
Yu Xiuhua: Your parents are just a channel to bring you into the world, and he can't decide whether he loves you or not

author:Ma Li's book shadow notes

Yu Xiuhua, Su Min, Wanyan Huide, and Deng Jing starred in the variety show "I Love Me Great" produced by a certain sound, and the collision of ideas between the four people with stories is very interesting and very down-to-earth.

Especially Yu Xiuhua and Wanyan Huide, like happy enemies in idol dramas, laughing and scolding, but also comforting each other, healing each other, looking at it, I seem to feel a refreshing breeze in front of the screen, like a gentle hand brushing my cheeks.

In the 4th issue, Yu Xiuhua, Su Min, and Wan Yan Huide sat outside the RV at night and chatted after dinner, talking about the Internet storm that Wan Yan Huide once encountered.

In May 2023, Wanyan Huide was ridiculed and ridiculed by many netizens in the live broadcast room of a certain sound, some laughed at her accent, and some questioned her professionalism. All sorts of memes and jokes circulated online that made her miserable, saying it was the darkest month of May.

After the program team asked Yan Huide, if she went back to that May, she could make money, and if she would like to go back again, Wan Yan Huide said very firmly that she would rather not earn a penny like now, and she didn't want to go back to that time, which shows how deeply she was hurt at that time.

Yu Xiuhua comforted her and said that in fact, many netizens may not be kind, but it is certain that there is no malice. She gave her example.


When she was a child, Yu Xiuhua had difficulty walking because of cerebral palsy, and many children said: "Look at that person limping back again." Then she got angry.

But her mother also used such words to describe her, and she was also angry, thinking why the mother who was closest to her would use such an embarrassing adjective to describe her daughter, she thought that her mother did not love her.

Looking back now, she thinks it's just an affectionate name from her mother, and her daughter walks with a limp, which seems to be quite cute.

So Yu Xiuhua said: "Many times, a sentence may be polysemy, not singular. When we are hurt by the person closest to us, she may be unintentional, but the love is still there. ”

"Even if he really doesn't love you, you can think on the bright side. We didn't come into this world to serve our own children. Parents are just a conduit for bringing you into the world, and he can't decide whether he loves you or not. ”

"So, sometimes I feel that the trauma of my childhood has been left until now, and you can't solve it, then your life will be over. My childhood injuries will not be less than anyone's less, but I think I can easily come out of it, and there are all kinds of injuries, so I don't think it has a problem of self-healing, it only exists a problem of how you deal with it. ”

Yu Xiuhua: Your parents are just a channel to bring you into the world, and he can't decide whether he loves you or not

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

This paragraph of what Yu Xiuhua said fully proves that she is a person with a strong core, no matter what injuries she has suffered, she can face it bravely and come out quickly.

Some people are like the flowers of the greenhouse, they have not experienced too many storms and waves, and some people have fought in the stormy waves all their lives, and those who can overcome the sea have extraordinary wisdom and courage.


All three people who participated in the show had been hurt by their families of origin or those around them in their childhood or adolescence.

After Yan Huide's mother remarried, when she had a sweetheart when she became an adult, she had already talked about marriage, but because her stepfather asked for a high bride price, the marriage fell through, so that she left the country and is still alone.

Su Min lived with her parents in Tibetan areas when she was a child, and as the eldest daughter, she took on all the housework at home. Her father was very strict with her and very controlling, so that she could not be free.

One winter, when the snow was falling heavily, the children went out to catch sparrows together, and Su Min just went out to play with them, and her clothes got wet. Father thought that Su Min took the lead in going out to play, so he beat her with a very thick burning stick and asked her to cook, she said that her arm hurt, and her father said that her arm hurt, and it also made your leg hurt, and hit her with a stick on her leg.

My mother thought she was right, but when she saw that the wound was deep and she couldn't take off her clothes, she became worried.

