
After the women's basketball U18 lost the championship, Zhang Ziyu had great potential, 3 people were recognized, and Zheng Wei's world championship was very stable

author:Ashin said the ball

Although the U18 of the women's basketball team lost the championship Zhang Ziyu was still honored, the women's basketball team led by Zheng Wei now has 3 outstanding members worthy of recognition, and Zheng Wei and Yao Ming ushered in good news in the arena.

After the women's basketball U18 lost the championship, Zhang Ziyu had great potential, 3 people were recognized, and Zheng Wei's world championship was very stable

For the recent women's basketball team, losing to Australia in the U18 game and losing the championship of the game, for many expert fans, this is indeed a pity, but everyone must understand that the women's basketball adult group led by Coach Zheng Wei, as well as the current U18 young youth group, everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages.

After the women's basketball U18 lost the championship, Zhang Ziyu had great potential, 3 people were recognized, and Zheng Wei's world championship was very stable

The first thing you should understand is that the women's basketball team lost the game in the face of Australia in the recent U18 game, Zhang Ziyu, the 2.28 meter big center, it was difficult to occupy the team to win the championship in this game, but after the game, some people played all kinds of comments on Zhang Ziyu, and some even criticized Zhang Ziyu: did not play at an excellent level.

After the women's basketball U18 lost the championship, Zhang Ziyu had great potential, 3 people were recognized, and Zheng Wei's world championship was very stable

However, everyone can't ignore that Zhang Ziyu is only 17 years old, her experience is not enough, she still needs time, she needs to continue to experience and improve, and we need more encouragement to Zhang Ziyu. After all, Zhang Ziyu, in the previous game, faced the Japanese team, and scored a high score of 44 points in a single game, and the overall level of ability she showed in the game was really superb.

After the women's basketball U18 lost the championship, Zhang Ziyu had great potential, 3 people were recognized, and Zheng Wei's world championship was very stable

In the previous series of competitions, it was easy for Zhang Ziyu to get more than 10 points, so this should not be too much criticism for Zhang Ziyu, and she should be encouraged more and let her show a better level, which is what everyone deserves encouragement. Then, we also have to understand that there are many members of the women's basketball team who can rely on at the center level, that is, some of the members that you know.

Among them are Liu Yutong, Zhang Ziyu, and a member of the team who I personally think has great development potential, she is Sun Mengran. Now Sun Mengyang can play a great offensive and scoring ability on the inside.

After the women's basketball U18 lost the championship, Zhang Ziyu had great potential, 3 people were recognized, and Zheng Wei's world championship was very stable

Then Liu Yutong was able to rely on her strong body on the defensive end, and was able to resist the opponent's strong attack. Now coupled with Zhang Ziyu's professional playing level, which is still improving, I believe that the women's basketball team will win more games in the future, and it will still be able to show a very high level, which is highly optimistic.

Let's learn about Zheng Wei and Yao Ming, the women's basketball game led by the two has also made a series of adjustments recently, and it was indeed able to show in the last game: a very fighting spirit, which also made everyone very much expected. For the women's basketball game, first of all, we should encourage Zhang Ziyun and recognize and be optimistic about her.

After the women's basketball U18 lost the championship, Zhang Ziyu had great potential, 3 people were recognized, and Zheng Wei's world championship was very stable

Immediately after that, for the young lineup, we should also be optimistic about this group of young main players, I believe that the women's basketball team will definitely go further, and there will be a chance to win the championship of the tournament in the future, do you recognize it?

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