
The exam is not difficult, but why can't I pass it?

author:Fang Juexiao

There is no intention to make a big use, and there are things that do not make sense

Tao Te Ching

I like to think deeply and meticulously about some trivial things in life, and explore the truth of being a person and doing things contained in them, so as to increase my true wisdom.

The exam is not difficult, but why can't I pass it?

Recently, I've been in a nervous state at work, so I rarely go home. Physically and mentally exhausted, mentally stressed, and a lot of things can't be done well. I was also quite distressed, and I thought deeply about it, but I never found an answer.

In fact, for me, exams have always been an insurmountable obstacle in my heart. The failure of the college entrance examination in those years has always had a profound impact on my heart. Even though I don't need to take exams to get a job today, I still go back to the nervous exam room in my dreams from time to time.

It's not just about exams, but there are many similar things in life. For example, practicing calligraphy, playing ball, writing, etc., as well as meditation, breathing, resting, etc. I really can't do these things, no matter what big things I tell myself, I can't do these things. Something must have gone wrong, or maybe I didn't understand the truth.

When I happened to read this sentence in the Tao Te Ching: "No intention makes great use, and there are things that do not understand God", I discovered the truth.

(1)丨 Existence and non-existence coexist, and the role of non-existence is emphasized

The wheel has many spokes, and the hub that converges in the center of the wheel is empty, and the axle can only be used if the middle of the hub is empty. The focus here is on the hub, which has a hollow part in the middle, although this part is hollow, but with this hollow part, the wheel can play its role.

The exam is not difficult, but why can't I pass it?

Another example is the various containers we use, which are made of materials such as ceramics or glass, to form a hollow part, and it is with this hollow part in the middle that it can be used to fill wine, tea, or food.

When building a house, we don't build a solid building, but we have space in the middle, especially doors and windows. The space inside the room is what we can use, and the space of doors and windows also has a specific role.

These truths are so simple that we often ignore their existence. Being and non-existence exist at the same time and are symbiotic. We often only seek the value of what we have, and ignore the convenience of using nothing. It is precisely with existence that we create nothingness, we create nothingness with existence, and we know the existence of existence with nothing.

(2)丨 There is no intention to make a big use, and there are things that do not make sense

I believe that there are many people who have this experience, for example, when playing, no matter how good or bad the training is, if when playing, you always think about how to behave and how to perform perfectly, then you will definitely do what you want. When I write, I always think that I must write well, but in the end, the effect is definitely not good.

To give some more intuitive and credible examples, that is, sleeping, meditation, breathing and the like, if you pursue too much and force yourself to fall asleep, you may just not be able to sleep, and you always want to empty everything, and you can't empty yourself.

The exam is not difficult, but why can't I pass it?

In fact, at this time, we must learn to relax and pay attention to the use of the power of nothingness. As long as you relax yourself, don't think too much, don't pursue too many details, and do it naturally, everything will be done well. Because at this time, if you pursue details excessively, you will pay too much attention to the role of something, so there is no nothing, so there is only rigidity and rigidity, and there is no ethereal wisdom. Therefore, it is useless.

With real things, how can we pay attention to things in our eyes, but how can we pay attention to the God of things? The god here is the infinite value of non-generation, not the ghosts and gods in our superstitions. That's why there are things that don't make sense.

(3)丨 Do things professionally, and be a wise person

What does the exam have to do with this? Isn't it off-topic?

In fact, you can't have a speculative mentality when doing things, speculation must be intentional, so it becomes a thing that doesn't make sense. Although the number of questions on the exam paper is limited, and the knowledge points examined cannot be exhaustive, we must also be fully prepared and strive to be comprehensive and complete before the exam. When it is time for us to accumulate brick by brick, when we should fully build a knowledge system and form the ability to solve problems, we must not have a speculative mentality.

The exam is not difficult, but why can't I pass it?

In the usual study, it is more important to know that there are only some links to understand or remember the knowledge points in front of you. And using knowledge points to form the ability to solve problems is the function of non-existence. Don't just dwell on the stages of being and ignore the power of nothing. Don't expect to use luck to master a little ability to compete with competitors who have a comprehensive grasp of knowledge and form a complete ability. That's why I say to do things professionally.

But to be honest, exams are competitive in nature, so how to paralyze the opponent and how to make yourself win the final victory still requires a certain amount of wisdom.

If you use the example of war, it must be very clear. Will you tell the enemy about the deployment of your forces, your weak points? Will you tell the enemy about your advanced weapons and equipment and efficient training methods? I don't think so, you may spread false news to confuse your opponents, you may pretend to paralyze your enemies. Actually, you didn't really fight, but you used the power of nothing to bring a blow to the enemy. Therefore I say, "Be wise."

The exam is not difficult, but why can't I pass it?

I know a little about it, I hope to continue to understand, there are many fallacies, welcome to spray.

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