
Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

author:Read the wind and caress the rain

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Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

Text: Reading the wind and soothing the rain

Edit|Read the wind and caress the rain

Sun Yingsha, with her fierce style of play and tenacious fighting spirit, has already stood on the throne of the world No. 1. Behind her radiance is countless days and nights of sweat and hard work.

And when she is about to embark on the journey of the Paris Olympics, who can guide her at a critical moment has become the most concerned issue for everyone.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

Qiu Yike has taken over the teaching whip since the beginning of 2022, and was not confused by the halo above Sun Yingsha's head, but calmed down, like an experienced craftsman, and made a comprehensive assessment of Sun Yingsha's technical characteristics and shortcomings.

He knows that if he wants to become a great tool, he must dig deep into the foundation. In those run-in days, Qiu Yike did not rush to achieve success, but formulated a thorough training and improvement plan for Sun Yingsha step by step.

What a picture that is! On the training ground, the master and apprentice fought side by side, and every movement and every shot was full of their persistent pursuit of victory.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?
Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

The hard work pays off, and from the second half of 2022, Sun Yingsha is like an awakened dragon, her results have soared, and the championship trophies have been bagged one after another. Behind this, Qiu Yi has made a lot of contributions.

The trust and support between them is not only a technical complementarity, but also a spiritual fit. The many heart-to-heart talks also became a turning point in their master-apprentice relationship.

It's a pity that Qiu Yike doesn't have the right to command a top-level event like the Olympics this time, it's like a peerless master, but an invisible door blocks the way to the peak showdown.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

The fans are in their eyes and anxious in their hearts. As a result, a bold idea spread among the fans: let Sun Yingsha take Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense!

As soon as the idea was proposed, it spread like wildfire. But when you think about it, how easy is that? In the circle of table tennis, the hierarchy is strict, and it is taboo to skip the command. This is like a rule in martial arts, once broken, it will inevitably cause an uproar.

Speaking of Ma Lin, he will be Sun Yingsha's off-field guide at the Paris Olympics. Although it is believed that Marin will be treated equally, fans still have doubts in their hearts. After all, Qiu Yike and Sun Yingsha have gone all the way, how can that tacit understanding and understanding be easily replaced by others?

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?
Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

"It's really sad!" An old fan patted his thigh and said, "Coach Qiu is heart-to-heart for Sasha, this doesn't let him go, can Sasha play at her best?" ”

"Not really!" The fan next to him echoed, "Although Ma Lin is also a master, how can there be guidance Qiu to understand Sasha!" ”

A young fan chimed in: "Can't national table tennis be flexible? For Sasha's Olympic journey, what can we do to break this rigid rule? ”

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?
Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

Everyone talked about it and expressed their opinions. But in the final analysis, everyone hopes that Sun Yingsha can shine at the Paris Olympics and win glory for the country. And whether Qiu Yike can finally appear by Sun Yingsha's side and give her advice has become the core of this controversy.

In this case, let's review Sun Yingsha's past games, such as the Macau Championship, the game where Sun Yingsha and Han Ying met in a narrow way.

This is no ordinary meeting between the two fighters, you know, they haven't played each other in two years, and those two years are enough to change so many things.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

The opening of the game was like a storm, and everyone was caught off guard. Han Ying's fierce offensive was like a tiger coming out of the mountain, swift and difficult to resist.

She quickly seized the opportunity, and the big score was far ahead of Sun Yingsha, a full two points apart, in the tense situation of only 5 points on this match point, it was undoubtedly a big mountain in Sun Yingsha's heart.

Every time Han Ying slipped the ball, it was like a sharp sword, stabbing straight at Sun Yingsha's defense. The fans in the audience, their hearts were in their throats, and they were so nervous that they didn't dare to breathe.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

Their eyes were staring at the arena tightly, and their palms were full of sweat, as if it was not Sun Yingsha who was fighting on the field, but themselves. And the audience in front of the live broadcast screen was also restless.

But who is Sun Yingsha? She's not the kind of person who can be easily defeated by difficulties. Just when everyone was sweating for her, the teenager seemed to suddenly open his mind in the third game, as if he had found that glimmer of light in the dark.

Her eyes became determined, and the racket in her hand swung more powerfully. The sideways forehand counterattack one by one was fast, accurate and ruthless, and Han Ying was overwhelmed.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?
Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

In this game, Sun Yingsha recaptured a game from Han Ying with an absolute advantage of 11:3, and the momentum was like a majestic female general, which made the opponent frightened.

This counterattack is like a shot in the arm for everyone present. Everyone's original hanging hearts have fallen a little bit.

In the next fourth and fifth games, Sun Yingsha was even more like a hanging, with a momentum like a rainbow, and won the game cleanly with the same score of 11:4.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

Let's just say, this Sun Yingsha's psychological quality is really good. In such an extremely unfavorable situation, she can still stabilize her position, adjust her tactics, and achieve a shocking reversal, which is not something ordinary people can do.

This is like walking a tightrope on the edge of a cliff, and if you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss, but Sun Yingsha was stunned by her composure and exquisite skills, and walked step by step, and she walked steadily.

Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?
Sun Yingsha invited Director Qiu to Paris at her own expense? The off-site guidance of the Olympics is Ma Lin, and Director Qiu has no right to ask?

In this way, Sun Yingsha really has a big heart, even without Qiu Yike's off-field guidance, we fans can rest assured.

You have to believe that Sasha can completely sweep away thousands of troops.

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