
If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

author:Not entertaining
If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

Let's talk about this Guo Youcai first, he is simply a "genius" in the Internet celebrity world.

In a short period of time, tens of millions of fans have been added, and after a live broadcast, the income will exceed one million. This is faster than rockets!

As a result, Internet celebrities from all over the country were red-eyed and flocked to the main square of Heze South Station to get a piece of the pie.

It's a good thing, the square is crowded, the traffic is jammed, and the people are disturbed. This Internet celebrity economy is really laughable.

If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

Watching these Internet celebrities dance around with all kinds of demons for the sake of traffic and attention, I really have mixed feelings in my heart.

At this time, I remembered those heroes who were unknown and stuck to their posts.

For example, Wang Jicai, he is a real "model of the times".

Speaking of Wang Jicai, he is a great character. In 2014, he was awarded the title of "Model of the Times", and in 2018, it became a "moving Chinese character".

In 2019, he was awarded the national honorary title of "People's Model".

If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

This honor is real, unlike those Internet celebrities, who can become popular by hype and selling cuteness.

Wang Jicai, he is guarding Kaishan Island, an outpost island in the Yellow Sea on the mainland.

This island is only the size of two football fields, but the location is very important.

I think that the Japanese army that invaded China first occupied this Kaishan Island, and then landed and occupied Lianyungang.

So, this Kaishan Island is the gateway to our country!

But you know what? The environment on this Kaishan Island is terrible.

There was no fresh water, no electricity, no cell phone signal. There was only one phone that was on and off.

On this island, once a typhoon hits, it is a lonely person facing the wind and waves! I have to guard the lighthouse! This is not a job that ordinary people can do.

If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

But Wang Jicai, he has been in such an environment for 32 years!

Since 1986, he has been guarding this Kaishan Island. Think about it, 32 years! It's not 32 days, it's not 32 months! That's 32 years! This perseverance is not something that ordinary people can do.

In the past 32 years, Wang Jicai has missed too much.

He missed his father's funeral! I also missed the major life events of my children! His wife, Wang Shihua, is also an amazing woman. She quit her job as a teacher and went to the island to accompany Wang Jicai. She said, "He guards the island, and I guard him." This simple sentence contains too much affection and perseverance.

On the island, their living conditions are very difficult.

If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

When Wang Shihua was pregnant, she was still accompanying Wang Jicai on the island. As a result, when the due date is approaching,

A typhoon is coming! She can't go to the hospital to give birth!

In the end, it was Wang Jicai, under the telephone guidance of the county obstetrician and gynecologist, who boiled water, cut bed sheets, and delivered his wife! This experience is really thrilling!

Their children have also been taken care of by their grandmothers since they were young.

If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

Wang Jicai and Wang Shihua, they have missed too many children's growth time. What a sacrifice!

This Internet celebrity "Wang Hongquanxing" is a ruthless character, claiming that if he dresses up beautifully every day and goes out, he has to spend more than 8 figures of silver! Oops, that number sounds so nerve-wracking!

We, the people who eat melons, are busy every day for a few taels of silver, what about others? One day's cost is our income for several years!

This gap is even deeper than the Mariana Trench!

Let's talk about this Ling Dale, who is also a master of showing off his wealth.

Real estate, office buildings, that is just a casual come, and from time to time to mention their high monthly income.

This makes us ordinary people who receive a fixed salary every month feel embarrassed!

We squeeze the bus and eat instant noodles every day, what about people?

If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

lives in a mansion, drives a luxury car, and eats delicacies from the mountains and seas. This life is simply the difference between heaven and hell!

and that Guo Youcai, who is even more amazing, putting forward the bold words of "If you don't go to work, I will support you".

That sounds really exciting!

However, we also have to be sober and sober, after all, this is just a sentence from an Internet celebrity.

In real life, we still have to work honestly and diligently to support ourselves and our families!

The behavior of these Internet celebrities to show off their wealth is simply a group of demons dancing wildly and crazy!

If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

Not only are they flaunting their wealth and lifestyle online, but they are also driving an unhealthy trend.

How does this make the real economy live? What do you think about the hard-working workers?

Our social values have been led astray by them!

Speaking of which, I have to mention the simple and simple days of our past.

Back then, Chinese society in the sixties and seventies was so poor that it was clanging poor.

Food is scarce, housing is poor, and there is no way to entertain people...... Oops, it's all tears!

If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

But at that time, although the people were materially poor, they were spiritually rich!

Guo Youcai's popularity is not accidental, and his live broadcast room is often full of laughter and thunderous applause.

Behind this, there are some hidden problems that cannot be ignored.

Dress up weirdly, scratch your head, and dance wildly...... These vulgar and absurd contents not only challenge the bottom line of society, but also invisibly affect the values of young people.

It is this kind of content that has attracted the attention of a large number of young people.

If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

They are attracted by this easy and fast way to make money, and they have joined the army of influencers.

By tipping, liking, etc., they express their "praise" to these influencers, and the influencers get a lot of money from it.

It is reported that Guo Youcai's current daily reward income can reach more than 100,000 yuan, which undoubtedly strengthens the determination of many people to embark on the road of Internet celebrity.

Child Growth: The Invisible Dangers of Internet Celebrity Culture

In this national carnival, the most hurt are undoubtedly those innocent children.

They are in a critical period of growth, their perception of the world is not yet mature, and they are easily influenced by the outside world.

And the vulgar and absurd content in the Internet celebrity culture will undoubtedly have a negative impact on their growth.

If you compare the past, you will find out how terrible "Guo Youcai" is! It makes young people lose their faith

On the one hand, this vulgar content can distort children's values and make them mistakenly believe that this is what society is really like.

On the other hand, children will also imitate the behavior of these Internet celebrities and pursue the glamorous appearance on the surface.

and ignoring the inner qualities and cultivation. In the long run, it will be difficult for children to become responsible and responsible people.