
In a case of rape and murder in the Qing Dynasty, the husband's method of murdering the adulterer is terrifying


In the 32nd year of Qianlong, it was the middle of the Qing Dynasty, with strong national strength and social stability. However, in Anyi County, Jiangxi, a murder case caused by adultery broke the tranquility. This case not only involved the local elite, but also exposed some deep-seated problems in society at that time.

The cause of the case was that a wealthy local businessman named Li Si had an affair with a woman named Wang. Wang was originally a maid in Li Si's family, and because of her outstanding appearance, she was favored by Li Si, and the two secretly had a relationship. However, this illicit relationship did not last long, as Wang's husband, an ordinary farmer named Zhang San, discovered his wife's infidelity.

In a case of rape and murder in the Qing Dynasty, the husband's method of murdering the adulterer is terrifying

Zhang San is an honest person, who makes a living from farming on weekdays, and loves his wife Wang in every way. When he learned that his wife was having an affair with Li Si, his heart was full of anger and helplessness. He tried to win back his wife's heart many times, but Wang was deeply caught in Li Si's sweet words and couldn't extricate himself. Zhang San's anger eventually turned into action, and he decided to make Li Si pay the price.

On a stormy night, Zhang San carried a sharp knife and quietly came to Li Si's mansion. He took advantage of the night to climb over the wall and went straight to Li Si's bedroom. Li Si was in a private meeting with Wang in the room at the time, completely unaware that danger was approaching. Zhang San broke into the door and stabbed Li Si with a knife, and Li Si was killed on the spot. Wang was so frightened by this sudden turn that he screamed, but Zhang San had no turning back, he turned around and fled the scene.

In a case of rape and murder in the Qing Dynasty, the husband's method of murdering the adulterer is terrifying

The next day, Li Si's family found his body and immediately reported it to the authorities. After receiving the report, the local magistrate quickly launched an investigation. Because Zhang San's behavior was too obvious, he was quickly arrested by the government. During the interrogation, Zhang San confessed to his actions, but he insisted that he made such a decision out of anger and helplessness.

The case caused a great shock in the local area. On the one hand, Li Si, as a wealthy businessman, had a lot of influence in the local area, and his death shocked many people; On the other hand, as an ordinary farmer, Zhang San's plight has also aroused the sympathy of many people. For a time, the discussion about this case spread among the people.

In a case of rape and murder in the Qing Dynasty, the husband's method of murdering the adulterer is terrifying

The government is also under tremendous pressure to hear the case. On the one hand, they need to uphold the dignity of the law and severely punish Zhang San's behavior; On the other hand, they also need to take into account public opinion and not let this case become a fuse for social discontent. After weighing the pros and cons, the government finally decided to severely punish Zhang San as a warning.

However, the repercussions of this case did not end with Zhang San's punishment. It provoked a reflection on the social climate of the time. Why would an ordinary maid have an illicit relationship with a wealthy merchant? Why would an honest farmer go down the path of murder? These problems all point to various problems in the society at that time, including the gap between the rich and the poor, moral decay, etc.

In a case of rape and murder in the Qing Dynasty, the husband's method of murdering the adulterer is terrifying

The case also caught the attention of Emperor Qianlong. He ordered a thorough investigation of the case and asked local officials to deal with similar cases with severe punishment for crimes and people's livelihood to prevent similar incidents from happening again. This move by Emperor Qianlong also reflects the importance attached to social governance in the middle of the Qing Dynasty and its efforts to maintain social stability.

Although this murder case caused by adultery was only one of many cases in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, it was like a mirror, reflecting some deep-seated problems in society at that time. It allows people to see the injustice of society, but also the complexity of human nature. This case has become a microcosm of an era, allowing people to have a deeper understanding of that era.

In a case of rape and murder in the Qing Dynasty, the husband's method of murdering the adulterer is terrifying

In Anyi County, Jiangxi Province in the 32nd year of Qianlong, a murder case caused by adultery shocked the entire county. The main figures in the case are Fan Renjie, his wife Zhang, and Tu Shishui. Fan Renjie was a well-to-do businessman who made a living dealing in silk and porcelain. His wife, Zhang, was born in a scholarly family, gentle and virtuous, and was Fan Renjie's virtuous helper. Tu Shishui is a distant relative of Fan Renjie, because of the poverty of his family, he was taken in by Fan Renjie to help take care of family affairs.

Although Fan Renjie is a good businessman, he is a little frivolous in personality and likes to flirt with young women. Although Zhang knew about her husband's small problems, she chose to endure it silently out of the maintenance of the family and her love for her husband. However, the arrival of Tu Shishui broke the peace of the family.

Tu Shishui was young, handsome, and cheerful, and soon won the love of Fan Renjie and his wife. Fan Renjie regarded him as a close confidant and let him participate in many affairs in the family. However, Tu Shishui had improper feelings for Zhang. He often found opportunities to be alone with Zhang, and gradually touched Zhang's heart with sweet words and gentle gestures. Although Zhang knew that this was immoral, she felt the warmth and sense of being valued for a long time under Tu Shishui's care and love.

