
Good news! China discovered the world's only new strategic mineral yesterday! Experts say: The impact is far-reaching!

author:Persistent science popular


Once again, China's researchers have brought a "surprise" to the world, although in the past few years, the mainland has repeatedly achieved miraculous scientific research results, but this time the result is that in a short period of time, two minerals that are unique in the world have been discovered.

Chinese scientists have discovered a new mineral in the Jinbo concrete niobium-copper iron deposit in the Tuyouqi region of Inner Mongolia, but when they analyzed its chemical composition, they found that it was not similar to the previously known mineral species.

In niobium-copper-iron deposits, there is also a amphibole mineral.

The discovery of these two new minerals is unique to the world, which means that the following continents have exclusive assets in the world and their impact on the other areas they represent cannot be underestimated.

Experts jokingly call these two new minerals the emergence of a "new revolutionary", which has the effect of increasing the efficiency of chips by 5 to 20 times.

What are the two new minerals, why are they called "revolutionary", and what impact will this have on the mainland's semiconductor industry?

Good news! China discovered the world's only new strategic mineral yesterday! Experts say: The impact is far-reaching!

New minerals of the world are discovered on the continents.

The first new mineral, named "Obo niobium", was first excavated in 1904, although it was already classified and considered not to be niobium, or even considered to be a "difficult mineral" in identification.

This new mineral was discovered only five times between 1916 and 1996, but after 1996 it was quickly discovered and frequently excavated.

It can be seen that people are interested in this new mineral after new materials and new energy have become hot fields, and it can be guessed that this new mineral may be of great help to the research and development of new materials.

Its English name is "Ebonbursaite", and it has been approved by the International Mineralogical Association and added to the International Mineral Database as a formal category, which also means that the first new mineral discovered by mineralogists on the continent has officially declared itself to be on a par with the new minerals that exist uniquely in nowhere else in the world.

The second newly discovered mineral was named "Zhai Zhen Amphibolite" by experts, and its English name is "Zhizhite".

Discovered in Canada in 1997, this mineral crystal is small and transparent, turning white when heated, and its physical properties and geological significance of mineral resources have been studied and classified.

These two minerals have been newly discovered, in the eyes of experts in the field of science and technology, the application of chip performance, new materials, new energy, information technology and other industries is absolutely not underestimated, is another good for the mainland semiconductor industry, so that the mainland has a breakthrough in the manufacturing of the semiconductor industry.

Good news! China discovered the world's only new strategic mineral yesterday! Experts say: The impact is far-reaching!

The impact of two new strategic minerals on the mainland's chip industry.

The rigid board in the PCB refers to the fiberglass board containing a layer of copper foil, which is the most important material, which is also the basis of the electronic terminal products produced by the electronic elevator, and the copper foil contained in the PCB is the substrate of the PCB.

There are various types of copper foil, which should be distinguished and classified according to the scope of its use, and most of the copper foil types used in electronic products are mainly high-frequency boards and radar boards.

The copper foil in the PCB is mainly made of electronic grade ED copper as the substrate material, and the inner board should mainly use low-frequency and high-frequency boards, while the outer board should use chemical tin plate as the substrate material.

It can be seen that copper foil is very widely used in PCB, which also shows that it has a pivotal position in the semiconductor industry.

The newly discovered "Obo niobium ore" and Zhai Zhen amphibole are both electronic-grade copper foil, which is why scientific and technological experts will be excited after the discovery of these two ores.

From the point of view of the formation characteristics of crystallization, "Zhai Zhen amphibole" is a relatively common igneous rock mineral, and traces of Zhai Zhen amphibole can be found in basalt or igneous intrusive rocks.

The main use of Zhai Zhen amphibole is iron, iron magnesium, iron, magnesium and aluminum minerals, but also has a certain transparency, the main use of Zhai Zhen amphibole, we can use it as a raw material for the smelting of bright alkali glass, and can also be used to make aluminum metal and convection ore refining.

At the same time, we can also use it in the smelting industry, it has a very high melting point, and after smelting, it can be made into aluminum-magnesium alloy, which can be used in the manufacture of buildings and ships.

At the same time, Zhai Zhen amphibole also has certain medicinal value, such as it is a high-quality anti-inflammatory material, which can be used to make antibiotics and other pharmaceutical materials for anti-inflammatory treatment.

Niobium is a mineral that can be used in a wide range of applications, from aerospace power systems to nuclear energy systems, as well as to electronic chips and miniature components.

At the same time, it can also be used for arc knives, microwave ovens, medical equipment, manufacturing batteries, etc., which is the strength of niobium ore.

It can be seen that the wide range of uses of these two minerals involves many fields such as military industry, semiconductor industry, information industry, auxiliary medical care, building materials, and industrial materials.

It can be seen that these two minerals are extremely important, especially its application in the manufacture of chips, if the technology of chip manufacturing in the mainland can break through, so that the performance of the chip in the mainland can be greatly improved, which will make the continent once again achieve corner overtaking.

At the same time, it can also manufacture more technologically advanced products and seize the dominance of many technological fields, which is very beneficial to the mainland, and this benefit is far-reaching, and it is a huge advantage for the future development of the mainland.

The impact of the world's new minerals on the continent and globally.

Judging from the discovery of these two new minerals, the mainland has a unique advantage in minerals, even surpassing the discovery and mining of other countries in the field of minerals, which is an inseparable thing.

At the same time, it can also provide very rich raw materials for the development of the mainland's new material industry, and with the development of the mainland's new materials, it will play a huge role in the domestic semiconductor industry.

It plays a vital role in the semiconductor industry.

The discovery of these two new mineral species has once again proved the mainland's ability and strength in scientific and technological innovation, and these achievements have been achieved by mainland scientists after repeated exploration and practice.

These achievements are the crystallization of the hard work of scientists, and we should respect their contributions, and at the same time, we should make timely application of their achievements and make greater contributions to the development of the country and the world.

Good news! China discovered the world's only new strategic mineral yesterday! Experts say: The impact is far-reaching!


To provide new energy for the development of the mainland, but also to enable the mainland to have more leading power in scientific and technological innovation, but also to make the world more dependent on the mainland's new materials, this night greatly promote the development of the mainland's scientific and technological innovation, and lay a new foundation for the future construction of the mainland.

The discovery of new minerals not only has a significant impact on the continent, but also has a profound impact on the global scientific and technological field, and will also change the world's scientific and technological pattern, thereby changing the world's new scientific and technological pattern.

The discovery of these new minerals can not only bring a qualitative leap to the mainland, but also drive the development of its surrounding industrial chains, and may also give birth to some new industrial chains, which will give great impetus to the development of the mainland's scientific and technological fields, and at the same time have a significant impact on the current period in which the mainland is located, and point out the way for the future development of the mainland.

As the saying goes, "if you don't forget your original intention, you have to always do it", for mainland scientific research workers, no matter what time they are, they must do their own work with all their hearts, firmly believe that God rewards hard work, and as long as they pay, they will definitely reap the rewards.

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