
In 52, Peng Dehuai took Huang Suixin to dinner and met Zhu De, Peng Dehuai: Do you know this child?

author:Tea after dinner 6

In 52, Peng Dehuai took Huang Suixin to dinner and met Zhu De, Peng Dehuai: Do you know this child?

The bereaved family of the hero of the revolution

The founding father Peng Dehuai and the martyr Huang Gonglue had a deep revolutionary friendship. After Huang Gongluo's heroic death, Peng Dehuai took the initiative to take care of his wife and daughter Liu Yuying and daughter Huang Suixin, providing them with care and material support. This not only reflects Peng Dehuai's deep friendship with his revolutionary comrades-in-arms, but also shows his care and responsibility for the descendants of the revolution.

In 52, Peng Dehuai took Huang Suixin to dinner and met Zhu De, Peng Dehuai: Do you know this child?

Huang Gongluo was an outstanding revolutionary who fought bravely during the years of guerrilla warfare and made great contributions to the Chinese revolution by founding the Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Soviet region. However, in a battle in 1931, Huang Gongluo died heroically at the age of 33. His wife, Liu Yuying, and 8-month-old daughter, Huang Suixin, suddenly fell into a difficult situation in life, and their financial resources have been cut off.

Just when Liu Yuying was worried about her daughter's tuition, Peng Dehuai took the initiative to lend a hand and asked someone to send her 400 yuan. In this regard, Liu Yuying was grateful and said to her daughter: "New year! Uncle Peng's money is not easy to come by, you have to study hard to live up to Uncle Peng's high expectations for you!" This money not only solved the immediate need, but also allowed Huang Suixin to continue studying.

In 52, Peng Dehuai took Huang Suixin to dinner and met Zhu De, Peng Dehuai: Do you know this child?

Huang Suixin is smart and studious, has excellent grades in school, and is loved by his elders. However, due to her poor family, her path to learning was not smooth. It was not until 1937 that Peng Dehuai helped again, allowing Huang Suixin to successfully complete his studies. Peng Dehuai was always concerned about the orphan of this revolutionary hero, regarded her as his own daughter, and selflessly solved all kinds of difficulties for her.

In 52, Peng Dehuai took Huang Suixin to dinner and met Zhu De, Peng Dehuai: Do you know this child?

Peng Dehuai's care for Huang Suixin not only allowed her to successfully complete her studies, but also cultivated her revolutionary ideals and sense of responsibility. When Huang Suixin grew up, he also devoted himself to the revolutionary cause and became an excellent revolutionary successor. This is undoubtedly Peng Dehuai's best commemoration and sustenance for Huang Gongluo.

In 52, Peng Dehuai took Huang Suixin to dinner and met Zhu De, Peng Dehuai: Do you know this child?

The deep friendship between revolutionary comrades-in-arms is invaluable. Peng Dehuai's care and help to Huang Gongluo's orphans embodies the fine traditions of the people's army and also demonstrates the earnest entrustment of the revolutionary ancestors to future generations. While recalling the history of the revolution, we should all the more inherit and carry forward this comradeship-in-arms and make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In 52, Peng Dehuai took Huang Suixin to dinner and met Zhu De, Peng Dehuai: Do you know this child?

Peng Dehuai's love for Huang Gongluo's daughter did not stop at financial help. During Huang Suixin's study, Peng Dehuai often cared about her study and life, and gave her some living expenses and school supplies from time to time. During the holidays, Peng Dehuai would also invite Huang Suixin to his home as a guest and take care of her as if she were his own daughter. A deep father-daughter bond was soon established between the two.

In 52, Peng Dehuai took Huang Suixin to dinner and met Zhu De, Peng Dehuai: Do you know this child?

One year, during the Spring Festival, Huang Suixin happened to go home from vacation, and Peng Dehuai specially asked the secretary to arrange some programs to let Huang Suixin spend a warm and happy Spring Festival at home. Peng Dehuai patiently chatted with Huang Suixin, asked her about her study and life, and encouraged her to study hard and contribute to the country and the people. When parting, Peng Dehuai also specially gave Huang Suixin an autographed photo, so that she could always remember this revolutionary predecessor who selflessly cared for her.

In 52, Peng Dehuai took Huang Suixin to dinner and met Zhu De, Peng Dehuai: Do you know this child?

In 1949, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Huang Suixin successfully graduated and became a qualified agricultural engineer. However, due to her family's poverty, she did not have her ideal development space in her work. After learning of this, Peng Dehuai anxiously found the relevant departments to arrange a better job for Huang Suixin, so that the daughter of this revolutionary hero could give full play to her strengths and make due contributions to national construction. Under Peng Dehuai's recommendation and care, Huang Suixin finally entered an excellent scientific research unit, worked smoothly, and his professional level continued to improve.

In 52, Peng Dehuai took Huang Suixin to dinner and met Zhu De, Peng Dehuai: Do you know this child?

Huang Suixin's kindness to Peng Dehuai, the "spiritual father", will never be forgotten. Every major festival, she will make a special trip to visit Peng Dehuai and pour out her joys, sorrows and sorrows. Peng Dehuai will also listen patiently to her voice and give appropriate advice and encouragement. The two are like relatives, and their feelings are close and deep.

In 52, Peng Dehuai took Huang Suixin to dinner and met Zhu De, Peng Dehuai: Do you know this child?

Peng Dehuai's special care for Huang Gongluo's orphan not only reflects his personal moral integrity, but also reflects the inheritance of the fine revolutionary tradition of the people's army. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, many revolutionary ancestors extended a helping hand to take care of the children of the revolutionary martyrs and let them grow up smoothly, which is undoubtedly the best memory and commemoration of the revolutionary martyrs. Peng Dehuai's behavior has undoubtedly become the epitome and portrayal of this tradition, which is worthy of praise and learning from each of us.