As time passed, Fan Renjie began to notice the unusualness between his wife and Tu Shishui. He begins to suspect that there may be an untold secret between the two. Fan Renjie's suspicions became more and more serious, and he began to secretly observe the every move of the two, trying to find out the truth.

One night, Fan Renjie pretended to go out, but in fact hid in a hidden place at home, observing the movements in the home. Sure enough, he saw Tu Shishui quietly enter Zhang's room. The anger in Fan Renjie's heart was like a volcano erupting, and he rushed into the room and caught the rapist on the spot. Tu Shishui and Zhang were overwhelmed by the sudden change, while Fan Renjie made a decision in anger and disappointment.

Fan Renjie decided to expel Tu Shishui from his home and cut ties with Zhang. He couldn't stand his wife's betrayal, and he couldn't forgive Tu Shishui's betrayal. However, Tu Shishui was not willing to leave, and he pleaded with Fan Renjie, hoping to be forgiven. In a fit of rage, Fan refuses his request and insists on driving him away.

Tu Shishui felt unprecedented despair, he knew that once he left, he would have nothing. Driven by this emotion, he made an extreme decision. Late one night, Tu Shishui sneaked into Fan Renjie's bedroom and ended Fan Renjie's life with a sharp knife.

The next day, Fan Renjie's body was found, and Tu Shishui was arrested as the biggest suspect. During the interrogation, Tu Shishui confessed to his actions, confessing his guilt, but also expressing deep affection for Zhang. Cheung was devastated when she learned of her husband's death, unable to accept the fact and face her crimes.

This case caused a huge sensation in Anyi County, and people were shocked and puzzled by this murder case caused by adultery. Fan's family, relatives and friends are saddened by his death, but they are also angry and puzzled by Tu Shishui's actions. And Zhang became the target of public criticism, and her reputation and status collapsed overnight.

The government is also under tremendous pressure to hear the case. They need to take into account the influence of public opinion while upholding the dignity of the law. In the end, Tu Shishui was sentenced to death, while Zhang was convicted of adultery and severely punished.

This case is not just a simple murder case caused by adultery, it also reflects some deep-seated problems in society at that time. It reveals the complexity of human nature and moral decay, and also makes people think more deeply about marriage, family and fidelity. This case has become a microcosm of an era, giving people a deeper understanding of that era.

Fan Renjie, a tea and wine merchant in Anyi County, Jiangxi, is known for his shrewd business acumen and hospitality. Although his family business was not prominent, it was enough to make him famous in the local area. Fan's house is located in the east of Anyi County, is a row of quaint wooden buildings, in front of the door hangs the signboard of "Fan Ji Tea and Wine", people come and go every day, and business is prosperous.

Tu Shishui, from Jing'an, a neighboring county, was a talented scholar, but due to his poor family, he failed to achieve fame in the imperial examination. He often stayed at Fan's house, and he hit Fan Renjie at first sight, and the two soon became close friends. Tu Shishui is not only knowledgeable, but also modest, and is deeply appreciated by Fan Renjie. Fan Renjie admired his talent and sympathized with his situation, so he often invited him to his home as a guest, and the two of them either drank tea and discussed Taoism, or drank and wrote poems, and the friendship became deeper and deeper.

Fan Renjie's wife, Zhang, is Fan Renjie's virtuous helper, she not only takes care of the housework in an orderly manner, but also often participates in her husband's business and puts forward some unique opinions. Zhang's gentleness and virtuousness, and Fan Renjie respect each other like guests, and the relationship between the husband and wife is very harmonious. However, the arrival of Tu Shishui has invisibly brought a subtle change to the family.

Tu Shishui has been in the Fan family for a long time, and his contact with the Zhang family has become more and more frequent. Zhang admired Tu Shishui's talent and personality, and Tu Shishui was also attracted by Zhang's intelligence and beauty. In their mutual admiration and appreciation, the two gradually developed an indescribable emotion. This kind of emotion quietly grew under Fan Renjie's nose, but it also made him feel a little uneasy.

Although Fan Renjie trusts Tu Shishui very much, as a husband, he has an instinctive sensitivity to his wife's loyalty and the stability of the family. He began to notice some subtle changes between his wife and Tu Shishui, such as the conversation between them seemed to be more frequent and the eye contact became more affectionate. Although Fan Renjie has doubts in his heart, he does not want to easily doubt his friend and wife, and he tries to eliminate this uneasiness by strengthening communication with his wife and enhancing the relationship between husband and wife.

However, emotional entanglements are not something that reason can control. In the contact between Tu Shishui and Zhang, the seeds of emotion took root and sprouted in the bottom of their hearts, and finally evolved into an unknown private relationship. They began to look for opportunities to meet secretly, either in the dead of night or when Fan Renjie was out on business. Their feelings, though sincere, are based on betrayal and deception, like a poppy blooming in the dark night, beautiful but full of danger.

