
After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

author:The stars are all over the world
After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

The magical journey of Chang'e-6: see how China's new breakthroughs in space have changed the world

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

Our Chang'e-6 probe has set an astonishing record! It returned to Earth from the moon at an unimaginable speed that surprised even the world's most powerful nations. Today we are going to talk about this exciting news and see how powerful it really is and what benefits it has brought to our country.

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

Flying faster than a bullet: Chang'e-6's incredible speed

Do you know? When Chang'e-6 returned to Earth from the Moon, it reached a speed of Mach 31! What is this concept? Simply put, it's 31 times faster than sound! You must know that the flight speed of the average passenger aircraft is about Mach 0.8. The speed of our Chang'e-6 is like flying from Beijing to Shanghai on a rocket, and it only takes 2 minutes to arrive!

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

Imagine that if you blink your eyes, Chang'e-6 would have flown out more than 10 kilometers. How fast is that? If someone tried to intercept it, I am afraid that it would not even have time to react, and it would have already flown over. It's like you're watching TV and suddenly you see a flash of lightning streak across the sky, and by the time you react and want to point it out to someone else, the lightning is gone.

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful
After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

China's aerospace: from catching up to leading

It is really a matter of pride that our country's aerospace technology can make such great progress! I remember when I was a kid, we watched Americans go to the moon on TV. At that time, everyone thought that aerospace was very far away from us. But now? Not only did we land on the moon ourselves, but we were able to bring back things from the moon, and so fast!

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

Behind this achievement is the hard work of thousands of astronauts day and night. They are like unknown heroes who have made unimaginable efforts for our country's aerospace industry. Now their efforts are finally bearing fruit. Our aerospace technology has changed from a catch-up to a leader today!

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

The world has become "polite": the change brought about by the speed of Mach 31

Interestingly, since the announcement of this speed of Chang'e-6, it seems that the whole world has become more "polite". The countries that used to point fingers at us are now much more polite. Why is this so?

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

It's like being in school, where there was a classmate who always bullied people with his own strength. Suddenly, one day, a new classmate came to the class, not only with more strength than him, but also with very good academic performance. You know what? The classmate who loves to bully immediately became honest, and took the initiative to get close to the new classmate!

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

The same is true of international relations today. Our country has demonstrated such great scientific and technological prowess, and it is only natural that other countries will reconsider how to get along with us. They understand that it is much more cost-effective to be friends with China than to be adversaries.

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

The United States could not sit still: looking for a new partner

You may not believe it, but just after we announced this speed, the United States suddenly went to check the bank accounts with Switzerland. Why is that?

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

Imagine that your next-door neighbor suddenly buys a luxury car. Although you pretend to be nothing on the surface, you can't sit still in your heart for a long time, and you start to think about how to save your face.

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

This is the mentality of the United States now. It saw that China was getting stronger and stronger, and it thought about how to maintain its position. That's why it hurriedly sought cooperation with other countries, hoping to take advantage of the economy.

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

Chinese's international status is rising

As our country becomes stronger and stronger, the status of Chinese in the international community is getting higher and higher. Schools in many countries are now teaching Chinese, and even some large companies require their employees to learn Chinese.

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

It's like English in the old days. I remember how hard it was for us to learn English back then! But now it's foreigners' turn to learn Chinese. Maybe in a few years, when you travel abroad, you can directly communicate with the locals in Chinese, how convenient!

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

The Chinese baby in the museum is coming home?

Speaking of the improvement of international status, there is another interesting thing. Do you know? Many foreign museums actually have a lot of Chinese antiques and cultural relics. We all know how these treasures ended up abroad before.

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

Well, now, as our country grows stronger, these museums are starting to reconsider whether or not to return these artifacts to us. It's like a toy that was snatched away when you were a child, and now that person has a conscience and wants to give it back to you. This is not only the return of cultural relics, but also a manifestation of the elevation of our national status.

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

Conclusion: New era, new opportunities

The Mach 31 speed created by Chang'e-6 is more than just a number. It represents a great advance in science and technology in our country, and it also heralds the possibility of major changes in international relations.

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

As ordinary people, we may not be able to participate directly in the aerospace industry, but we can be proud of the progress of our motherland. Our country is moving forward at an unprecedented pace, and I believe that in the near future, we will see more exciting good news!

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

Let's cheer for the success of China's aerospace industry! At the same time, we must continue to support our scientific researchers, because it is their hard work that makes our country stronger and stronger.

After Chang'e-6 returned at Mach 31, it suddenly found that many countries were polite and respectful

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