
44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

author:Science and technology Baoding Entertainment

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44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Text: Science and Technology Baoding Entertainment

Editor|Science and Technology Baoding Entertainment

Recently, the hottest thing in the entertainment industry is the news that Hong Kong's powerful singer Joey Yung was exposed to a suspected gay relationship! Let's gossip and gossip together to find out the cause and effect of this incident!

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

A few days ago, news broke that Joey Yung had a crush with a female director Li Xuan many years ago, and the two were suspected of having escaped into a state of cohabitation. This Li Xuan is a very popular MV director in the mainland in recent years, and she has directed many well-known MV works, such as Rocket Girls 101's hit single "Calories", Wang Yuan's concert theme song "Da Xian'er", etc.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

The photo exposure is only the tip of the iceberg, according to people familiar with the matter, Li Xuan and Joey Yung's relationship has lasted for many years, and the relationship between the two is stable and improving. This frightened Joey Yung's die-hard fans, and they all said that they were hurt and were in a state of grief-stricken collapse.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

After all, Joey Yung has been showing herself as a single strong woman for a long time, and has never revealed her love life.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

What's even more amazing is that the female director Li Xuan is famous in the circle for "people are not like people and ghosts are not like ghosts", short and fat, and she is really not outstanding, and she is not worthy of Joey Yung's tall and beautiful figure.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Therefore, when this news was exposed on the Internet, public opinion was in an uproar! Many people really have some doubts about Joey Yung's vision. After all, although Li Xuan is a little famous in the circle, he is also an ordinary person, how can he be worthy of an international superstar like Joey Yung?

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Some people even joked that this relationship combination is really a star and an amateur, which is really too fierce! It seems that great love can cross all kinds of class gaps.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Judging from various reactions, most netizens do not object to Joey Yung being gay, but are more dismissive of her girlfriend candidate. After all, as an international superstar, many people hope that Joey Yung can pick a more outstanding object and not add too much resistance to their lives.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

However, if you look closely, there have been rumors that Joey Yung may be gay several years ago. Several of the songs in her album "Yellow Door" that year were quite metaphorical in their lyrics, giving people a sense of lesbian suggestion.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

It seems that for attentive music fans, Joey Yung's sexuality has always been a "secret" that has been tacitly tacitly ignored but deliberately ignored. And the exposure of this relationship undoubtedly completely lifted this veil.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Once upon a time, Joey Yung also maintained a stable relationship with her wealthy businessman boyfriend Liu Haolong for 6 years, and the two seemed to be the most compatible couple. But why did they suddenly break up later? Now it seems that it is likely that Joey Yung's own change and perception of sexual orientation caused the two to die without a problem.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Thinking about it carefully, I am very afraid, the relationship between Joey Yung and Li Xuan may have existed a long time ago, but it has been hidden deep in my heart and avoided exposure. Let's look back, two years ago, Joey Yung also participated in Wang Yuan's concert as a guest, and he got along with Li Xuan on and off stage.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Now it seems that there is something else hidden in this? Could it be that what fans saw at that time was the scene of Li Xuan and Joey Yung in public? If that's the case, you've been lying to everyone for too long!

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

In this regard, the people around Li Xuan and Joey Yung maintained a high degree of silence to the outside world, and did not answer whether the relationship was real. But judging from Li Xuan's recent attitude towards the doubters on social media, it seems that he is intentionally or unintentionally supporting the authenticity of this news.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

For example, die-hard fans of Joey Yung left a message directly under Li Xuan's dynamics: "Please stay away from Joey Yung!" Unexpectedly, Li Xuan replied loudly: "You should stay away from Joey Yung!" This domineering energy clearly reveals the posture of the hostess.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Now, Joey Yung's fans can be said to have been completely upset by her relationship! Someone angrily rebuked: "Didn't you always say that you were single? Now people are good, let people stay away from you!"