As time went on, it became more and more difficult to hide. Fan Renjie's doubts also became heavier, and he began to secretly observe his wife and Tu Shishui's every move, trying to find out the truth. Tu Shishui and Zhang also felt the suspicion and pressure from Fan Renjie, and their emotions became more urgent and desperate.

This murder case caused by adultery was quietly brewing in the Fan family in Anyi County. Fan Renjie, Zhang and Tu Shishui, these three people who originally lived in harmony, gradually came to the brink of tragedy because of emotional entanglements. How their fate develops, and how this private relationship will end, everything is slowly unfolding in this land of Anyi County......

The relationship between Zhang and Tu Shishui was originally only based on mutual appreciation and respect. Zhang admired Tu Shishui's talent and demeanor, and Tu Shishui admired Zhang's intelligence and beauty. However, as Fan Renjie frequently went out due to business needs, only Zhang and Tu Shishui were left at home. In the days when Fan Renjie was away, the contact between the two became frequent, and the feelings between each other also quietly took root unconsciously.

At first, Zhang's interactions with Tu Shishui were limited to daily courtesy greetings and occasional academic discussions. Tu Shishui often asked Zhang for advice on poetry, and Zhang was happy to share his insights with this talented man. Over time, however, the conversation between the two shifted from academic discussions to more personal topics. They began to share each other's life trivia, and even some innermost thoughts and feelings.

Fan Renjie's long time out provided Zhang and Tu Shishui with more opportunities to be alone. During a Fan Renjie outing, Tu Shishui expressed his emotions to Zhang in the moonlight at night. The moonlight is like water, the night is gentle, and Tu Shishui's words are full of poetry and sincerity, which makes Zhang feel unprecedented heartbeat. At that moment, she forgot her identity and responsibility, and was moved by Tu Shishui's emotions, and the two made a vow in the moonlight that they should not have made.

Since then, the relationship between Zhang and Tu Shishui has become more and more delicate. They begin to look for all sorts of excuses to have more time alone. When Fan Renjie went out, Tu Shishui would come to Zhang's study in the name of discussing poetry; In the dead of night, in the name of delivering tea, Zhang would meet Tu Shishui in the courtyard. The relationship between the two quickly heats up in secret, and they begin to yearn for more time together, and even begin to fantasize about possible future lives.

However, this illicit relationship did not escape the eyes of those around him. The servants of the Fan family began to notice the anomaly between the two, and some rumors began to spread in the county. The gossip left Zhang feeling unprecedented pressure and fear, fearing that the relationship would bring disaster to her family and that her reputation would be damaged as a result.

Tu Shishui felt the same anxiety. He knew that his actions were a betrayal of Fan Renjie, and he also knew that if this relationship was revealed, it would bring irreparable damage to everyone. However, the power of emotions overwhelmed him, and he began to struggle between reason and emotion, trying to find a solution that would have the best of both worlds.

As the news of Fan Renjie's imminent return came, the relationship between Zhang and Tu Shishui became even more strained. They knew that once Fan Renjie returned, their secrets would be nowhere to hide. Under this pressure, the two begin to think about whether they should end the relationship so as not to cause more trouble for each other. However, emotional entanglements are not easy to part, and they are torn between ending and continuing.

This illicit relationship is like a time bomb that may explode in Fan Renjie's home at any time. The fate of Zhang and Tu Shishui, as well as their relationship with Fan Renjie, are all pending in this undercurrent......

Tu Shishui's improper relationship with Zhang's family lasted for several years without Fan Renjie's knowledge. During this time, the two were like walking on the edge of a cliff, always worried, but unable to extricate themselves.

At first, both Zhang and Tu Shishui tried their best to control their emotions and tried not to show their feet in front of Fan Renjie. They carefully arranged every meeting, always choosing when Fan Renjie was out or late at night, to avoid arousing suspicion. Tu Shishui's status in the Fan family also provided him with convenience, and as a frequent visitor, his entry and exit would not attract special attention from others.

As time went on, the two grew emotional, and they began to yearn for more time together. Tu Shishui took advantage of his position in the Fan family and began to find various excuses to prolong his stay in the Fan family. He often stayed at Fan's house overnight on the pretext of helping Fan Renjie deal with family affairs. And Zhang also became more bold, and she began to take the initiative to invite Tu Shishui to her room when Fan Renjie was away.

The emotional exchange between the two has gradually changed from the original poetry and song to a more intimate topic. In the study late at night, by the faint light of candles, they shared each other's thoughts and dreams. Tu Shishui told Zhang about his ambitions and hopes for the future, and Zhang confided in him his dissatisfaction with the status quo and his desire for freedom. Their hearts mingled in these late-night conversations, and each became the sustenance of each other's emotions.

However, the relationship is not without risk. Although Fan Renjie is busy with business, his concern for his family has not diminished. He often asked about the situation at home after returning from an outing, especially his concern for Zhang. Zhang and Tu Shishui must always be vigilant so as not to expose their flaws in front of Fan Renjie.

