
Novel "Sunny Noon" Chapter 67 Difficult atonement

author:Insight into horizons

The next morning, as soon as the court went to work, Tao Yuan and Xie Xin rushed to the court, the presiding judge of the court who had tried Zhang Yongxiang's case, Liu Yuqing, was a very capable person in his thirties, and after listening carefully to Tao Yuan's story, he revealed a deep sympathetic gaze behind his thick glasses, and he said in a low voice, "Zhang Yongyong is now serving his sentence in a labor camp more than 300 kilometers away from Guiyang, and he was sentenced to eight years for organizing and coercing others for pyramid schemes and rape. It just so happens that one of my classmates is Hu Dawei, a political instructor of the Provincial Prison Administration Bureau on this farm, and I will contact him, and he may be able to help you. Liu Yuqing was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, "Thank you, Judge Liu, you have really helped us a lot." Tao Yuan said gratefully, "It's okay, we not only want to punish evil and promote good, but also treat diseases and save people, not to mention an innocent child." Liu Yuqing said very sincerely, and then called Hu Dawei, "Justice Liu, why did you think of calling me today?" Missed me? Hu Dawei smiled heartily on the phone, "Old classmate, the law doesn't stipulate that I can't call you, there is something I need your help with!" Liu Yuqing joked, "What instructions does Justice Liu have?" Despite the commands! Hu Dawei said humbly, "How dare you instruct Hu Dawei as political commissar?" Just wanted to ask you a little favor. So Liu Yuqing briefly described Tao Yuan and their affairs to Hu Dawei on the phone, and Hu Dawei said in a deep voice after listening, "You let them come to me, I'll do my best to do it, don't worry, old classmate!" "Thank you, old classmate, for taking time to see you!" "Okay, I warmly welcome Judge Liu to guide the work!" Hu Dawei warmly invited, "In this way, Mr. Tao, I will ask the leaders of the hospital to accompany you!" Liu Yuqing thought for a while and said, "Thank you so much, Judge Liu!" Tao Yuan said movingly, Liu Yuqing immediately made a brief report to the vice president in charge, and the vice president in charge quickly approved Liu Yuqing's request, "Mr. Tao, the president has agreed to my request, let me accompany you!" Liu Yuqing happily said to Tao Yuan, "Great, thank you for your hard work, Judge Liu!" Tao Yuan hurriedly thanked, "Let's go, let's drive to the car!" Liu Yuqing waved to Tao Yuan, so the three of them came to the parking lot of the court, Liu Yuqing started a white off-road vehicle sprayed with the words of the court, Tao Yuan and Xie Xin hurriedly sat on the car, the car drove out of the development zone court and got on the highway shortly after, after four or five hours of galloping, they finally arrived at this labor camp located in the surrounding mountains, "Liu Da Court, you are carrying out a surprise attack!" Hu Dawei saw Liu Yuqing and Tao Yuan walking into his office, and hurriedly stood up and shook hands warmly, "Political Commissar Hu, you guys are not bad here, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the scenery is very good!" Liu Yuqing praised, "The judge's implication is that we are suitable for the elderly here." Hu Dawei reacted quickly, "Political Commissar Hu, you are so smart, you answered correctly!" Liu Yuqing laughed, and introduced Tao Yuan and them to Hu Dawei, "Mr. Tao, I have reported your situation to the relevant leaders, and the leaders instructed us to fully cooperate, and it is important to save people!" Hu Dawei looked serious, "That's great, thank you!" Tao Yuan was very moved, "That's it, you wait in the meeting room, I'll ask Zhang Yongxiang to come and you meet and talk first!" Hu Dawei thought for a while and said, "Okay, thank you Commissar Hu!" Tao Yuan said politely, "You're welcome, it should be!" Hu Dawei said and stood up and led Tao Yuan and them to the meeting room downstairs, after half a day, Zhang Yongxiang, who was wearing a labor reform uniform, walked into the meeting room under the leadership of a police officer, Tao Yuan saw that Zhang Yongxiang was much darker than the original, but the whole person became stronger, he lowered his head and sat honestly behind the glass of the meeting room, "Zhang Yongxiang, do you still know me?" Tao Yuan spoke to him through the phone, "Are you?" Zhang Yongxiang asked with a confused face, "I'm Tao Yuan, Hao Yuhan, do you still know?" Tao Yuan looked at him and asked, "Yuhan, Yuhan, is she okay?" Zhang Yongxiang trembled his lips, "She was killed by you, and the postpartum hemorrhage was all caused by you!" Tao Yuan was indignant, "Yuhan is dead? Oh my God, I deserve to die! Zhang Yongxiang pulled his hair in pain, "Damn, you're not dead!" Xie Xin couldn't help but scold on the side, "Now that you have a chance to atone for your sins, Hao Yuhan is your son Yuyu has leukemia and urgently needs a bone marrow transplant, if you still have a little conscience, you have to save him." Tao Yuan said coldly.