Su Min lay in bed for three months because of the beating, and then went down to the ground to learn to walk again.

Although she has three younger brothers in the family, she has also been beaten, but she thinks that she may be beaten more because she is a girl.

She said that when she first joined the workforce, she also wanted to be as free as other little girls and enjoy the taste of youth. But her father picked her up on time every night, and in Su Min's opinion, it was like escorting a prisoner, in fact, her father was also tired, but this was the way he thought he loved.

Later, in order to escape from her family, she hurriedly married a foreigner, but fell into the pit of marriage.

Her husband shared the economy with her AA system, was indifferent to her, and once abused her. For the sake of the child, Su Min persevered until she had mental problems and was diagnosed with severe depression.

After helping her daughter raise her child, she drove a polo with a tent on the roof and set off to see the world.

She said that in the past four years, she has lived a very free and fast life, and she has finally found a way to survive that suits her. If you don't go out to drive, you can't be sure if you still exist in this world, and you can only survive if you go out.

Dong Yuhui asked her if she had reconciled with her father now, and she said frankly, no, she didn't like her father.

But even if she chose not to forgive or reconcile, she faced the problem well and bravely crossed the difficult river.


Yu Xiuhua became a child with cerebral palsy because of lack of oxygen when she was born, needless to say about the suffering she has suffered since she was a child, because she was ridiculed by her classmates on crutches, she tried to bear the weight of her body with her feet, and she couldn't walk, so she simply crawled forward.

Although she loves literature, her grades are not good, she does not study well, and she can't do farm work, she thinks it is a burden on her family, and she cut her wrist with a kitchen knife in the third year of junior high school, but fortunately she did not succeed.

Her grades were worse than a dozen points in the high school entrance examination, but fortunately, the school accepted her without charging any fees. But because she is indexterous, she can't grab others, and sometimes she can only eat one meal a day. Because the wrist can't bend and write slowly, I can't write an essay in the language test. When she was a sophomore in high school, she returned home and burned her textbooks, and later her parents helped her set up a small store in the village to make ends meet.

Yu Xiuhua: Your parents are just a channel to bring you into the world, and he can't decide whether he loves you or not

The picture is from the video screenshot, invaded and deleted

Yu Xiuhua's parents treat her very well, she has no injuries from her original family, but she has twists and turns emotionally.

When she was 19 years old, her parents hired a son-in-law for her. Later, she became popular because of her poetry, especially the 2014 song "Sleeping with You Through Most of China", which caused an Internet boom, and she was also labeled as a "cerebral palsy poet", "peasant poet", "grassroots poet" and other labels.

In 2015, she and her husband divorced. In 2022, she was questioned because of her relationship with post-90s netizens, and then Yu Xiuhua revealed that her boyfriend had choked her neck and slapped her hundreds of times, and the relationship between the two ended.

Yu Xiuhua, Su Min, and Wanyan Huide are all people with stories, some have been hurt by their original families, some have been hurt by their feelings, and some have been hurt by marriage, and they have all been criticized in the online world.

Fortunately, they are still strong and alive, and they choose to face the trials and tribulations of life with a smile.

Yu Xiuhua: Your parents are just a channel to bring you into the world, and he can't decide whether he loves you or not

The picture is from the video screenshot, invaded and deleted


Some people don't know how to love you, maybe because they don't have the ability to love others, so we try to learn to love ourselves.

To live is to live for oneself, without caring about the eyes of others, and without forcing the approval and understanding of others.

In "The Courage to Be Hated", it says, "All troubles are because of relationships." It's instinct that you seek the approval of others, and people succumb to that instinct so they can't live the life they want to live. Therefore, true freedom is the courage to be hated. ”

How to deal with these relationships, get rid of the relationships that consume us, learn to separate the subject, and retain the ability to love even if we have been hurt is the homework we need to complete with our lives.

Life is not given by others, but chosen by oneself.

We have the right to choose the life we want to live.

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