
How did the ancients escape the heat on a hot day? The artifact invented by a woman in the Tang Dynasty scared the emperor into issuing a ban

author:After tea and dinner4

How did the ancients escape the heat on a hot day? The artifact invented by a woman in the Tang Dynasty scared the emperor into issuing a ban

A modern exploration of ancient wisdom

Under the scorching summer sun, the wisdom of human beings to fight against the scorching heat has long been accumulated overnight. An "artifact" invented by women in the Tang Dynasty not only shows their advanced thinking of the times, but also reveals the openness and tolerance of ancient society. We can't help but ask: what kind of tolerant environment gave birth to such innovative clothing for women in the Tang Dynasty?

In fact, what created all this is inseparable from the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. The rich economic foundation provides a broad space for the development of culture and art. Coupled with the ethnic integration of the Tang Dynasty, the influence of various exotic costumes was intertwined, forming an inclusive and open cultural atmosphere. Chang'an, the economic and cultural center of Asia, has naturally become the birthplace of fashion. In such an environment, women in the Tang Dynasty showed unimaginable wisdom and aesthetic taste.

How did the ancients escape the heat on a hot day? The artifact invented by a woman in the Tang Dynasty scared the emperor into issuing a ban

The so-called "topless clothing" is not simply a need to escape the heat. It also contains women's pursuit of their own physical beauty, as well as a kind of self-expression of social status. This garment not only brings coolness to the hot summer days, but also adds a touch of charm to women. But it is puzzling why later dynasties banned this kind of clothing.

A closer look at it actually reflects the feudal society's constraints on women's status. Although the Tang Dynasty reached its peak in terms of cultural openness, it could not escape the shackles of feudal etiquette in the end. By the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties, the restrictions on women were even stricter, and even slightly open clothing was not tolerated.

However, the development of history has never been smooth sailing. The innovative clothing of women in the Tang Dynasty undoubtedly provided ideas for the self-expression of women in later generations. Just as this "topless dress" was banned, it influenced the evolution of clothing in the future to some extent. This kind of historical dialectic makes us have to sigh: The wisdom of the ancients is exactly what we modern people lack.

How did the ancients escape the heat on a hot day? The artifact invented by a woman in the Tang Dynasty scared the emperor into issuing a ban

A modern exploration of ancient wisdom

Although the Tang Dynasty's "topless clothing" could not escape the fate of being banned in the end, it still became a dazzling moment in the long river of history. This innovative costume not only reflects the pursuit of self-image by women in the Tang Dynasty, but also shows their outstanding wisdom in artistic aesthetics.

How did the ancients escape the heat on a hot day? The artifact invented by a woman in the Tang Dynasty scared the emperor into issuing a ban

Savor it, the garment was created for more than just a practical need. It contains a challenge to the constraints of tradition, and embodies the courage of women to think independently and express themselves. In a feudal society where "men are superior to women", they are not satisfied with passive acceptance, but take the initiative to shape their own image and highlight the unique charm of women. This act undoubtedly laid the foundation for the cause of women's emancipation in later generations.

Sadly, this innovation ultimately didn't last long. In the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties, the idea of science prevailed, and the taboo against women became more and more stringent. Even a simple garment is considered out of modesty and is banned altogether. This cannot but be said to be a tragedy of history.

How did the ancients escape the heat on a hot day? The artifact invented by a woman in the Tang Dynasty scared the emperor into issuing a ban

But even so, the wisdom and creation of women in the Tang Dynasty have left us a valuable legacy. With the courage to break with tradition, they demonstrated the power of independent thinking and self-expression. This kind of spirit is precisely what our modern society urgently needs.

Let us feel the charm of the wisdom of the ancients from this seemingly ordinary "topless dress". While pursuing fashion, we must learn to draw nutrients from history and understand the world with an open and inclusive attitude. Only in this way will we be able to innovate in the course of inheritance, improve in the course of reform, and make the road of civilization wider and broader.

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