
The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

author:Lucky dumplings y4

Background of river pollution.

With the reform and opening up, the mainland's economy has continued to develop for many years, and with the development of the economy, the mainland's construction projects are also like mushrooms after the rain, and many villages are also in full swing, the surging population of villages and towns will naturally have a large number of domestic garbage and industrial wastewater, etc., therefore, some rural residents will throw domestic garbage directly into the river, so not only polluting the water source of the river, so it will also bring a series of harmful bacteria such as bacteria and pathogens in the water body, It greatly threatens the survival of fish and the health of humans.

At the same time, the mainland is also a country dominated by agriculture, and there are a lot of pesticides, pesticide residues and chemical fertilizer residues related to this, because these are indispensable things in the growth process of crops, so rural people pour these things directly into the river, resulting in a large number of chemical fertilizer residues and pesticides and other harmful substances in the water source of the river.

The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

And these harmful substances will be inhaled by fish, not only polluting the river, but also polluting the fish, and because of the lack of relevant sewage treatment equipment in the countryside, they will also discharge the sewage directly into the river, therefore, the status quo of polluting the river continues day by day, but no one finds out, no one cares, and even the leaders of the relevant departments only say a few words perfunctorily, and do not really put into action to make changes.

The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

In addition to rural sewage, the same is true for urban rivers, where some domestic and industrial wastewater will be directly discharged into the river, resulting in more and more serious pollution of the river's water source, which has caused a sharp decline in the number of fish in the river, and the fish population in the river is almost on the verge of extinction.

In the mainland, the Yangtze River has a superior geographical location and abundant water resources, the river bay also has a large number of fish, is one of the important aquatic resources of the mainland, at the same time, due to the river conditions of the Yangtze River, so it is also one of the rivers with the largest number of aquatic resources in the mainland, therefore, the Yangtze River is also one of the most important fishing bases in the mainland.

The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

But along with pollution, the number of fish in the rivers is also drastically reduced, causing the attention of the people of the whole country, because there are many fish schools in the Yangtze River, so there are also relevant protected fish, the most famous of which is the finless porpoise, which belongs to the national first-class protected animals, at the same time, there is a legend about the finless porpoise on the mainland: as long as they are still living in the Yangtze River, then the Yangtze River is clear.

However, with the continuous intensification of river pollution, the number of finless porpoises began to decline sharply from the 50s of the 20th century, and by the beginning of the 21st century, the mainland has announced that there are only more than 100 finless porpoises left in the Yangtze River, and the number of fish is uncountable.

The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

Three "aquatic gates".

With the continuous intensification of pollution, some fish are even directly on the verge of extinction, therefore, the national leaders are also a deep reflection on the mainland's rivers, they are not only reflecting on the mainland's economic development, but also reflecting on the mainland's resources and environment, etc., therefore, they have gone through many discussions, and also spent a lot of time and energy, and finally decided that the three "aquatic gates" officially established the project.

The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

The first "cross-border conservation cooperation" is mainly between five countries in Northeast Asia, namely South Korea, North Korea, Russia, Mongolia and the mainland, which have close economic relations and beautiful wetland resources.

The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

However, with the rapid development of the economy, their wetland resources are facing great threats, so it is necessary for these five countries to establish a joint protection mechanism to protect their respective wetland resources.

As far as the mainland is concerned, the mainland has abundant aquatic resources, including three important fish resources: finless porpoise, saury and anchovy, etc., and the mainland also has the highest quality and the most abundant three fish resources: alligators, crocodiles and whale silver carp, etc., therefore, the mainland should also increase the protection of fish in the Yangtze River.

The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

At the same time, the mainland is also the hometown of the finless porpoise, so the mainland protects the finless porpoise in the Yangtze River at the same time, but also protects the whale carp, which can be regarded as a kind of protection of the mainland's aquatic resources, and announced the ban on the sea of national first-class protected animals.

However, while protecting the anchovy, saury and finless porpoise in the Yangtze River, the mainland should also release the relevant aquatic resources data and information in a timely manner, so that the national government can protect and study these fish in a timely manner, so as to protect the population of these fish.

The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

This year, the national government has solemnly released the number of the three major fish stocks on the mainland, among which the number of fish resources has increased, and the mainland and the three nearby Southeast Asian countries have also protected and monitored the fishing ground resources in the East China Sea, hoping to protect the fishing resources of the East China Sea.

In addition, the mainland has also protected and managed the number of fish resources such as anchovy, which is one of the aquatic resources of the Yangtze River on the mainland, one of the important fishery resources of the mainland, and one of the special aquatic resources of the mainland.

Resources and Fisheries of the Yangtze River.

As one of the three major fish resources in the mainland, the number of anchovies is also gradually decreasing, the number of finless porpoises due to pollution, the number of finless porpoises has declined sharply, so it has also attracted great attention from national leaders, so the mainland has carried out protection and rescue work on the finless porpoise, and in the process of saving the finless porpoise, the mainland has also organized the breeding of the finless porpoise several times to see if it can be re-released and rebuilt in other areas.

The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

After some efforts, the experts finally fulfilled their wish to regenerate the finless porpoise and re-released it into the Yangtze River, where the number of finless porpoises and the environment of the Yangtze River have changed dramatically, and the number of finless porpoises seems to have been favored by God, and the number of saury is also rising.

As one of the three major fish resources in the mainland, the number of saury is also rising, and at the same time, the mainland has also established three major fish resource quantity monitoring stations to locate and monitor the number of fish, so that the national government can protect the fish population in time.

At the same time, the mainland also needs to implement stricter fishery laws and regulations, formulate more rational fishery policies, and implement stricter control measures for fishermen, so as to avoid overfishing and reducing the number of fish.

The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

But while the number of fish is rising, the number of anchovy has not been rebounded, on the contrary, its number is still decreasing, for anchovy, its number is not not not rising, undoubtedly rising, but not like the finless porpoise, saury has rebounded.

In fact, the number of anchovy in the Yangtze River has rebounded, but the number of anchovy and its rebound have not been released in time, so many people think that the number of anchovy has not rebounded, but this is not the case.

Because in the growth process of anchovy, for anchovy, growth is faster than reproduction, and the mainland's protection time for anchovy is not very long, only a matter of a few years, so the number of anchovy has not risen hundreds of times like the number of finless porpoises.

The "return" of the Yangtze River, the number of finless porpoises and saury has rebounded, but why is there no good news about anchovy?

At the same time, it should also be remembered that the mainland's fishing policy is very strict, and corresponding penalties have been taken for overfishing, so it is also one of the reasons why the number of anchovy has not rebounded like the number of finless porpoises and saury.

And the river has been governed, for the anchovy, its requirements for the living environment are very high, and the mainland has also chosen the method of release, the water area suitable for the growth of anchovy has been released, which is also one of the reasons why the number of anchovy has not risen like the finless porpoise and the saury.


With the vigorous development of the Yangtze River's resources and fisheries, it is believed that in the near future, the number of the three major aquatic resources will have a greater recovery.

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