In addition, the servants of the Fan family also began to notice the abnormality between the two. They talked about it in private, but out of awe of Fan Renjie, no one dared to tell him these rumors. However, these gossips are like seeds, quietly taking root in the soil of the Fan family.

Tu Shishui and Zhang are also aware of this risk. They began to look for more hidden ways to maintain the relationship. Using his knowledge, Tu Shishui began to teach some of Zhang's poetry and calligraphy, using this as an excuse to stay in Zhang's study. Zhang, on the other hand, showed respect and gratitude to Tu Shishui in front of Fan Renjie to hide his true feelings.

However, as time passed, the emotions of the two became more and more difficult to control. They begin to yearn for a space of their own, a place where they can freely express their love. Tu Shishui even began to consider leaving the Fan family and taking the Zhang family away to fly away. But Zhang hesitated, knowing that doing so would bring great harm to Fan Renjie and the entire family.

This improper relationship is like a time bomb that may explode in the peaceful life of the Fan family at any time. Tu Shishui and Zhang are struggling in the whirlpool of emotions, their fate and the future of the relationship hanging in the balance of this undercurrent......

Tu Shishui's revisit was originally out of helplessness. Due to a sudden illness, he had to leave his humble residence in Jing'an County for a while and seek shelter and care from the Fan family. As a good friend, Fan Renjie naturally would not refuse, he warmly welcomed Tu Shishui and arranged the best room in the house for him to recuperate. However, he never imagined that this overnight stay would become an opportunity for the further development of the relationship between Tu Shishui and the Zhang family.

Tu Shishui's condition was good and bad, and he needed to recuperate for a long time. Fan Renjie had to go out frequently due to business affairs, and the care of the family fell on Zhang's shoulders. Zhang was kind-hearted and full of sympathy for Tu Shishui's condition, she not only cooked medicine for him herself, but also often chatted with him to relieve his loneliness and illness.

With the passage of time, Tu Shishui gradually recovered under Zhang's careful care. However, the affection between him and Zhang has quietly grown in this day-to-day relationship. Tu Shishui was grateful for Zhang's care, and her gentleness and thoughtfulness made him feel the warmth he had not felt for a long time on the sickbed. And Zhang was also attracted by Tu Shishui's tenacity and talent, and his every smile and every word made her feel ripples.

The relationship between the two was further deepened before Tu Shishui's sickbed. In the dead of night, Zhang would come to Tu Shishui's room lightly and tuck the quilt for him or bring him a cup of hot tea. Tu Shishui will be accompanied by Zhang's to tell his own sights and feelings, and the two share each other's spiritual world in the dim light.

As Tu Shishui's condition improved, he began to walk in the courtyard of the Fan family, with Zhang often by his side. The two of them read poetry and discussed life together under the moon before the flowers, or in the study. During these times together, their emotions gradually transcended the boundaries of friends and became more and more subtle and complex.

However, the development of the relationship is not without risk. The servants of the Fan family began to notice the intimacy between the two, and although they did not dare to speak out, they talked more and more in private. Zhang and Tu Shishui were also aware of this risk, and they began to control their behavior more carefully so as not to arouse Fan Renjie's suspicion.

Tu Shishui struggled deep inside, he knew that his actions were a betrayal of his friend Fan Renjie, and he also knew that if this relationship was revealed, it would bring irreparable damage to everyone. However, the power of emotions overwhelmed him, and he began to struggle between reason and emotion, trying to find a solution that would have the best of both worlds.

Zhang also felt unprecedented pressure and fear. She fears that the relationship will bring disaster to her family and that her reputation will be damaged as a result. However, whenever she saw Tu Shishui's affectionate gaze, her heart would involuntarily move closer to him.

This improper relationship quietly spread under the eaves of the Fan family. Tu Shishui and Zhang are struggling in the whirlpool of emotions, their fate and the future of the relationship hanging in the balance of this undercurrent......

Fan's discovery was unexpected and devastating. It was a sunny afternoon, and Fan Renjie had planned to go out to deal with an important business, but was forced to return home due to a sudden rainstorm. The rain was raging, and the heavens and the earth were in chaos, as if to herald the coming tragedy.

Fan Renjie stepped into the house, and the rain dripped down the hem of his clothes, but he didn't care. He just wanted to change out of his soaked clothes and drink a cup of hot tea to relieve the fatigue of the journey. However, as he walked through the courtyard and towards his bedroom, a whisper caught his attention. The voice came from the room where Tu Shishui was staying, and the familiar voice clearly belonged to his wife Zhang.

Fan Renjie's heart swelled with unease, and he approached the door lightly, and through the crack in the door, he saw a scene that broke his heart: Tu Shishui and Zhang hugged each other tightly, and their faces were full of happy and satisfied smiles. Fan Renjie felt a wave of vertigo, his heart felt like a sharp blade pierced, and the pain of anger and betrayal made him almost unable to stand.