"I'll save him, as long as I can save him, let me do anything!" Zhang Yongxiang banged his head against the glass, "Mr. Tao, what should I do next?" Hu Dawei asked in a low voice, "Take him to the hospital to have his blood drawn, and we will take him back to Shanghai Hospital for matching." Tao Yuan had carefully asked Yuyu's attending doctor before he came, "Okay, let's go!" Hu Dawei said and asked two police officers to take Zhang Yongxiang to the hospital on the farm, and soon the medical staff took out two tubes of blood from Zhang Yongxiang's body and put them in the refrigerator and handed them to Tao Yuan, "Political Commissar Hu, we are going back to Guiyang soon, thank you." Tao Yuan politely shook hands with him and said, "Old classmate, thank you for bothering you next time!" Liu Yuqing also said politely, "Justice Liu, do you and I still need to say thank you?" You ran so far and didn't even eat a bite of food, and when it spread, others thought I was picking on the door! Hu Dawei was very apologetic, "Wait until next time, I won't say anything about you!" Liu Yuqing said that he had already walked into the car and started the car, "Okay, pay attention to safety on the road!" Hu Dawei waved at him, Tao Yuan and Xie Xin hurriedly got into the car, after galloping all the way to finally Tao Yuan before dark they returned to Guiyang, Tao Yuan immediately booked a flight back to Shanghai from the Internet, and then went straight to the airport with Xie Xin to the hotel to retrieve the luggage, it was almost ten o'clock in Shanghai, Tao Yuan and they rushed to the East Hospital non-stop, and handed over the two tubes of blood in the refrigerator to the medical staff, Tao Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Tao Yu's attending doctor immediately arranged for personnel to do a matching test, Looking at Xiao Yuyu, who was already asleep on the hospital bed, Tao Yuan shouted in his heart, "Yuyu, Dad must save you!" "Xiaoyuan, you go home and rest first, we are here!" Tao Yuan's mother persuaded, "Okay, call me if there's something!" Tao Yuan reluctantly nodded in agreement, and dragged his lead-filled legs out of the hospital, "Brother Yuan, let me invite you to have a meal, you haven't eaten yet?" Xie Xin, who was following behind, said with concern, and when she said this, Tao Yuan felt that she was so hungry that her heart was close to her back, "If you want to please, I will invite you!" Tao Yuan nodded and said, so the two found a noodle restaurant on the street, and one of them asked for a bowl of beef noodles and quickly finished eating, "Xiaoxin, I'll send you home, you're tired for a day." Tao Yuan said sincerely to Xie Xin, "Brother Yuan, don't worry too much, Yuyu will be fine!" Xie Xin comforted Tao Yuan, the two of them got into a taxi, Tao Yuan sent Xie Xin home first, and then returned home by himself, he suddenly felt that the original warm home was now so empty, empty that it made him panic, but Tao Yuan was so tired, the whole body was like falling apart, he fell into bed and fell asleep in the dark, and when he woke up, it was noon the next day, he hurriedly washed up and changed his clothes and hurried to the hospital, "Mom, you go back to rest, I am here!" Tao Yuan whispered to persuade his mother, "It's okay, then I'll go home and make some soup." Tao Yuan's mother agreed, "I'll go back with my aunt!" Jiang Dongyu didn't know when he came to the hospital, "It's okay, thank you for your hard work!" Tao Yuan politely thanked him.

Novel "Sunny Noon" Chapter 67 Difficult atonement

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