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

It can be seen that the relationship between celebrities and fans is actually quite fragile. Just a small flaw can upend the entire image, causing a large number of fans to betray and abandon overnight. Many people have high requirements for the moral character of celebrities, and once there is something that does not meet expectations, they will be immediately disappointed.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

In the past, Joey Yung has always given people the impression of being a low-key, stable and humble model idol, but now it has been revealed that he has a gay relationship, and the choice of the object has also caused a lot of criticism.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

In this way, it is bound to call into question her overall impression. After all, in the traditional concept of ordinary people, homosexual love always has some taboo colors. In addition, the image of her girlfriend is not good, which will naturally arouse heated discussions and suspicions among everyone.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Regarding the public opinion turmoil caused by this, Joey Yung and Li Xuan are still silent and indifferent. This also made more fans feel angry and disappointed, and felt that the star should respect and explain the public's doubts.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Many people pointed out that if you are so perfunctory even to your fans, then what reason will there be to support you in the future? There is a great posture to collectively retreat from the pit.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

At present, it seems that the relationship between Joey Yung and Li Xuan has completely subverted her diluted idol image. Next, how can the "ugly duckling" duo of Joey Yung and Li Xuan save themselves in order to regain their idol image and reputation? In this regard, people in the circle are also full of discussions.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Some people believe that Joey Yung and Li Xuan, as the two parties involved, had better take the initiative to explain and apologize, admitting that they have concealed the truth for too long, so that they may be able to get forgiveness from some fans.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

After all, it is true that after being exposed for deceiving fans for a long time, Joey Yung should sincerely apologize to the public. Some rational fans also said that although Joey Yung's relationship is a big surprise, love is their own private matter after all, and fans have no right to interfere too much.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

There are also voices that there is no need for Joey Yung to bow to the public, and freedom of love is her basic right. Homosexuality is nothing new in the entertainment industry, and she should admit it generously, instead of avoiding medical treatment.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Regarding Li Xuan's image problem, the friends in the circle around her are also upset with her. Some people said that people should not only look at the appearance, Li Xuan's inside is the most important. She is a very talented director and is quite committed to her career, and she is definitely worthy of Joey Yung. Appearance is just a minor flaw that should not be exaggerated.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

However, there is also public opinion that Joey Yung's own style positioning is more serious, and it is indeed a bit incompatible with an amateur combination like Li Xuan. In the future, she may need to adjust her personality and development direction, and maybe try to transform into a personalized route.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

After all, now that everyone has associated her with homosexuality, no matter how insistent on maintaining a pure and flawless image of Zhengtai, it will add a lot of unnecessary resistance to themselves. Comparatively speaking, personalized development is not a better way out.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

In general, the relationship between Joey Yung and Li Xuan has undoubtedly caused a huge controversy in the entertainment industry, at least in the short term, their idol image will be seriously impacted. However, this is actually not strange to the public who have been accustomed to the gossip and scandals of celebrities for many years.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

I believe that as long as time passes, this matter will eventually be replaced by other new things, and it will slowly be forgotten by the world. At that time, the relationship between Joey Yung and Li Xuan will become an ordinary little gossip, no different from other celebrity scandals.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

Now, perhaps the most important thing for Joey Yung to do is to put down her body and explain it to the public sincerely, and make breakthroughs and innovations in her career to create a new image for herself. Only in this way can we resolve the crisis of public opinion to the greatest extent and regain the favor of the public.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

In the face of doubtful voices, there is no need for them to be too mindful. After all, in today's era of tolerance and openness, homosexuality is no longer a sin. The only thing you need to pay attention to is how to maintain the public image of your idols, and at the same time let your sincerity have the right to happiness.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

In the final analysis, this is the best opportunity for Li Xuan and Joey Yung to reflect on how they should balance their personal lives and celebrity identities, so that these two seemingly conflicting identities can be better integrated and unified. As long as they are handled properly, I believe they will be able to regain the support and love of the public.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

After all, for the public, it doesn't matter so much whether celebrities are gay or heterosexual, the most important thing is whether they can serve everyone with professional works and good character. Loving and being loved is the greatest meaning of a star's existence. This is also an important reason why we will continue to pay attention to Joey Yung and Li Xuan in the future.

44-year-old Joey Yung is off single! The identity of the girlfriend is shocking, and it is difficult for fans to accept a large number of fans

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