He took a few steps back, and the anger in his heart exploded like ignited gunpowder. Fan Renjie rushed into the room, and Zhang and Tu Shishui were frightened by this sudden incursion. Fan Renjie's eyes were bloodshot, and his voice trembled with anger as he questioned the betrayal of the two.

Tu Shishui and Zhang were speechless in the face of Fan Renjie's questioning. Their faces were filled with horror and despair, and they knew that their actions were irreparable. Fan Renjie's anger erupted like a volcano, he couldn't contain his emotions, he felt that his dignity and trust had been completely trampled on.

Driven by anger, Fan Renjie decided to make Tu Shishui pay the price. He rushed to the weapon rack in his home and took down a sharp sword. Seeing this, Tu Shishui knew that Fan Renjie had lost his mind, he tried to explain, tried to beg for mercy, but Fan Renjie only had the flame of revenge in his heart.

Fan Renjie swung his sword and slashed at Tu Shishui, who was driven by the instinct to survive and dodged Fan Renjie's attack. Zhang was crying on the sidelines, she didn't know what to do, her heart was full of remorse and helplessness. When the servants of the Fan family heard the movement, they rushed over, but in the face of this sudden change, they could only wait and see.

Although Tu Shishui was young and strong, he seemed powerless in the face of Fan Renjie's anger. Each of Fan Renjie's swords was full of strength and anger, and Tu Shishui could only barely parry. The battle between the two unfolded in the living room of the Fan family, where furniture was knocked over, porcelain shattered, and the whole room was in shambles.

Fan Renjie's attack became more and more violent, and Tu Shishui was already injured in many places. He knew he couldn't escape Fan Renjie's revenge, but he still didn't want to give up. He began to look for opportunities to fight back, hoping to find a silver lining.

The battle lasted for a long time, and both Fan Renjie and Tu Shishui were exhausted. Fan Renjie's anger was gradually replaced by exhaustion, but he still did not give up the idea of killing Tu Shishui. Tu Shishui was looking for the last hope in despair, he didn't want to end his life like this.

This battle triggered by anger is not only related to the life and death of Tu Shishui, but also related to the future of Fan Renjie and Zhang. The servants of the Fan family waited anxiously for the outcome, not knowing how the tragedy would end. And the fates of Fan Renjie, Zhang and Tu Shishui are also intertwined at this moment, waiting for the final verdict......

Tu Shishui's illness had not yet fully recovered, and his body was weak and powerless to resist Fan Renjie's anger. When Fan Renjie walked towards him with a rope in his hand and a flame of revenge burning in his eyes, Tu Shishui felt unprecedented fear. He tried to retreat, but found himself on heavy feet, as if bound by an invisible force.

Fan Renjie's face was distorted, and his heart was full of hatred for Tu Shishui. He couldn't accept that this friend he once trusted betrayed him and had an illicit relationship with his wife. In this moment, all friendships and past kindnesses are drowned out by anger.

Fan Renjie's movements were swift and decisive, and he put the rope around Tu Shishui's neck. Tu Shishui's eyes were full of despair, and he tried to struggle, but his sick body could not provide enough strength. Zhang witnessed all this, her heart as if it were torn apart, tears blurring her eyes, but her voice choked with fear and despair.

The rope became tighter and tighter in Fan Renjie's hands, Tu Shishui's breathing became difficult, his face turned from red to purple, and his hands scratched the rope weakly, trying to break free from this deadly restraint. There was no trace of pity on Fan Renjie's face, and he only had hatred for Tu Shishui and the pain of betrayal of his wife in his heart.

As time passed, Tu Shishui's struggle became weaker and weaker, and his feet began to lift off the ground, and his entire body hung in the air. His eyes began to roll and his tongue sticked out slightly, a sign that his life was coming to an end. Fan Renjie watched Tu Shishui slowly lose his life in his hands, but there was no trace of satisfaction in his heart, only deeper emptiness and pain.

Zhang was crying, she couldn't believe that her husband would do such a cruel thing. She wanted to stop it, but she was afraid that Fan Renjie's anger would turn against her. Her heart was full of self-blame, if she hadn't had a relationship with Tu Shishui, all this would not have happened.

Tu Shishui's life slowly passed in Fan Renjie's hands, his struggle stopped, and his body became stiff. Fan Renjie finally let go of the rope, and Tu Shishui's body fell heavily to the ground, and there was no sign of life. Fan Renjie's hands trembled, he looked at his hands, and couldn't believe that he had killed a person with his own hands.

The room was immersed in dead silence, except for Zhang's crying. Fan Renjie's heart was full of remorse, he didn't know how to face all this, how to face his wife, how to face his conscience. His behavior is irreparable, and Tu Shishui's life is irreparable.

Fan's anger has subsided, replaced by deep pain and confusion. He doesn't know what his future holds, and he doesn't know how he will face this family that has been destroyed by his own hands. Tu Shishui's death has become an eternal pain in his heart, and it has also become an insurmountable gap between him and Zhang.

