the fans in China will also join them to witness the arrival of this historic moment......

National table tennis training camp: cheongsam Sun Yingsha, hot pot Wang Chuqin, voice Chen Meng and unexpected Wang Manyu


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