This tragedy, triggered by betrayal, not only took Tu Shishui's life, but also destroyed Fan Renjie and Zhang's family. Their fate is like being swept away by this storm, and they can never return to their former peace and happiness. And Fan Renjie's heart will always bear this heavy burden......

The news of Fan Renjie's arrest was like a bolt from the blue, shocking the entire Anyi County. He was charged with murder, and the victim was none other than his former friend Tu Shishui. After receiving the report, the county government quickly took action and took Fan Renjie away from his home and put him in prison.

In his cell, Fan Renjie faced the cold walls and endless darkness, and his heart was full of remorse and self-blame. He knew that his actions were irreparable, but he still hoped that he could be mitigated. During the interrogation, Fan Renjie confessed to the killing, he did not hide his motives and actions, and he confessed his crime.

The county magistrate found the case very difficult. Fan Renjie has a certain reputation in the local area, and although his actions are cruel, they are also out of anger at his wife's betrayal. After weighing various factors, the county officials finally made the initial verdict: Fan Renjie was sentenced to "behead in prison", a kind of sentence that temporarily retains the death penalty, meaning that Fan Renjie's life and death will depend on the review of his superiors.

When the news came out, the people of Anyi County talked a lot. Some people sympathize with Fan Renjie's plight and think that he is a victim, carried away by betrayal and anger; There are also those who condemn his actions, arguing that murder is an unforgivable crime for whatever reason. Zhang was even more grief-stricken when she learned of her husband's verdict, knowing that she was the author of the tragedy.

In prison, Fan Renjie reflected on his actions every day. He thought of Tu Shishui, that former friend, the poor man who was strangled by his own hands. He also thought of Zhang, his wife, the woman he once loved dearly, but became a stranger because of his betrayal. Fan Renjie's heart is full of contradictions and struggles, and he doesn't know if he should accept this verdict or whether he should pay with his life for his anger.

Zhang also lived a miserable life outside. She was surrounded by public opinion in society and was plagued by people's accusations and spurning. Her heart was full of guilt, she didn't know how to face Fan Renjie's family, how to face her conscience. She began to doubt her choice and began to regret her actions, but it was already too late.

Fan Renjie's family also fell into deep grief. They couldn't accept that the head of the family had become a murderer like this, and they couldn't understand why Fan Renjie would make such a decision. The Fan family's business was severely affected by the incident, and the family's financial situation began to deteriorate.

In the days of waiting for the review, Fan Renjie's life became extremely difficult. He was physically and mentally tortured in prison, fearing for his life every day. He began to write to Zhang, expressing his thoughts and remorse, hoping to get her forgiveness.

After receiving Fan Renjie's letter, Zhang's heart was even more twisted. She knew that she couldn't go back to her old life and couldn't face Fan Renjie anymore. She began to think about her future and whether she should leave this place and start a new life.

Fan's case has attracted widespread attention in Anyi County. People began to reflect on the social issues behind the case and began to discuss the boundaries of marriage, fidelity and the law. The case serves as a cautionary tale of how to control one's emotions and how to avoid tragedy in the face of anger and betrayal.

However, Fan's fate still hangs in the balance. His life and death will depend on the review of his superiors and the final decision of the law. The future of him and Zhang, as well as the shattering of their once happy family, await the arrangement of fate......

After receiving the file of Fan Renjie's case, Jiangxi Governor Wu Shaoshi carefully reviewed it and held that the initial sentence of "beheading prisoners" was too severe. Wu Shaoshi is a well-known impartial official who understands the seriousness of the law, but also understands the complexity of human feelings. In Wu Shaoshi's view, although Fan Renjie committed the felony of murder, he was excusable, and he lost his mind driven by extreme anger and betrayal. Therefore, he decided to change Fan Renjie's sentence to "hanging in prison" to show a certain degree of sympathy and understanding for Fan Renjie's feelings.

The news of the reversal soon reached the ears of Fan Renjie, who had mixed feelings when he learned in prison that he had been pulled back from the brink of execution. On the one hand, he felt a little fortunate that Wu Shaoshi's sentence was reversed, at least for the time being, and his life was saved; On the other hand, he is still full of uncertainty and fear about his future, because "hanging prison" still means that his life hangs by a thread.

After learning the news of the reversal of the sentence, Zhang's heart was also filled with joy and sorrow. She felt deep sympathy for Fan's plight, but also felt endless remorse for her actions. She began to go to the prison more often, hoping to give Fan Renjie some comfort and support. In the prison interview room, Zhang and Fan Renjie sat opposite each other, their eyes filled with tears. Zhang expressed his remorse to Fan Renjie, and Fan Renjie also revealed his forgiveness to Zhang in anger and disappointment.

However, fate did not tolerate Fan Renjie because of this. The case was finally presented to the Qianlong Emperor. After reviewing all the details of the case, Emperor Qianlong believed that although Fan Renjie's actions were excusable, murder was a felony after all and could not be easily forgiven. He finally ruled that Fan Renjie would be executed after the autumn to correct the law.

This ruling was like a thunderbolt from the blue, completely shattering the last hope in the hearts of Fan Renjie and Zhang. The execution after the autumn means that Fan Renjie will die soon, and he will end his life on a certain day in the autumn. When Fan Renjie learned the news in prison, he felt unprecedented despair. He began to reflect on his life and whether his actions were really worth the cost of his life.

Zhang's outside world has also become more and more difficult. She not only has to face the pressure of public opinion, but also has to endure the pain of losing her lover. She began to live in seclusion, trying to avoid contact with the outside world so as not to be hurt again. Her heart was full of longing for Fan Renjie, and she was also full of confusion and fear for the future.

Fan Renjie's family also fell into deep grief. Unable to accept the imminent execution of their family's breadwinner, their lives were turned upside down. The Fan family's business was severely affected by the incident, and the family's financial situation began to deteriorate.

While waiting for the execution after the autumn, Fan Renjie's life became extremely difficult. He was physically and mentally tortured in prison, fearing for his life every day. He began to write letters to his family and Zhang, expressing his thoughts and remorse, hoping to get their forgiveness.

However, Fan Renjie's fate cannot be changed. His life and death will depend on the final ruling of the Qianlong Emperor, and on the final ruling of the law. The future of him and Zhang, as well as the shattering of their once happy family, await the arrangement of fate......

Zhang's fate became more and more bleak as Fan's case progressed. After the news of Fan Renjie's execution after the sentence came out, Zhang, as an accomplice in the case, did not escape the punishment of the law. When the county magistrate tried Zhang's crime, considering that although she had committed adultery, she did not directly participate in the murder, and finally sentenced her to "80 rods and a slave in the vicinity".

On the day the verdict was handed down, Zhang was taken to the county court. Her face was pale, and her eyes were full of despair and helplessness. Many onlookers gathered inside and outside the court, and they pointed at Zhang and discussed a lot. Zhang felt more shame and pain than ever before, and she knew that her reputation had been completely ruined.

At the time of the execution, Zhang was pushed to the ground, and the pain of the blow from the rod made her almost faint. Every time the rod fell, it was like a hammer hitting her heart, and her tears and moans were intertwined in a way that was unbearable to watch. At the end of the execution, Zhang, who was covered in bruises and unable to stand on her own, was dragged away by two servants and began her life as a slave.

Zhang was sent to a large family in the neighborhood and became a lowly slave. She was forced to perform heavy manual labor, from early morning to night, without a moment of rest. Her body was covered with scars and bruises, but she could not complain in the slightest and could only endure it in silence.

During the days of slavery, Zhang's life became extremely difficult. She had to endure not only physical torture, but also mental torment. She misses Fan Renjie and the family they once had, but all of that is gone. She began to reflect on her actions, regretting her rashness and impulsiveness, but it was too late.

When Fan Renjie learned what happened to Zhang in prison, his heart was full of guilt and pain. He knew that Zhang's today was caused by himself. He began to pray for Zhang in prison, hoping that she would soon be able to get rid of her suffering and find a new path in life.

Zhang's family is also in trouble because of what happened to her. They could not accept that their daughter had become a slave, and their lives were greatly affected by it. They begin to run around, hoping to find a way to save the Zhang family, but in this hierarchical society, their efforts seem so insignificant.

On the eve of Fan Renjie's imminent execution, Zhang managed to get to the prison, hoping to see Fan Renjie for the last time. The two hugged each other in the dimly lit cell, crying, knowing that this would be the last time they would see each other. Zhang expressed his remorse to Fan Renjie, and Fan Renjie expressed his forgiveness to Zhang in deep self-blame.

The day of Fan Renjie's execution finally came, and the entire Anyi County was enveloped in a heavy atmosphere. Zhang watched silently in the crowd as Fan Renjie was escorted to the execution ground, her heart as if it had been torn apart. She knew that with Fan Renjie's departure, her last reliance in this world would also disappear.

Fan Renjie's case and Zhang's experience have become the talk of the people of Anyi County after dinner. While lamenting the impermanence of fate and the ruthlessness of the law, people also began to reflect on the true meaning of marriage, fidelity and morality. This case and Zhang's slave career have become a microcosm of an era, allowing people to have a deeper understanding of that era.

However, Zhang's life will go on. How she will face her future life and find a glimmer of hope in the midst of suffering is still unknown. And Fan Renjie's life is about to come to an end on a certain day in autumn......

If it weren't for Zhang's misdeeds and Tu Shishui's indiscretion, this tragedy might never have happened. Zhang, a gentle and virtuous woman, should have been Fan Renjie's virtuous helper, and jointly maintained the harmony and happiness of the family. However, her heart was turbulent because of the appearance of Tu Shishui. Tu Shishui, a talented but ill-fated young man who was supposed to win respect and a future with his knowledge and abilities, fell into an immoral emotional entanglement due to impulsiveness and rashness.

The encounter between Zhang and Tu Shishui was originally a beautiful encounter between talented and beautiful women, but it went to destruction because of a lack of self-control. Zhang's misconduct not only betrayed her husband's trust, but also undermined the stability of the family. Her heart was full of love for Tu Shishui, but she ignored the bottom line of responsibility and morality as a wife. Tu Shishui's rashness made him ignore his friendship with Fan Renjie and respect for the Zhang family, and he only had the desire for the Zhang family in his heart, but he forgot the consequences of his actions.

The emotions of the two are like a poppy blooming in the dark night, beautiful but full of danger. They indulge in this forbidden love, but fail to foresee the catastrophe it brings. When Fan Renjie found out about this adulterous affair, his anger and despair were understandable. Although his actions were extreme, he was also driven to a dead end by betrayal and anger.

This tragedy occurred not only because of the personal behavior of Zhang and Tu Shishui, but also because of the social atmosphere and moral concepts at that time. In that patriarchal society, women had a lower status, and their emotions and desires were often ignored and suppressed. Zhang's misconduct may also be a rebellion against this repression. Tu Shishui's rashness reflects the frivolous attitude of some literati at the time towards emotions and morality.

This case has attracted widespread attention and discussion in Anyi County. People began to reflect on the true meaning of marriage, fidelity and morality, and began to explore how to maintain the moral order of society while respecting individual feelings. The tragedy serves as a warning to people on how to stick to the bottom line of morality and how to use reason to control their behavior when faced with emotional temptation.

However, the tragedy has happened, and the actions of Zhang and Tu Shishui are irreparable. Zhang was sentenced to slavery, and her life fell into darkness and misery ever since. Tu Shishui's life was ended by Fan Renjie's anger, and his talent and future were buried by this rash emotion. Although Fan Renjie made an extreme choice in anger, he also paid a heavy price for it, and his life will end sometime in the fall.

The occurrence of this tragedy has made us deeply realize that the actions of individuals are not only related to their own fate, but also affect the lives of others. While pursuing personal happiness, we should also consider the impact of our actions on others, stick to the bottom line of morality, and use reason to guide our emotions. Only in this way can we avoid tragedies and work together to maintain a harmonious and orderly society.

In this tragedy in Anyi County, if you want to talk about responsibility, many people can't help but have this question in their hearts: Shouldn't the most punishable person be Zhang? Her actions were undoubtedly the trigger for this tragedy. As Fan Renjie's wife, Zhang should have adhered to women's morals and been loyal to her husband and family. However, she failed to resist Tu Shishui's temptation and fell into an immoral relationship, thus destroying the harmony of the family and betraying Fan Renjie's trust.

Zhang's heart may have been comforted for a short time by Tu Shishui's sweet words and gentle care, but this comfort was built on the betrayal of his family. Her rash and misdemeanor not only damaged her reputation, but also brought deep harm to Fan Renjie. At that time, the status of women was already low, and their behavior was more vulnerable to social criticism and criticism. Zhang's behavior was undoubtedly a serious challenge to the social ethics of the time.

As an outsider, Tu Shishui's rashness may be explained by his youth and impulsiveness, but Zhang's behavior as a member of the family is even more difficult to forgive. She not only betrayed Fan Renjie, but also betrayed the responsibilities and obligations of the family. In this tragedy, although Fan Renjie ended Tu Shishui's life in an extreme way, his actions were also a fierce reaction to betrayal to some extent.

Fan Renjie's anger and despair are understandable, and although his actions are undesirable, the pain and blows he endured are also enormous. In contrast, although Zhang has also suffered from social condemnation and legal punishment, what she has endured does not seem to be commensurate with the mistakes she has made. In the eyes of many, Zhang's betrayal was at the root of the tragedy, and she should pay a greater price for her mistakes.

However, the verdict of the law has been made, and Fan Renjie will face the fate of being executed after the autumn, while Zhang is sentenced to slavery and begins her life of misery. To a certain extent, this ruling reflected the society's perception of inequality between men and women at the time, with men's actions being more sympathetic and understandable, while women's mistakes were seen as unforgivable.

The occurrence of this tragedy makes us have to reflect on the moral concepts and legal system of the society at that time. In the pursuit of personal happiness and freedom, we should also consider the impact of individual actions on others and society. Although Zhang's actions were driven by her personal emotions, she failed to realize the destructive nature of her actions to her family and her husband, which is why she should be punished.

In this story, Zhang's character is full of complexity and contradictions. While her misdeeds are condemnable, her plight has also aroused sympathy. Her fate has become a focus that cannot be ignored in this tragedy, making people think more deeply about morality, responsibility and punishment. And Fan Renjie's anger and despair, Tu Shishui's impulsiveness and rashness, have become factors that cannot be ignored in this tragedy. Their fates and choices remind us that we should be more cautious and rational in our emotional and moral choices.